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Not Sound Logic? Do logic and truth really depend upon the Bible being true?

Not Sound Logic?

Couldn’t atheists just invent a story to explain them? Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., shows why this is impossible. Hello, I normally enjoy Answers In Genesis, and I definitely appreciate your ministry. However, I do have one pet peeve. Message Sent Hello , answers . . . i am a fellow christian and have been keeping track of [your website] for about 3 months now. Have Something to Add? Let us know what you think. Hello,I normally enjoy Answers In Genesis, and I definitely appreciate your ministry.

Thanks for the encouragement. However, I do have one pet peeve. Pastor Chaffey was exactly right; none of these things have rational justification apart from the biblical worldview. This just doesn't make sense, We have a number of articles (such as Atheism: An Irrational Worldview) and a book (The Ultimate Proof of Creation) on this topic that might help you to understand it better. and frankly, it makes us look bad. Logic. A Logical Worldview The Christian worldview is not a mere assumption.


It is the worldview that makes knowledge possible (Proverbs 1:7; Colossians 2:3). It alone provides the justification for those things we need for reasoning—such as laws of logic and uniformity. Introduction to Logical Fallacies Logic is a very valuable tool, particularly for the Christian who wants to defend his or her faith better. Circular Reasoning The common accusation that the presuppositionalist uses circular reasoning is actually true. The Straw-Man Fallacy The straw-man fallacy is when a person misrepresents his opponent’s position and then proceeds to refute that misrepresentation rather than what his opponent actually claims.

Is the Christian Worldview Logical? Many people have the impression that Christians live in two “worlds”—the world of faith and the world of reason.

Is the Christian Worldview Logical?

Many people have the impression that Christians live in two “worlds”—the world of faith and the world of reason. The world of faith is the realm that Christians live in on Sunday morning, or the world to which they refer when asked about spiritual or moral matters. However, it would seem that Christians live in the world of reason throughout the rest of the week, when dealing with practical, everyday matters. After all, do we really need to believe in the Bible to put gasoline in the car, or to balance our checkbook? Misconceptions of Faith The notion of “faith versus reason” is an example of a false dichotomy. For example, people believe in laws of logic. When we have confidence that the universe will operate in the future as it has in the past, we are acting on faith. It is appropriate and biblical to have a good reason for our faith (1 Peter 3:15).

The Mark of Rationality. Logical Fallacies: Introduction. Logic is a very valuable tool, particularly for the Christian who wants to defend his or her faith better.

Logical Fallacies: Introduction

Whenever I hear people debating some issue (abortion, gun control, origins, religion, politics, etc.), I often spot a number of mistakes in their arguments. Mistakes in reasoning are called “logical fallacies,” and they abound in origins debates. I have often thought it would be fun to carry a little buzzer that I could push when someone makes a fundamental mistake in reasoning. Of course, that would be impolite. However, we should all become familiar with logical fallacies so that our mental buzzer goes off whenever we hear a mistake in reasoning. Logic (the study of correct and incorrect reasoning) has become a lost skill in our culture. Logic involves the use of arguments.

“Dr. In this argument, the first sentence is the premise: “Dr. Circular Reasoning. Do Christians use circular reasoning when they presuppose that God exists?

Circular Reasoning

Is circular reasoning a logical fallacy? Darius and Karin Viet explain. Hi AiG, My question is regarding presuppositional apologetics. I’ve read the article at this link and I whole heartedly agree with what it teaches. I know that I’m not a strong debater and so I need to anchor myself to God’s word to have a hope at defending our faith. We agree that presuppositional apologetics is the ultimate biblical approach to apologetics. Logical Fallacies: Straw-Man Fallacy.

The straw-man fallacy is when a person misrepresents his opponent’s position and then proceeds to refute that misrepresentation rather than what his opponent actually claims.

Logical Fallacies: Straw-Man Fallacy

It’s a fallacy that just shouldn’t happen—but it does all the time. The straw-man fallacy is when a person misrepresents his opponent’s position and then proceeds to refute that misrepresentation (i.e., the “straw man”) rather than what his opponent actually claims.1 Here’s an example: “Creationists do not believe that animals change. But clearly, animals do change. So, creationists are mistaken.” Since creationists do indeed believe that animals change (just not from one basic created kind to another), the argument is a straw-man fallacy.

YouTube. Turek vs Hitchens Debate: Does God Exist? Reasonable Faith - Defending Biblical Christianity. Is Truth Knowable?