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The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying - » The Australian Independent Media Network. “The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying” is a title that perfectly sums up the emphasis in this guest post by Glenn Murray.

The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying - » The Australian Independent Media Network

This was first published on Glenn’s blog in October last year, but it is such a powerful exposé of the extent of the lies that we need to keep disseminating Glenn’s message. We would urge you all to share this widely. The lies can only be fully exposed if more people were aware of the truth. Who are ‘boat people’? ‘Boat people’ are asylum seekers who arrive by boat, without a valid visa or any other appropriate authorisation. Are ‘boat people’ doing something illegal? No. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” The terms, ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘illegals’, etc., are completely incorrect. The 2012 UNHCR Guidelines on Detention explain it in plain English: Is Australia obligated to help them? Yes. Are most ‘illegal immigrants’ boat people? No. Do all asylum seekers arrive by boat? No. No. As a graph: 100 Years Of Fashion In 100 Seconds. Sourced short film [full] - Youth Food Movement Australia.

Don't Ask Hillary Clinton About Abortion If You Can't Handle Her Answer. Rep.

Don't Ask Hillary Clinton About Abortion If You Can't Handle Her Answer

Christopher Smith: My question, is the Obama Administration seeking in any way, to weaken or overturn pro-life laws and policies in African and Latin American countries either directly, or through multi-lateral organizations, including and especially the United Nations, African Union, or the OAS, or by way of funding NGO's like Planned Parenthood? Secondly, and so we can have total transparency, you know, as a former law maker, we always have definition pages when we write legislation.

Definitions do matter. Does the United State definition of the term "reproductive health", or "reproductive services"', or "reproductive rights" include abortion? I yield to the distinguished gentleman. Sec. When I think about the suffering that I have seen of women around the world, I've been in hospitals in Brazil where half the women were enthusiastically and joyfully greeting new babies and the other half were fighting for their lives against botched abortions.

Man 1: [inaudible] What He Has To Say About Your Favorite Products And Brands Should Do More Than Worry You. This cell phone started its trajectory in an artisanal mine in the Eastern Congo.

What He Has To Say About Your Favorite Products And Brands Should Do More Than Worry You

It's mined by armed gangs using slaves, child slaves, what the U.N. Security Council calls "blood minerals," then traveled into some components and ended up in a factory in Shinjin in China. That factory -- over a dozen people have committed suicide already this year. One man died after working a 36-hour shift. We all love chocolate. These places, these origins, represent governance gaps.

Now, I didn't come here to depress you about the state of the global supply chain. But take the example of heparin. And so you're asking yourself, "How come the U.S. So at a national level -- and we work in about 60 different countries -- at a national level we've got a serious breakdown in the ability of governments to regulate production on their own soil. Now of course, this doesn't come naturally to multinational companies. I hate the idea that governments are not protecting human rights around the world.

Swedes Develop Invisible Bike Helmet.