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Keeping Drupal's Files Safe. My standard starting point when creating a new Drupal site on a server is to create or select an existing user that is a part of the web server group (typically the Apache group), and give ownership of all Drupal files to that user. On Ubuntu, these are the commands to get that set up: ( # Create a new example user. useradd -s /bin/bash -m example; # Now add that user to the Apache group. On Ubuntu/Debian this group is usually # called www-data, on CentOS it's usually apache. usermod -a -G www-data example; # Set up a password for this user. passwd example; ) Once I have that set up, I'll log in as the user and install Drupal at /var/www/example/docroot or a similar path, then create the files directory by hand and copy over the settings.php file.

Su - example cd docroot cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php # Temporarily give the web server write permissions to settings.php chgrp www-data sites/default/settings.php chmod g+w sites/default/settings.php. Coderwall. I have seen a lot of people using git to deploy their websites to a non-bare repo and using $ git config receive.denycurrentbranch ignore this works fine as long as you don't really do any updates in the remote repo itself. It is really recommended not to work this way by pro git unless you realize what your doing as it really isn't how git is set up to work. the method I useI like this method because it uses a bare repo with a check out working tree, so that there is no .git folder in your working tree.It's also good because you can make changes in the working tree, and also have multiple people working on the repo and git will function normally.One thing to note is, if you want to make changes in the working tree of the remote repo you will have to either -make a file in the root of your working tree called .git with the contents. gitdir: /path/to/your/repo.git Which is nice because you don't have to export GIT_DIR every time Or $ export GIT_DIR=path/to/your/repo.git then Enjoy.

Setting up Push-to-Deploy with git - Kris Jordan. I first set up a push-to-deploy system with git and puppet for a side project a few years back. It worked so well I transitioned NMC's development process onto it for all of our new projects starting last year. It offers the simplicity of the "push-to-deploy" model Heroku pioneered, with full control and flexibility over the operating system environment.

I've started thinking about my next iteration of this system for Didsum, and using pushing for more than just deployment purposes. The Push-to-______ pattern is powerful and easy to use, once you know how the pieces fit together. In this post, I'll walk through the setting up Push-to-Deploy from the ground up. (I'm assuming a working knowledge of: terminal, git, and a scripting language.)  Preparing our Repositories Let's keep things straightforward by placing our development git repository, remote git repository, and deploy directory under the same local directory. mkdir push-to-deploy cd push-to-deploy mkdir {development,remote,deploy} 1.

Behance. Behance. Unit-Tests mit dem JavaScript-Framework Jasmine | heise Developer. Für nahezu jede wichtige Programmiersprache gibt es Unit-Test-Frameworks. Wer allerdings Anwendungen in JavaScript erstellt, musste lange Zeit auf ein passendes Werkzeug verzichten. Erst in den letzten Jahren kamen entsprechende Tools auf dem Markt, darunter auch Jasmine. Spätestens seit dem Aufkommen von Frameworks und Bibliotheken wie jQuery, Dojo und MooTools ist die Skriptsprache JavaScript populär wie nie zuvor.

Wurde JavaScript früher hauptsächlich für kleine Webspielereien wie Mouse-over-Bildwechsel und teilweise sogar für Formularvalidierungen verwendet, erstellt man heute aufwendige Anwendungen damit. Jasmine ist ein BDD-Framework (Behaviour-driven Development), speziell für JavaScript entwickelt. Das Framework benötigt für die Ausführung der Tests kein DOM (Domain Object Model), weswegen es sich beispielsweise mit Node.js verwendet lässt. Let me introduce ... Der Schnelltest im Browser (Abb. 1) Die CSS-Dateien dienen ausschließlich der Optik.

Spec enthält die Test-Definition.


TechSini. You might have searched for the mockup tools if you are a web developer to preview your template on different kind of devices. You can preview your web template on laptop, tablet, mobile or smart watch with mockup generators, Placeit was the free mockup generator earlier but now it has become paid service, so here are the alternatives for placeit mockup generator. Also read: List of Free Mockup Generators to Showcase Web Template MagicMockups MagicMockups let you take the screenshot of your responsive website on laptop, tablet and mobile with real life environment. You can either upload your website screenshot or let MagicMockups to capture with the URL.

MagicMockups is free for both personal and commercial use. Dunnnk Dunnnk is another good tool to generate website mockup in iPhone, Android, MacBook, iPad and iMac devices with high definition output. Mockupsjar Picapp Multi Device Website Mockup Generator Am I responsivedesign Related Article by Shrinivas Naik. How to Make your Mobile Screenshots Look Awesome « !Technology Boss! It’s easy to capture screenshots on mobile devices but let’s do a quick recap.

If you have an iPhone, press the Home & Sleep buttons and the screenshot image will be saved instantly. On an Android device, press the Volume Down & Power button simultaneously to capture whatever is currently on your screen. And in the case of Windows Phone 8, press and hold the Start and Power buttons at the same time to take a screenshot. That’s a raw screenshot saved in your camera roll but you also need to add the hardware frame around your screenshots so that the captured images appear more realistic and provides better context to the viewer. Why is that important? A layered photo editing tool like Adobe Photoshop makes it really easy for you to add hardware device frames to any screenshot image. Download and import the PSD file into Photoshop and then use the File -> Place command to place the screenshot image as a new layer over the mockup. Article by Amit Agarwal. Folienhintergrund: hell oder dunkel? « E11HELP. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich bei meiner Recherche zur Frage “Ob ein heller oder dunkler Folienhintergrund besser ist?”

Auf so viele verschiedene Meinungen und Berichte stoße. Selbst die Gespräche mit verschiedenen Beamer-Herstellern und -händlern brachten mir viele Meinungen. Bevor Sie also unnötig viel Zeit beim Grübeln über die Vor- und Nachteile von hellen oder dunklen Folienhintergründen verlieren, haben wir uns diesem Thema angenommen und weitestgehend kompakt und einigermaßen vielseitig aufbereitet. Die Adaption des Auges – helle Flächen können blenden Das Thema “Ermüdung” schwebt ja über “Präsentationen” wie ein Damoklesschwert, deshalb die Frage vorab: was ermüdet unsere Augen eher – a) ein nach unseren Seh- und Lesegewohnheiten gestaltete helle und (stark leuchtende) Fläche mit dunkler Schrift oder b) eine dunkle Fläche mit negativer (schwer zu lesender) heller Schrift? Zu a): Man kann nicht pauschal sagen, dass durch die relativ große helle Fläche eine Blendung entsteht.

Theming Guide. Last updated November 4, 2015. Created on August 2, 2012.Edited by reendeer, chriscerk, ashish_nirmohi, mh9. Log in to edit this page. This community documentation guide is about changing the look and feel of a Drupal site. The guide covers Drupal 6 & 7 and Drupal 8. Changing Site Appearance In the administrative settings you can modify the appearance of the theme in 3 ways. Simply find a prefabricated provided by Drupal or get one on a third party website and modify the theme settings Copy an existing theme and then change or extend the codeBuild a complete theme from scratch (For doing this you need to copy files from core theme and place it under sites/all/themes and do the necessary changes on .info, template, tpl and css files.)

What else can you do? You can do more with a theme than change the appearance of an entire site. Some other things that you can also do with a theme are: Other Places to Explore Looking for support? Decocode • Büro und Desktop Publishing. Beschreibung: Infos über Linux und WebdesignStichworte: webdesign,linux,mint,ubuntu,debian,free,libre,freie,software,open,source Auf diesen Seiten werden Anwendungen vorgestellt, die unter Linux für die üblichen Büroaufgaben sowie für andere Aufgaben im Printbereich verwendet werden. Folgende Anwendungen werden beschrieben: Büroaufgaben • LibreOffice (Office-Paket) • AbiWord (Textverarbeitung) • Gnumeric (Tabellenkalkulation) • Osmo (Kalender) • Evolution (Kalender und E-Mail) • Atril (PDF-Betrachter) • TuxCards (einfache Texte organisieren) Wörterbücher • MATE-Wörterbuch • GoldenDict • Babiloo • OpenDict • StarDict Tastaturbelegung anpassen • XKeyCaps Schriftarten verwalten und bearbeiten • TypeCatcher (Fonts herunterladen) • Font Manager (Fonts verwalten) • Fontmatrix (Fonts verwalten) • Fonty Python (Fonts verwalten) • FontForge (Fonts bearbeiten) Desktop Publishing • Scribus (DTP Software, Qt)

A Tale of Two Base Themes in Drupal 8 core. My skin crawls when I see HTML filled with divs tucked inside each other over and over again like a Russian nesting doll. My shoulders tense up when I see class names spilling out of a class attribute like clowns in a circus car. Conversely, my heart sings at the sight of cleanly crafted HTML that uses just the right elements to describe its contents, with sensible BEM-style classes that simplify styling and clarify how the markup has been structured. Because I prefer being very particular about markup, I’ve been known to develop an eye twitch from time to time while theming Drupal sites. In 2013 I started contributing fairly regularly to the development of Drupal 8. Thanks to those efforts, I’m looking forward to having much better tools for carefully crafting markup in Drupal 8. Making markup shine in Drupal 8 The new templating engine in Drupal 8, Twig, makes it easier to change markup without knowing the ins and outs of PHP.

The markup itself has been greatly improved as well. BADCamp 2015: Transitioning From theme() and Theme Functions to Render Arrays and Templates | CHROMATIC. I was fortunate to attend and speak at BADCamp for the first time this year. BADCamp is the Bay Area Drupal Camp, held annually in Berkeley, CA. I don't know the official numbers, but I believe over 1,000 were in attendance, giving it the feel of a smaller DrupalCon. The camp was well organized, the sessions were high quality, and I met and got to know quite a few great people. Anyone who wasn't able to attend can watch my session, 7 to 8: Transitioning From theme() and Theme Functions to Render Arrays and Templates, here: My slides are also available online. The video and slides include in-depth examples, but for the TL;DW crowd more interested in the key takeaways: Render Arrays > theme() The theme() function no longer exists in Drupal 8. Using render arrays allows for the data to remain an array until the template renders it into markup.

Templates > Theme Functions When Drupal 7 goes to render markup, it does so with either a theme function, such as theme_image(), or a template. DevDocs API Documentation. JavaScript Object Notation. Die JavaScript Object Notation, kurz JSON [ˈdʒeɪsən], ist ein kompaktes Datenformat in einer einfach lesbaren Textform zum Zweck des Datenaustauschs zwischen Anwendungen. Jedes gültige JSON-Dokument soll ein gültiges JavaScript sein und per eval() interpretiert werden können.

Aufgrund kleiner Abweichungen in der Menge der erlaubten Unicode-Zeichen ist es jedoch möglich, JSON-Objekte zu erzeugen, die von einem normkonformen JavaScript-Interpreter nicht akzeptiert werden.[1] Davon abgesehen ist JSON aber unabhängig von der Programmiersprache. Parser existieren in praktisch allen verbreiteten Sprachen. JSON wurde ursprünglich von Douglas Crockford spezifiziert. Aktuell wird es durch zwei konkurrierende Standards spezifiziert, RFC 7159[2] von Douglas Crockford und ECMA-404.[3] Einsatzgebiete[Bearbeiten] Datenstruktur und Formatdefinition[Bearbeiten] Die Daten können beliebig verschachtelt werden, beispielsweise ist ein Array von Objekten möglich. JSON kennt folgende Datentypen: Nullwert Zahl.

Oreillymedia/programmers_guide_to_drupal. Sass Compatibility. Command Line Usage. Inspecting a repository - git-log. Git status The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It lets you see which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git. Status output does not show you any information regarding the committed project history. For this, you need to use git log. Usage git status List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked. Discussion The git status command is a relatively straightforward command. . # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>... " to unstage) # #modified: # # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add <file>... " to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>... " to discard changes in working directory) # #modified: # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>...

" to include in what will be committed) # #hello.pyc Ignoring Files Untracked files typically fall into two categories. . *.pyc Example git log git log git log -n <limit> git log -p. KSS · Knyle Style Sheets. KSS is intended to help automate the creation of a living styleguide. A styleguide serves as a place to publish KSS documentation and visualize different states of UI elements defined in your CSS. It’s sometimes hard to explain what a living styleguide is.

The best way to explain is through examples. The GitHub CSS Styleguide is a good example of a living styleguide generated with KSS. Generating your own styleguide Generating a styleguide with KSS is pretty easy with Rails, Sinatra or any other framework that you can include gems with. These instructions are for setting up a KSS styleguide with the Ruby programming language.

Help me write a binary generator to fix this! In the controller In the controller, create a new instance of the KSS parser like so: Pass in the directory containing your stylesheets. In the views I usually create a simple partial and view helper to render styleguide sections. Then, have a view helper that uses this partial: Other resources.