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The Influence of your Favorite Color. Every color in the visible light spectrum has a different frequency.

The Influence of your Favorite Color

It’s no coincidence that rainbows always appear to us in the order of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. It is a scientific fact that each color vibrates, or exists with a different energy. Incense sticks for spiritual healing. SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses.

Incense sticks for spiritual healing

Readers are advised to take up any spiritual healing remedy at their own discretion. 1. Introduction to SSRF incense sticks as a spiritual healing remedy In our article on spiritual healing, we explained how spiritual healing can be done with certain specific fragrances. These fragrances attract specific aspects of God (Deities) and thus generate Divine consciousness (Chaitanya).

8 Reasons for Burning Incense. It’s generous.

8 Reasons for Burning Incense

It connects you to the elements. It sparks appreciation. It is healthy. It brings you back. It joins heaven and earth.