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Curation de contenu. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Curation de contenu

La curation de contenu (étymologiquement du latin curare : prendre soin et de l'anglais content curation ou data curation) est une pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditer et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du Web pour une requête ou un sujet donné. La curation est utilisée et revendiquée par des sites qui souhaitent offrir une plus grande visibilité et une meilleure lisibilité à des contenus (textes, documents, images, vidéos, sons…) qu'ils jugent utiles aux internautes et dont le partage peut les aider ou les intéresser. La curation est également une manière rapide et peu coûteuse d'alimenter un site sans produire soi-même de contenu. Le contenu ainsi mis en avant permet non seulement d'alimenter le site — même si dans la plupart des cas le site renvoie sur la source originale — mais également de permettre un meilleur référencement du site de curation par les moteurs de recherche.

Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Google Ngram Viewer - curation in french. Google Ngram Viewer - curation in english. Digital curation - Wikipedia - en. The term curation in the past commonly referred to museum and library professionals.

Digital curation - Wikipedia - en

It has since been applied to interaction with social media including compiling digital images, web links and movie files. Approaches to digital curation[edit] The Digital Curation Centre is a "world leading centre of expertise in digital information curation"[5] that assists higher education research institutions. The DCC is based in the UK and began operations in early 2004. The following is a general outline of their approach to digital curation: Conceptualize: Consider what digital material you will be creating and develop storage options.

Sheer curation[edit] Sheer curation is an approach to digital curation where curation activities are quietly integrated into the normal work flow of those creating and managing data and other digital assets. A similar idea is curation at source used in the context of Laboratory Information Management Systems LIMS. Channelisation[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Curation - Wikipedia en. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Curation may refer to: Content curation, collecting and sorting contentDigital curation, the preservation and maintenance of digital assets Curation may also be: The work performed by a curatorArchiving, historical record keepingEvidence management, indexing and cataloguing of evidenceCultural heritage management, conservation of cultural sites and resourcesHealing, medical curing of illnessCurate.

Curation - Wikipedia en

Curation wikipedia - fr. Curator - Wikipedia - en. Curator responsibilities[edit] In smaller organizations, a curator may have sole responsibility for the acquisition and care of objects.

Curator - Wikipedia - en

The curator will make decisions regarding what objects to take, oversee their potential and documentations, conduct research based on the collection and history that provides proper packaging of art for transportation, and shares that research with the public and community through exhibitions and publications. In very small volunteer-based museums, such as local historical societies, a curator may be the only paid staff member. In larger institutions, the curator's primary function is as a subject specialist, with the expectation that he or she will conduct original research on objects and guide the organization in its collecting. Such institutions can have multiple curators, each assigned to a specific collecting area (e.g., Curator of Ancient Art, Curator of Prints and Drawings, etc.) and often operating under the direction of a head curator.

Guggenheim Curators. Littré.