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Agriculture urbaine en Europe

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Food Inspiration Magazine - Best of - La Ville Comme Champ Fertile. 2013/02/01 > BE Allemagne 599 > L'agriculture urbaine : entre expansion des villes et maintien des surfaces agricoles. Agro-alimentaireL'agriculture urbaine : entre expansion des villes et maintien des surfaces agricoles Un développement urbain "durable" nécessite, entre autres, le respect de la biodiversité, le développement sociétal, mais aussi le maintien des surfaces agricoles locales. L'agriculture urbaine (UA) est une des pistes pour l'intégration de ces problématiques.

En Allemagne, plusieurs projets ont été lancés : Forum d'avenir sur l'agriculture urbaine, ZFarming, InFarming (voir BE Allemagne n° 516, 577, 579). Exemple de cultures sur toits en milieu urbainCrédits : Linda - Creative Commons Une session sur l'agriculture urbaine a été organisée lors du Forum d'avenir pour le développement rural mis sur pieds par le Ministère fédéral de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et de la protection du consommateur (BMELV) les 23 et 24 janvier 2013, en parallèle de la semaine verte internationale.

Projets européens

Agriculture urbaine allemande. Reference Cities - Ljubljana. Actual Green Supply The entire city is surrounded by flat agriculture land or hilly land with forests. The urban structure has a characteristic star-like shape with five green wedges coming right into the inner city. Two of them are much emphasised due to their natural characteristics. They are very distinctive hills with forests almost connected with each other in the city centre.

So, at the first glance Ljubljana is a very green city. 1. An attractive Jakopič promenade in Tivoli Park was created by the famous architect J. 2. 3. In 1962-63 the first systematic examination and restoration of the castle began. 4. The Botanical garden of Ljubljana, established in 1810, represents the oldest cultural, scientific and educational institution which has been functioning uninterruptedly ever since its foundation. 5. Responsible Institutions Four departments are responsible for urban green areas: They all operate parallel and independently. Green Policy Main goals of the green city policy are:

Agriculture urbaine dans les pays de l'Est

Agriculture urbaine dans les balkans. Hortus Urbis, Urban Gardening in Rome | Parla Food. Paysages Urbains | Paysages en mouvement ou une manière de regarder, vivre, s’approprier et jouer avec la ville… Voici ici l’intégral du texte de Gilles Clément.Un texte précieux, essentiel de celui qui m’a le plus fait réfléchir autour de la notion de jardin. Gilles Clément est entré en résistance et à posé le concept de « jardin de résistance » et à rompu tous ces contrats avec l’Etat Français suite à l’élection de Nicolas Sarkozy. Le modèle proposé par le gouvernement actuel étant incompatible avec une gestion précautionneuse de l’espace que nous partageons avec les plantes et les animaux qui nous assurerait un futur.

Il a posé se signe fort en disant aussi que la résistance ne devait pas se limiter à une nation et qu’elle doit être planétaire. Il dit encore qu’aujourd’hui les états nations n’ont pas les moyens d’engager cette résistance parce que ils sont pieds et poings liés parce que orientés par les lobby. Les actes de résistances peuvent être menés et le sont déjà, par des individus et des associations à échelle locale. Rêve en sept points pour une généralisation des jardins de résistance. Grupo de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agricultura Urbana (GRAU) - Benvindo ao GRAU. Project Garden By The Way, Bunker, Ljubljana | Sostenuto's Blog. »…There was a time once when Tabor park was actually alive, people spent a lot of time outside, they sat on the benches and walked across the promenade. Children knew each other and spent time together. « Neighbour of the Tabor local district Faced with new complexities of the present time, a contemporary individual finds himself in perpetual search of new and innovative ways to help him enrich his existence.

The general idea of the project revolves around urban gardening, an activity comprising and revealing various themes of interest for a contemporary urban subject. The majority of actions performed within the project’s framework is to remain limited to the area of Ljubljana local district Tabor, the home of Bunker and also a growing entity called Tabor Cultural Quarter thanks to the mutual effort of several organizations within the domain of culture. Garden by the Way is an action performed within the framework of the Sostenuto project. To know more about Garden By The Way… Like this: Documentation | Otesha Gardens. KIM FOX'S FOOD TREK. Z-Farm. Las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana.

La Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha reunido a cerca de doscientos expertos e interesados en la gestión y desarrollo de la naturación urbana para analizar las oportunidades y los retos socioeconómicos y medioambientales de esta actividad. El Observatorio de Agricultura Urbana de Foro Agrario y PRONATUR ha impulsado este encuentro, en colaboración con la cumbre Mundial Virtual de Ciudades Verdes, organizada por WGIN y GREENROOFS. En la primera parte de la jornada se expuso el papel de la naturación urbana en la sociedad actual y, de forma específica, desde la visión de la Universidad y el mundo empresarial. La segunda sesión se centró en el papel de la I+D+i, sus problemas y posibilidades en este escenario tan cambiante.

A continuación, se describieron las peculiaridades de la agricultura urbana, tanto desde una visión general como de casos concretos. SARAJEVO GREEN DESIGN FESTIVAL. Jan Brouwer presenting Green chairs ORIGAMI The inspiration for this chair comes from the traditional Japanese paper folding culture. The Origami exists of three components in aluminium. The production process is simple: laser cutting, folding, finishing and assembling. Several colour combinations are possible on request of the customer. PIELMANS This model has only two components. FLAPUIT This easy chair exists of laminated layers of cardboard hold together by wooden rods. STOOL These stools are made out of the remains used for the Flapuit. ZITKLUS The Zitklus is made out of 12m timber slats.

KRATTESTOEL The total cost of the material for this chair is less than € 30,--, excluded the cost of one of your jeans. Innovation 2.0: Open-Source Urban Agriculture. In an uplifting TED video, Britta Riley, founder of R&D-I-Y (Research & Develop It Yourself), talks about how a global network of interested citizens developed a simple window farming design that allows urban dwellers to grow food in their apartment windows. Using open-source collaboration methods, and sharing a common interest in growing fresh food in their living spaces, the online innovation community has grown to 25,000+ participants.

In the same way that Egyptians used Web 2.0 social media tools (e.g. Facebook and online forums) to rise up, R&D-I-Y is using those social media tools for product development and innovation. All this, done outside the for-profit sanctum of traditional corporate culture. Here’s the video of Britta describing the journey that started with a simple desire to grow healthy fresh food in her tiny apartment. e-Bank, Tacoma, 2004 by Chris Jordan This is important. By building something, we come to understand the nature of it – how it works. Urban Farming As Dr. Portal da Agricultura Urbana e Peri-urbana (PORTAU) - Entrada. Otesha Gardens | European Urban Garden Otesha. Urban agriculture. The cooking village, M. Nikolakaki, A. Kapsalis. AVEA area, Chania Crete. Urban design II studio 2007, Dept of Architecture, Techn.

University of Crete. Studio tutors M. Marmaras, P. Urban Farms, P. All-in-one: Urban/suburban/rural leaving, E. Periodical Urban Landscape, N. Urban green densities.

Agriculture urbaine espagnole

Greeks reclaim the land to ease the pain of economic austerity - Make a difference. 'If we want to survive on this land we must first help to heal the earth,' said Nicola Netién, agro-ecologist, teacher and co-creator of the NGO Permaculture Research Institute Hellas. He was talking to a group of some fifty people of all ages who had gathered for two days of workshops on self-sufficiency, how to self-organize, agro-ecology and composting. This small gathering was taking place on a beautifully sunny autumn day at the former Athens airport, Ellinikon.

When the airport moved to another location 10 years ago in preparation for Athens hosting the 2004 Olympic Games, there was the hope and the State's promise that this now available land would become a park. Then the ‘crisis' landed and rumors began spreading that the site had been sold to an international developer who would pour yet more concrete on the chaotic sprawl that is Athens. 'Topsoil is wonderfully complex.' All these examples are neighborhood initiatives. 'We can compost anything that was once living. OpenGreens |  Milan bâtit ses premières tours végétalisées.

Agriculture urbaine belge

Agriculture urbaine portugaise. Agriculture urbaine aux pays bas.