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今月から、スタジオジブリ作品の場面写真の提供を開始します - スタジオジブリ. Image and Video Library. New York City Municipal Archive : 870 000 superbes photos anciennes en accès libre. La New York City Municipal Archive a récemment offert au public une base de données de plus de 870 000 clichés impressionnants, pris pendant toute la durée du 20ème siècle.

New York City Municipal Archive : 870 000 superbes photos anciennes en accès libre

Les sujets sont variés et ne recouvrent pas que les monuments connus où les choix des touristes. On a autant ici un aperçu des conditions de vie quotidienne que d’évènements incongrus ou spectaculaires, de l’architecture, du milieu du crime et tant d’autres points d’intérêt. Cette collection remarquable est à consulter sur leur site. Pour sa part le journal The Atlantic en présente un extrait de 50 images choisies par leurs soins, avec les liens streetview qui permettent de comparer la photo et le lieu original actuel. Free Japanese Art Archive Lets You Down Wave Illustrations for Free.

Fans of traditional Japanese art, rejoice!

Free Japanese Art Archive Lets You Down Wave Illustrations for Free

There’s now an incredible online collection available featuring ancient wave and ripple designs from 1903. The black ink drawings were originally produced by the little-known Japanese artist Mori Yuzan. Leonardo da Vinci's Earliest Notebooks Now Digitized and Made Free Online: Explore His Ingenious Drawings, Diagrams, Mirror Writing & More. Do a search on the word “polymath” and you will see an image or reference to Leonardo da Vinci in nearly every result.

Leonardo da Vinci's Earliest Notebooks Now Digitized and Made Free Online: Explore His Ingenious Drawings, Diagrams, Mirror Writing & More

Many historical figures—not all of them world famous, not all Europeans, men, or from the Italian Renaissance—fit the description. But few such recorded individuals were as feverishly active, restlessly inventive, and astonishingly prolific as Leonardo, who left riddles enough for scholars to solve for many lifetimes. Leonardo himself, though world-renowned for his talents in the fine arts, spent more of his time conceiving scientific studies and engineering projects. “When he wrote in the early 1480s to Ludovico Sforza, then ruler of Milan, to offer him his services,” remarks Catherine Yvard, Special Collections curator at the Victoria and Albert National Art Library, “he advertised himself as a military engineer, only briefly mentioning his artistic skills at the end of the list.”

This collection includes some of Leonardo’s earliest notebooks. Related Content: Select Collections Available for Re-use. Europeana collections. Download the Sublime Anatomy Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci: Available Online, or in a Great iPad App. I’ve always found anatomical drawing fascinating.

Download the Sublime Anatomy Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci: Available Online, or in a Great iPad App

At its best, it occupies an aesthetic space somewhere between mystical fine art and cutting-edge scientific observation---a space carved out during the Italian Renaissance, when the boundaries between artistic training and scientific inquiry were permeable and often nonexistent. Famously, the period introduced renderings of the human figure so anatomically accurate that “until about 1500-1510,” writes the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the artists’ “investigations surpassed much of the knowledge of anatomy that was taught at the universities.” Artists like the great Michelangelo Buonnarroti and Leonardo da Vinci---as well as lesser-known figures like Antonio Pollaiuolo and Baccio Bandinelli---undertook “detailed anatomical dissections at various points in their long careers,” producing hundreds of sketches and studies alongside and in preparation for the muscular paintings and sculpture for which they’re best known.

Related Content: 10,000 Film Clips Now Available for Free in New Public Domain Database. For filmmakers, designers, photographers, and just about any kind of creatives, the public domain is an important resource, full of copyright-free materials that can be used and remixed to create new art.

10,000 Film Clips Now Available for Free in New Public Domain Database

The legal intricacies of copyright and public domain, however, can be daunting, and finding specific pieces of footage, for example, from organizations like the US National Archive can be a tedious and user-unfriendly experience. Today, royalty-free video marketplace Pond5 launches the Public Domain Project in order to solve this problem, opening up to the public a massive, thoroughly-organized treasure trove of about 80,000 copyright-free video clips, photos, sound recordings, and 3D models. Alongside the freshly accessible materials, Pond5 produced a handy explanation of the public domain to help artists ensure their ideas fall within the legal realm of each different kind of public domain. Pond5 Public Domain.

The Commons - world's public photography archives. Download 15,000+ Free Golden Age Comics from the Digital Comic Museum. The Digital Comic Museum offers free access to hundreds of pre-1959 comic books, uploaded by users who often offer historical research and commentary alongside high-quality scans.

Download 15,000+ Free Golden Age Comics from the Digital Comic Museum

The site’s moderators and administrators are particularly careful to avoid posting non-public-domain comics (a complicated designation, as described in this forum thread). Thousands of years of visual culture made free through Wellcome Images. Wellcome Images. GSG: highlights=Open Content Images. Virtual books: images only - Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground: Introduction.

Audio This manuscript - one of the British Library's best - loved treasures - is the original version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, the pen-name of Charles Dodgson, an Oxford mathematician.

Virtual books: images only - Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground: Introduction

Dodgson was fond of children and became friends with Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell, the young daughters of the Dean of his college, Christ Church. One summer's day in 1862 he entertained them on a boat trip with a story of Alice's adventures in a magical world entered through a rabbit-hole. Free Vintage Posters, Vintage Travel Posters, Wall Art, Printables. Archives ouvertes sciences photos et images.