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Prescription of physical activity: an undervalued intervention. The pandemic of physical inactivity: global action for public health. Effects of physical inactivity on non-communicable diseases – Authors' reply. The challenge of assessing physical activity in populations. Executive summary As London counts down the final days before the beginning of the 2012 Olympic Games, The Lancet publishes a Series on physical activity, including a new analysis that quantifies the global impact of physical inactivity on the world's major non-communicable diseases. The Series will also review current levels of physical activity and trends worldwide, why some people are active and why some are not, evidence-based strategies for effective physical activity promotion, and how a multi-sector and systems-wide approach that goes way beyond health will be critical to increase population-levels of activity worldwide. Series Comments Rethinking our approach to physical activity Pamela Das, Richard Horton Physical activity: more of the same is not enough Pedro C Hallal, Adrian E Bauman, Gregory W Heath, Harold W Kohl 3rd, I-Min Lee, Michael Pratt Stressing harms of physical inactivity to promote exercise Chi Pang Wen, Xifeng Wu Physical activity for people with disabilities Article.

ER_A_alimentation_act_phys_publicite. Recommandations mondiales en matière d'activité physique pour la santé. Activité physique. Acteur prévention santé.