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Rap News 7: #Revolution. Rap News 6 - Wikileaks' Cablegate: the truth is out there. World War 3.0 - Omar Wasow - The Colbert Report - 12/15/10. Wikileaks The Movie ('The social leak') SNL - Julian Assange vs. Mark Zuckerberg. The more notorious Julian Assange becomes, the more fun Bill Hader seems to have with the character.

SNL - Julian Assange vs. Mark Zuckerberg

He interrupted a message from Mark Zuckerberg on last night’s Saturday Night Live in order to demonstrate why he should be Time‘s Person of the Year. “Thanks to WikiLeaks, you can see how corrupt governments operate in the shadows,” he said between muahahas. “Thanks to Facebook, you can figure out which Sex and the City character you are.” Yet despite his sneering, it seems that Assange ended up taking the quiz anyway.

“I’m a Samatha,” the alleged lothario said. WikiLeaks releases 140,000 emails from Steve Jobs? EnlargeStockholm, Sweden — Enjoying the occasional Steve Jobs email that trickles onto the Internet?

WikiLeaks releases 140,000 emails from Steve Jobs?

Prepare for the deluge. Undaunted by their current travails, WikiLeaks has released 140,000 emails written by Apple’s enigmatic leader. While Scoopertino is only beginning to dig into this treasure trove, a richer picture of Steve Jobs is already beginning to emerge. Overall, the emails reinforce the image of Steve as a man of few words. A cursory review of this massive email dump reveals that 88% of his messages contain three or fewer words, with 84% of those offering only one: “No.” He did get a bit wordier in an exchange with North Korean bad boy Kim Jong Il. Interestingly, Steve’s most verbose message seems to have been directed to his old partner, Steve Wozniak. Apple declined to make an official comment on this story, but leaves open the possibility that they will leak one later. [Explication et Bestoff] #Wikileaks + #StarWars = #wookieleaks  Encore une apparition soudaine sur Twitter, une de ces émanations qui me font rires (parfois) et qui me fascinent.

[Explication et Bestoff] #Wikileaks + #StarWars = #wookieleaks 

Après le #jesuisvieux d’il y a quelques jours, voici venu #Wookieleaks. Un Hashtag (mot-clé balise) mélangeant l’univers de Starwars (référence aux Wookies) et l’affaire des fuites de Wikileaks. Le jeu consiste à présenter l’Empire sous les traits des USA (assez classique) victime elle aussi d’une fuite d’informations sensibles. Ça, c’est le principe. Parce que, comme toujours avec ces émanations virales (mémétiques), il n’y a pas de conducteur à bord. Le phénomène est apparu en fin d’après midi et se diffuse d’autant mieux qu’il s’adresse à la fois au public Geek, les fan de Star Wars (toute génération confondue) et tous ceux que l’affaire wikileaks intéressent.

Wikileaks Hitler parody *Must Watch* Wikileaks. NRC Handelsblad NRC.NUL. Clementblog4. Hitler discovers that Julian Assange lost out to Mark Zuckerberg. Andy Borowitz: Julian Assange to Launch Social Network for Diplomats, Twofacebook™ Die ungeschminkte Wahrheit!! - Erwin Pelzig - Julian Assange in 47 seconds. Best Leak Ever - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 07/27/10.

Vidéos publiées par TV Rödd : Birgitta Impossible [HQ] WikiLeaks est-il dangereux ? - L’actu en patates - Blog