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AgriMaxx is committed to helping growers maximize yields by installing our water conditioner energy systems into all growing environments.

Blue green algae. AgriMaxx ESP water conditioning system The AgriMaxx ESP (Energy System Plus) system is NOT a water softener or reverse osmosis system.

blue green algae

The AgriMaxx ESP water unit is a patented electronic device that works with the ion structure of the water in order to achieve the desired water composition. It is the latest scientific application of an age-old principle based on the sound laws of physics. Water that passes through a controlled electrostatic field in the unit is treated by a patented wave which creates an improved taste, scale reduction, reduced odor and it can control other significant problems in water sources. The AgriMaxx ESP system makes a "wetter water" by loosening the ionic bond in the water molecules, which in turn makes it more efficient. The process also allows the free electrons to capture salts in the water and render those salts less likely to cause salt burn which is typical with water that has heavy salt content, even those that may be extra salt sensitive. RSO Testimonials. Testimonials Hydroponics Customer - MicroSuperGreens - Indianapolis, IN Jesse Hershberger: COO We have been in using the ESP system in our automatic watering system that we use to grow microgreens.

RSO Testimonials

Our water supply comes straight from the municipal water supply and does not have a pre filter. Simply said the ESP system has not only kept our newer platters from getting the elbow busting build up from forming, with our general rinse outs and a simple scrub, but it started to break apart some of the pre-existing build up on older platters. Ian Mott: CEO/Founder Super Micro Greens has been in using the ESP system in our automatic watering system. Super Micro Greens primary purpose for these tests was to assess the effects on lime and calcium scale in trays and plumbing systems. The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms - Download - 4shared - Agrimaxx. The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms. Get ad free downloads and 1 TB of space.

The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms

Learn More The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms.pdf File size: 632.45KB Uploaded: 2021-03-08 08:00:31 About PDF Formats Portable Document Format (PDF) is a specific document file format. Upgrade to PRO for the best download experience. Bulk download folders Ad-free downloads Direct downloads Upgrade to Pro Like MediaFire on Facebook This file was uploaded from India on March 8, 2021 at 8:00 AM VirusTotal scan MediaFire scans high-risk files using VirusTotal.

Blue Green Algae Bloom or Cyanobacteria Control in Lakes and Ponds.pdf. Blue Green Algae Bloom or Cyanobacteria Control in Lakes and Ponds.pdf. The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms. The Growing Problem of Toxic Blue Green Algae Blooms. Blue Green Algae Bloom or Cyanobacteria Control in Lakes. Water Frequency. Blue green algae. RSO Testimonials. PDF How to Rid Blue-Green Algae in Aquariums.pdf. PDF How to Rid Blue-Green Algae in Aquariums - Download - 4shared - Agrimaxx. How to Rid Blue-Green Algae in Aquariums. What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue. Get ad free downloads and 1 TB of space.

What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue

Learn More What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue.pdf File size: 942.31KB Uploaded: 2021-02-01 07:58:02 About PDF Formats Portable Document Format (PDF) is a specific document file format. Upgrade to PRO for the best download experience. Bulk download folders Ad-free downloads Direct downloads Upgrade to Pro Like MediaFire on Facebook This file was uploaded from India on February 1, 2021 at 7:58 AM VirusTotal scan MediaFire scans high-risk files using VirusTotal. About MediaFire Welcome! With MediaFire, you get simple yet powerful file storage along with features you won’t find anywhere else. Download application Mozilla Firefox You are downloading this file with Mozilla Firefox, version 43.0. What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue.pdf. What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue? What is hard water, and for what reason is it an issue?

ESP Water Treatment. Electronic Water Conditioner for Agriculture. Cyanobacteria. Increased crop yield of 20% or better Reduces usage of organic or chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and nutrients by 20%-25% Reduces overall water consumption and increases water retention Helps plants reach their full genetic potential Energizes minerals/nutrients into suspension Increases bio-availability of soil nutrients Reduces plant’s energy expenditure in acquiring water and nutrients, more energy available for: Growth, vitality and maintenance Production of hormones, vitamins, sugars, starches and proteins Increases nutrients and available energy for crops, increasing size and yield Increases shelf life and stability of harvested product Helps minerals to percolate deeper into the soil so roots grow deeper and stronger Makes plants and trees healthier and more resistant to: Insect infestation Disease Prevents scale build-up around plant roots Removes scale and prevents scale build-up in pipes, pumps, valves and tanks.


What is Blue-Green Algae.pdf. What is Blue-Green Algae.pdf. What is Blue-Green Algae - Download - 4shared - Agrimaxx. Untitled — What's Blue-Green Algae. Toxic Algae Remediation. How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria. Get ad free downloads and 1 TB of space.

How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria

Learn More. How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria.pdf. How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria.pdf. How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria. Untitled — How to Avoid Toxic Algal Flowers and Cyanobacteria. Increase Farm yield. Agrimaxx- water Quality. Overall System Benefits Huge increase in production weight Average 20% plus extra yield Faster germination Shorter growing time More shoots, robust flowers, healthy stems and stronger wood Significantly less water, chemical and power usage Field crops: Alfalfa, Barley, Canola, Corn, Cotton, Hops, Oats, Rice, Sorghum, Sugar Beets, Sugar Cane, Wheat and more Advantages: Higher yield, lower water use, improved soil, lower chemical use, thicker/stronger stems, stronger root systems, higher production per acre, higher protein, higher Brix readings and shorter time to plant maturity On an alfalfa farm in Eastern Oregon, a 185 acre irrigated plot was producing 850 tons of alfalfa per cutting in the first two cuttings After installing the AgriMaxx ESP Water System, the production increased to 1,250 tons on the third cutting and saved $2,500 in energy costs The irrigation routine went from 24 hours a day in over 90-degree weather to once every four days FILBERTS (Hazelnuts)

Agrimaxx- water Quality

Blue Green Algae Remediation. Slide 1: Over the past few summers our lovely corner of the planet has been hard hit by several blue-green algae blossoms.

Blue Green Algae Remediation

It is understandable that people are concerned about protection their investment in property on the shores of the lake and how this affects their leisure activities and lifestyles. We are turning to the government to seek information advice and action that often leaves us disappointed. What we need to do is take a long hard look at our own activities and determine how they could potentially contribute to the issue of Blue Green Algae Remediation. Think about behaving locally internationally. Slide 2: world of change that is becoming increasingly harsh and unpredictable. Blue Green Algae Effects On The Lake - Download - 4shared - Agrimaxx. Blue Green Algae Remediation by Agrimaxx. Blue Green Algae Remediation. Untitled — Blue Green Algae Remediation. Blue Green Algae Effects On The Lake - Download - 4shared - Agrimaxx.

Blue Green Algae Effects On The Lake. Blue Green Algae Effects On The Lake by Agrimaxx. Blue-Green Algae: Effects On The Lake. Testimonials. AGRIMAXX ESP Water System Benefits.