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T-shirt tweaks

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This Girl's Life: {DIY t-shirt scarf} I did it friends.

This Girl's Life: {DIY t-shirt scarf}

Yesterday I actually took a project that I had pinned and made it! On Friday's love list I shared my slight obsessions with t-shirt related crafts. I decided yesterday that I was going to give the t-shirt scarf a try with a cute but unworn Old Navy tee that had been buried in my dresser for far too long. Old Navy t-shirt with sleeves that cut off my circulation... Get ready to meet my scissors. {Here is the tutorial I used to create this super simple scarf.} I started out by laying the t-shirt flat on the floor.

Once I was done cutting the shirt into strips I had 12 {or so} to work with. I stretched them all out and then gathered them all with the seam in the same place. Then I cut off one of the sleeve cuffs and used that to hide the seams. I rolled it around and secured it with fabric glue. And voila! I love how you can still see the stripes. {Minus the other pesky seams...grrrr} What do you think? So I used the same steps on the sleeve... And ended up with this... D.I.Y: Recycled T-Shirt Scarf // Gettin' Crafty! D.I.Y: Recycled T-Shirt Scarf 1} Gather a few old t-shirts you don't wear anymore; thrift them or buy new -- but choose thin, soft (preferably worn out) t-shirts.

D.I.Y: Recycled T-Shirt Scarf // Gettin' Crafty!

Find two t-shirts of different colors that go well together. 2} Lay the shirt flat on the table or floor. 3} Cut 1 1/2 inch strips, remove the hemmed edges. Cut them as long as possible; I went from the bottom of the front of the shirt all the way to the end of the back on some pieces. 4} Cut off the sleeves of the shirt and save them for the end. 5} Organize the strips by length and gently pull on them. 6} NOW GET CREATIVE! 7} Tie together, trim ends, and wrap with the excess sleeve fabric you saved. Make a t-shirt headband. Of all the headbands I've made, I think this is my new favorite.

Make a t-shirt headband

It's like wearing sweats on your head, without the dumpy look. It's so cushy and comfortable! And yes, I am wearing the shirt with the bottom cut off in the picture. Hey, I needed something to match okay? This could match, too. Scrounge around for an old t-shirt. Fold in half lengthwise and pin in place. Fold the headband right side out. Make a flower or two and hand stitch it over the seam. The Real Deal: It cost me pretty much nothing. T Shirt Scarf Revamp! ∙ How To by Margo T. on Cut Out. Old T Shirt = New Scarf ∙ How To by Nicole S. on Cut Out.

Cut Up Tshirt ∙ How To by Cammie K. on Cut Out. Cut Out Shoulders ∙ How To by iPassi0n on Cut Out. Flutter Sleeve Peasant Top ∙ How To by Modesty Fashions on Cut Out. Cute Top ∙ How To by Mi.ezekatze on Cut Out. Corseted White T Shirt ∙ How To by carlyjcais on Cut Out.