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U R What U Tweet: 5 Steps To A Better Personal Brand. If you take a look at the top 10 Twitter users you'll see a list of famous men and women, from Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez, who have used the popular platform to further expand their personal brands.

U R What U Tweet: 5 Steps To A Better Personal Brand

Perhaps more interesting, however, is how everyday people are investing more time and energy into social networking for professional purposes. Just over a year ago, a local 16-year-old high school student emailed me out of the blue, proposing that he join me as a guest on a TV show I host. Winston Sih didn't send along a resume, but instead included links to his website, Twitter account, Facebook page, and three relevant YouTube clips. While few of us will ever have the celebrity factor to drive our online networks (or a PR spin team to protect us if we post something stupid), there is a lot we can learn from Sih and other personal brand-builders.

In 2012, if you have a plan in place, smart social networking is the key to taking control of your professional life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boost Your Career with Social Media: Tips for the Uninitiated - Amy Gallo - Best Practices. By Amy Gallo | 11:55 AM December 20, 2011 You’ve heard the horror stories: a job applicant gets turned down because his potential employer discovered his objectionable tweets, or saw pictures of his keg party on Facebook.

Boost Your Career with Social Media: Tips for the Uninitiated - Amy Gallo - Best Practices

There is a lot of advice out there about keeping your online activity from hurting your career. But there’s a flip side. When handled correctly, social media can help you professionally. You can use it to enhance your personal brand, establish yourself as an expert in a field, or demonstrate fluency with all things digital. What the Experts Say It used to be that people were deemed to be experts based on their titles, years of experience, or length of their CVs. Put your professional self online Most people have dipped their toes into some form of social media. Commit to using social media for more than personal reasons.

How it works When it comes to advancing your career, there are three things social media is particularly suited for: Building your personal brand. Do: Tweet your way to a new job. The thing is, Kyle Flaherty wasn't even looking for a job.

Tweet your way to a new job

But because of one seemingly innocuous tweet, he abandoned plans for a three-month break from work and transplanted his family from Boston to Austin, Tex., to start a new career. Mr. Flaherty, 35, was burnt out from a job at a public relations firm, had left the post and wanted a break before he started job hunting. He blogged about his situation and what he was looking for at his next job and then tweeted a link to the post, which was picked up by the 600 or so followers he had at the time, some of whom retweeted it. In just a few days, Mr. Forget about Craigslist and - Twitter has dramatically changed the online recruitment game.