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Log In. Announcement: Diaspora* Will Now Be A Community Project. Diaspora social network to finally launch sometime after this summer. The Audacity of Diaspora. Last Friday Businessweek ran a story on Diaspora, a social platform built from what might be called Facebook anti-matter. It’s a great read that chronicles the project’s extraordinary highs and lows, from Pebble-like Kickstarter success to the loss of a founder to suicide. Given the overwhelming hype around Facebook’s IPO this week, it’s worth remembering such a thing exists – and even though it’s in private beta, Diaspora is one of the largest open source projects going right now, and boasts around 600,000 beta testers. I’ve watched Diaspora from the sidelines, but anyone who reads this site regularly will know that I’m rooting for it. I was surprised – and pleased – to find out that Diaspora is executing something of a “pivot” – retaining its core philosophy of being a federated platform where “you own your own data” while at the same time adding new Tumblr and Pinterest-like content management features, as well as integration with – gasp!

– Facebook. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data. Sitting along Yankee Stadium’s third base line during New York University’s rainy graduation two years ago, Max Salzberg couldn’t focus. The phone in his pocket wouldn’t stop buzzing. With each notification, the NYU senior wiped water off the screen to read an e-mail saying yet another person had given money to Diaspora, the not-yet-even-a-startup he and three college buddies had hatched the month before. Buzz. Another donation. Another buzz. Over the course of the ceremony, Salzberg and his co-founders raised more than $10,000. A few weeks earlier, Salzberg and three friends from the computer science club—Daniel Grippi, Raphael Sofaer, and Ilya Zhitomirskiy—had posted a rambling three-minute video on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. The four had sent the link to friends and got their first donation from their faculty adviser. Their timing was perfect. Diaspora aimed to convince consumers otherwise. The four young techies were an earnest group.

Diaspora Co-Founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy Passes Away At 22. Diaspora – Germinating a New Social Web | Verses and Discussion from R. Brockey. Click for source [Be sure to read my follow-up post: More on Diaspora* and I'm Weeding My Garden] I’ve posted about Diaspora before. I’ve been following their progress for a while. They had some hard times with security issues and they’ve spent a long while in a state of alpha testing that was buggy enough that it was really only worthwhile for developers. That is changing. Invites are starting to go out to general users.

The only contribution necessary is that you give feedback, and you don’t even have to do that (though it will only make the experience better). Diaspora has been covered in abundance over the last few weeks. I want to talk more in-depth about the way Diaspora works, how it’s different from those that have come before it, and what that means for the future of the connected social web. To begin, let’s look briefly at how Diaspora works.

It’s actually quite similar to the way WordPress works. One of the major advantages of Diaspora is that users control and own their data. Le réseau Diaspora*, bien mieux que Facebook ! - eaglecore sur Web 15/09/2010 à 10h36 - mis à jour le 15/09/2010 à 17h44 | vues | réactions Début officiel demain le 16 septembre de la véritable alternative au géant des réseaux sociaux. Ce dernier porte le nom de "DIASPORA", terme qui signifie selon Wikipédia "la dispersion d'une communauté ethnique ou d'un peuple à travers le monde" le nom est choisi de manière très significative. La comparaison avec Facebook réside dans le fait que le dernier né des réseaux sociaux s'appuiera sur des outils comparables : partages d'images, publications de billets, utilisations de logiciels de jeux etc.

Mais la comparaison s'arrête là, DIASPORA se démarque clairement dans sa politique de sécurité puisque les développeurs entendent bien s'appuyer sur des serveurs décentralisés. Ainsi ce dernier pourra être également installé sur le serveur d'une personne tierce. Dans un premier temps, le projet sera ouvert aux contributions des développeurs.

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