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Recommended Sugar Intake for the Elderly. The amount of sugar the average American consumes has risen considerably in the past decades.

Recommended Sugar Intake for the Elderly

This may be due to the mass introduction of new processed foods and artificial sweeteners in the market. But aging adults should not just consume sugar whenever and however they like because it can easily bring health problems and heighten age-related risks. Studies have recommended that adults should not have more than 10% of their daily energy intake from sugar. And according to the World Health Organization, reducing a person’s sugar intake to less than 5% may even provide more health benefits. Ways to Help Your Loved One Make the Most Out of their Care. Receiving care is not a one-man job; indeed, it involves not only the family, but also the wider community.

Ways to Help Your Loved One Make the Most Out of their Care

This is because there are many aspects to effective care—from the love and support given by the family members to the safety made possible by a community that cares. Senior Care Insights: Vital Signs You Need to Monitor Regularly. Their fragile health put seniors at high risk of different health conditions, and the best way to help them avoid illnesses is by entrusting them to a facility for senior home health care in Riverside, California.

Senior Care Insights: Vital Signs You Need to Monitor Regularly

Another way to prioritize their health is by keeping track of the following vital signs: Temperature Seniors usually lose their subcutaneous fat, which helps regulate body heat. With this fat loss, they’re at risk of hyperthermia (heat stroke) or hypothermia (body temperature drop). They might also experience a reduced ability to sweat.Pulse The heart, as a muscle, also shows some signs of aging by beating slightly slower. Their heart rate might also be excessively slow. Apt Activities for People with Dementia.

Memories with people are at the very core of our relationships.

Apt Activities for People with Dementia

But what if your loved ones get diagnosed with dementia and tend to forget your memories together? Aside from availing of dementia care to home health care in Riverside, California, doing the following activities also allows you to enjoy your time with your loved ones: Experiment in the kitchen. If your loved ones with dementia don’t have any mobility challenges yet, it would be great to get them involved in the kitchen. Browse old cookbooks and prepare their favorite foods.Go with them on a nature walk. Tasks Elderly People Might Need Assistance With. Are you looking after an elderly person at home?

Tasks Elderly People Might Need Assistance With

Are you looking forward to giving them a good life, especially now that they’re in their retirement years? If you are, availing of services offered by a provider of senior home health care in Riverside, California might be a good choice. With this service, you can assist your seniors in doing the following tasks: Light Housekeeping It’s necessary to clean the house.

Aspects to Focus on to Give Great Post-Surgical Care. Helping the Elderly Recover Faster After a Surgery. Let’s face it!

Helping the Elderly Recover Faster After a Surgery

Recovery for seniors could be slower than their younger counterparts. This means they need all the support they need to alleviate the pain of their surgery and heal faster. This could be done in many ways. The most important of which are the following: Prioritize their nutrition and diet needs Your elderly loved ones can surely manage their situation more effectively with the right foods, medication, and supplementation. Having undergone surgery isn’t easy, especially for elderly people. Diet Tips for Patients with Dementia. Are your loved ones suffering from dementia and other brain-related health conditions?

Diet Tips for Patients with Dementia

If they are, be sure to contact an expert in dementia care to help you care for them effectively. As you avail of in-home senior care services, be sure to include meal preparation service in the package. Doing this helps you ensure that the following dementia diet guidelines are followed: Reduce consumption of salt and sugar A high salt diet can result in inflammation, increasing your loved ones’ risk for heart and head health conditions.

Too much intake of sweets and sugar-enhanced foods can also increase insulin resistance of cells, even those in the brain. Diet and nutrition for patients with dementia shouldn’t be taken for granted. Home Health Assistance Options Available for Elderly People. It’s typical for senior citizens to experience some form of chronic degenerative health condition.

Home Health Assistance Options Available for Elderly People

The good thing today is the fact that it’s now possible to avail of home care assistance, instead of relying on services offered at senior care facilities, health centers, and hospitals. Compelling Reasons Home Health Care Is Best for Seniors. Home is almost always synonymous with comfort and relaxation.

Compelling Reasons Home Health Care Is Best for Seniors

If you have elderly loved ones who want to recover from their health condition at home, don’t hesitate to hire a home health care service provider. Why? Doing this gives them the opportunity to stay comfortable while undergoing the process of healing. The following are more reasons for you to avail of this service: Save on Expenses Hospitals and facility-based care might require you to spend on services your loved ones don’t want or need. There’s really that extra comfort and special treatment when being cared of at home. Home Safety for Senior – Part 2. Step 4 – Invest in Home Care Services Investing in the services that home care has to offer for your senior loved ones can help in guaranteeing their safety.

Home Safety for Senior – Part 2

As a provider of Home Care Services in Perris, California, A+ Home Care can be with you or your loved ones when no one else can. You will experience peace of mind, confidently knowing that a professional is with you or your loved one on a daily basis, thus, increasing safety and satisfaction. Plus, our caregivers can ensure that seniors experience socialization to prevent additional health issues.Step 5 – Encourage older adults to use Assistive Devices Older adults’ health and mobility also contribute to the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Home Safety for Seniors – Part 1. Step 1 – Evaluate home safety.It’s vital to take time and walk through the entire house and identify issues that could possibly lead to falls. Common situations that can increase their risk include:A lack of durable handrailsLoose wiresDamaged flooringPoorly lit rooms and hallwaysCluttered areasMake sure you get them fixed immediately.Step 2 – Ensure a well-maintained home.Clutter is a frequent thing among older adults.

Work with your loved ones in getting the home organized, safe, and clutter-free. Skin Cancer - When to See a Professional. Because of the unavoidable changes in our skin due to aging, it is vital that you remind your older loved ones to have their skin checked by a professional more often for possible signs of cancer. These professionals advise that the best time to do undergo a skin exam is before a bath or a shower.

You can simply examine the external features of the skin at home with the help of Home Care Services in Perris, California. You can do this exam by standing in front of a full-length mirror and should look for: Skin sores that don’t healNew growths in the skinBleeding moles or birthmarksMoles that shows irregular borders and changes in size, shape or colorInclude the scalp and between the toes. Most Common Skin Disorders in Older Adults. It’s a well-known fact that our skin may deteriorate over the year. It can be a result of a health condition, but most commonly, it’s because of the natural process of aging.

Several skin changes can also be caused by a lifetime of unprotected exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. Most of these changes may be harmless, but other signs and symptoms should be consulted by a professional like a dermatologist because they may be signs of cancer. These harmful conditions may be monitored with the help of Home Care Services in Perris, California. Most common sun-related skin changes are: Liver spots/age spots – appear on the hands and arms. A Better Aging-in-Place – Grocery Shopping. Aging may come with a decline in effectively performing daily living activities. As we age, we may encounter an inability to lifet heavy objects, easily forget things, and less flexibility to extend our arms and legs.

These physical changes affect our ability to maintain a safe and comfortable routine at home. But, these factors cannot stop you or your loved ones from enjoying a higher quality of living because A+ Home Care offers Home Care Services in Perris, California. Now, you can easily fulfill daily tasks. Many tasks deal with strength and energy to complete.

An Indication of an Unhealthy Senior Heart - Snoring and Sleeping Problems. Heart disease ranks top of the most common causes of death in the US. As we grow older, we are more prone to getting this condition if not prevented by a healthy lifestyle. These heart-healthy lifestyles can be achieved with the help of a senior home care in California. Though one should not wait for 1 or more symptoms to occur before redirecting our ways to heart-healthy habits, there are indications that serve as a sign of having an unhealthy heart. Snoring and other sleep problems, like sleep apnea and insomnia, can indicate a heart condition. These disorders are characterized as having disruptions in breathing while sleeping has been directly associated with heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems.

Instances of sleep apnea that cause an individual to wake up gasping for air cause disrupted sleeping patterns that causes stress to the heart. Light Exercises Perfect for Elderly People. Unless they’re advised by the doctor not to do any physical activities, seniors also need a bit of exercise to maintain or boost their health. What they need are low-impact, equipment-free exercises that are also easy to do. Here are some light exercises that can get started with: Aerobics Jogging, swimming, and brisk walking are suitable exercises for elderly people. These will help them burn calories and keep their blood pressure and glucose level at normal levels. Awesome Bonding Activities You Can Have With Seniors at Home. Sadness, isolation, and depression are common emotional concerns of elderly people.

This is the reason you should find ways to provide social and emotional support to your elderly loved ones. How Social Connection Helps a Person Recovery Faster. Home Care Client Survey. Tips in Improving a Person’s Mental Health. Good mental health is truly beneficial. It allows us to properly manage the ups and downs in life, maintain a good relationship, and have a positive sense of well-being. Care Tips for an Elder Loved One with Dementia. Riverside, California. About Us. Ways to Prevent Falls at Home. Falls are dangerous and costly. In fact, the total medical costs of falls and fall-related issues summed up to more than $50 billion according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Riverside, California. Ways to Mitigate Visual Problems in Seniors. Vision is an important facet in human bodily functions. It affects how we perceive the surroundings, communicate with people around us, and most importantly, how we perform our daily life functions.

For a person with visual impairment, life is not convenient. Importance of Emotional Support in Seniors. Increased freedom and the ability to retire are among the good things about entering senior life. How to Make Your Home Elderly-Friendly. How to Help Your Elderly Loved Ones Get Better Sleep. Dementia: When Should Your Aging Parents Visit the Doctor? How to Stay Motivated When Exercising. Reducing Stress: Effective Techniques for Senior Citizens. Why It Is Not a Good Idea to Leave Your Ailing Loved One Alone in the Hospital. Medication Non-Compliance: 4 Negative Consequences of Not Adhering to Your Prescribed Medication. Why You Should Stretch Every Morning. How Can Better Sleep Maintain Your Health? 5 Tips to Make Grocery Shopping Easier for Your Aging Parents.

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