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Jeff has been successfully meeting the needs of our clients in TX since 2015. Our dedicated agents specialize in a broad range of insurance products and carriers.

Life Insurance For Empty Nesters. January 27, 2021 16:01 newlambertagency Empty Nesters InsuranceInsurance For Empty NestersLife Insurance For Empty Nesters Many people buy life insurance so that their children have a financially secure future.

Life Insurance For Empty Nesters

It offers peace of mind that no matter what, your children won’t have to struggle in absence of your presence. But about when children leave their nest and parents become empty nesters? Why You Should Prioritize Saving for Retirement Care. January 25, 2021 17:18 newlambertagency Medicareretirement careRetirement planretirement savings As per a report from National Institute on Retirement Security, about two out of three 21- to 32-year-olds haven’t started retirement savings.

Why You Should Prioritize Saving for Retirement Care

Why is that so? For one thing, the approach and attitude towards retirement have completely changed. The young working generation doesn’t believe in waiting for decades to live the “good life” or put a pin on their dreams for a day that may or may not come. There’s nothing wrong with this approach. That’s because the earlier you start, the easier it is. Although retirement care is the last thing in this generation’s mind, just taking an initiative could prove to be extremely beneficial in the long run. Here’s why: The longer money works, the better the potential returns.Retirement savings offer a chance to reduce taxes.A nest egg increases options beyond retirement. How Do Life Insurance Death Benefits Pay Out? January 22, 2021 12:22 newlambertagency insurance death benefitsLife Insurance benefitsLife Insurance death benefits When someone close to you dies, a lot of things go through your mind.

How Do Life Insurance Death Benefits Pay Out?

Apart from the grief caused to you, you need to make several arrangements. At such a time, the life insurance death benefit is the last thing on your mind. Many find themselves unsure of how to proceed further to get the death benefit. Medicare Part C - Medicare Advantage Plan. January 13, 2021 13:08 newlambertagency MedicareMedicare Advantage PlanMedicare part C Medicare part C is part of the 4 basic Medicare.

Medicare Part C - Medicare Advantage Plan

Also known as Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO), Part C is an alternative way to get your Original Medicare coverage. While Medicare Part C covers the same benefits as Medicare Part A including Inpatient care in a hospital, it also includes home health care. There are 4 types of Medicare Advantage Plans: Health Maintenance Organization plans (HMOs)Preferred Provider Organization plans (PPOs)Special Needs Plans (SNPs)Private Fee-for-Service plans (PFFS)

Obamacare - Pro, Cons, Benefits, and Penalties. January 5, 2021 17:41 newlambertagency ACA health plansACA plansAffordable Care Actobamacare You must be familiar with Obamacare by now.

Obamacare - Pro, Cons, Benefits, and Penalties

But have you wondered how it works or is it beneficial? If you have, then this blog post is for you. Let’s just dive into it. What is Obamacare? Obamacare is an alternative term for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. Earlier, insurance companies could exclude people with pre-existing conditions. Obamacare has made it possible for people with pre-existing conditions to afford preventive care which in turn has reduced hospital visits and slowed down the rise of health care costs.

Tips to Help You Boost Your Retirement Savings – Whatever Your Age Is - July 9, 2020 12:49 newlambertagency boosts your retirement savingsplanning for retirementprepare for retirementretirement investing planretirement savingretirement savings tipsretirement solution It doesn’t matter if you have just begun your work life or are on the verge of bidding goodbye to your beloved job, or are planning for retirement; it is never too late for some savings.

Tips to Help You Boost Your Retirement Savings – Whatever Your Age Is -

But it goes without saying that for significant savings, you need to start your investment at a much earlier stage of your life. Retirement is one of the biggest and most common goals that many people have. After all, your retirement savings determine how comfortably you’ll live and whether your money will outlive you. Making the most of your retirement savings is essential if you want to build a nest egg that will withstand the risks of inflation, market turmoil, and your unexpected longevity. Read on to know some of the best retirement saving tips. Start today Plan and estimate Contribute to your 401(k) Why Should You Choose a High Deductible Health Plan? - July 3, 2020 10:18 newlambertagency Choose Deductible Health Planhealth savings accountinsurance benefitsTexas health insurance For a growing number of Americans, it has become crucial to choose a deductible health plan.

Why Should You Choose a High Deductible Health Plan? -

The trend started a decade ago and shows no signs of disappearing. At many firms, it’s the sole health insurance that’s offered for employees. However, there are still a considerable amount of people who find themselves without employer-offered insurance benefits. Be it a student who’s in between jobs or self-employed individuals, people are needed to re-evaluate their Texas health insurance plans.

Thus, in such a case, one option to consider that will favour your budget is a high deductible health plan. How does an HDHP work? An HDHP involves the participant assuming all expenses until a deductible amount has been met. HDHPs also offer some unique ideal for young people as they do not often deal with major illnesses. Does Life Insurance Cover Deaths From Coronavirus? - June 26, 2020 12:10 newlambertagency life insurancelife insurance coverlife insurance cover coronaviruslife insurance cover covid19 The world is facing a crisis.

Does Life Insurance Cover Deaths From Coronavirus? -

And naturally, several rules have been changed. Our priorities are rearranged and our focus has been shifted to all things ‘essential’. It is reasonable to assume that a global health crisis like the coronavirus would have some impact on your life insurance coverage policy acceptance and premiums. As the virus spread to all corners of the world, the death toll has risen significantly. Read on to find out…

How To Choose a Good Retirement Solutions Plan -