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How to put your video online, and measure its effect. What do you look for when buying a trampoline?

How to put your video online, and measure its effect

Bounciness? Size? Safety? If a company – say, Springfree Trampoline Inc. based in Markham, Ont. – wants to sell you a new kind of trampoline, you probably want to try it out first. But if you can’t… “Video is often the second-best way to experience our product,” says Katherine Langdon, communications manager for Springfree, which makes – you guessed it – trampolines without springs. Springfree has already found some success with video online, but this spring it’s launching a new Web video strategy, some of which will feature Canada’s Olympic trampoline athletes. In the final instalment of this series on having a video strategy, we'll look at how to broadcast your video content on the Internet and how to measure its effect. Broadcasting on social media You’ve made your video, now you need to get it out there. YouTube is one of the most popular places for businesses to host their videos, and for good reason.

Posting on your website Mr. 5 Genius Ways to Leverage Exclusive Video Content. Inbound marketers love to share content.

5 Genius Ways to Leverage Exclusive Video Content

Many love producing videos even more. And why wouldn’t they? Videos serve as entertainment, as little breaks during the workday, as tutorials for learning, and, of course, as great internet marketing tools. In fact, the average YouTube user is on the video-sharing site for 15 to 30 minutes per day. And while the online world preaches the importance of being open and sharing content with everyone, there’s nothing wrong with a little exclusivity. While generating that level of hype is a special scenario (it is Google, after all), inbound marketers can create similar exclusive environments by taking advantage of the oftentimes overlooked "unlisted" YouTube video option. Here are 5 ways to easily leverage this type of exclusive content sharing into your video marketing. 1. 2. QR, or quick response, codes are another effective tool for which to leverage unlisted videos. 3.

Video quizzes involve two parts: question and answer. 4. YouTube: it isn't simply a place to watch videos anymore. David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine I write The Digital Life, a monthly tech column in our sister Conde Nast magazine, GQ.

YouTube: it isn't simply a place to watch videos anymore

This is my column from last month's issue (dated September). To subscribe to GQ, click here. It used to be so much easier to become an internet celebrity. Every minute, YouTube's users now upload two days worth of video -- double the rate of 14 months ago. Cash flows where the eyeballs are -- so it's no surprise that a fast-growing crowd of oversharing exhbitionists is now making a thriving living from ads on their YouTube channels. That's because YouTube isn't simply a place to watch videos -- think of it instead as an intimate social-networking site, where if people warm to you they will build you an audience one virally referred friend at a time. "What the top online talent has that is so unique and special is a personal trust from their audience," says Sarah Evershed, who runs a Hollywood talent agency called The Cloud Media. Seriously, what are you waiting for?