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Recette pour la porcelaine froide. - Le blog de cristel. Comme promis, je vous délivre la recette de la porcelaine froide.

Recette pour la porcelaine froide. - Le blog de cristel

Vous allez avoir besoin de tous ce qui se trouve sur la photo De l'huile de cuisine (n'importe laquelle), du vinaigre blanc, de la colle vinylique extra forte, de la fécule de maïs et de la crème pour les mains (nivéa sof ou autre). Bien sur vous avez besoin d'un récipient qui passe au four à micro-ondes, j'ai pris un saladier en verre. Dans le saladier, vous versez 200 grammes de colle, une cuillère à soupe d'huile et une cuillère à soupe de vinaigre. Vous mélanger le tout Pour mélanger,utiliser une cuillère en bois, comme ça elle pourra rester dans le saladier pendant la cuisson au micro ondes. Puis vous ajouter 140 grammes de fécule de maïs. Pour cette étape, je n'ai pas de photos, je n'avais plus de piles. Mon mico ondes fait 850 watts, je l'ai mis sur 3 minutes. Puis la mettre dans du film alimentaire (préalablement enduit de crème) et la laisser refroidir.

On peut colorer sa pâte avec de la peinture. Le petit atelier de paris. How to make Egyptian paste? A little while ago, I decided that I needed to try out some recipes of Egyptian paste.Egyptian Paste was used by the Egyptians, as far back as 7,000 years ago.Lots of items made from this material have been found in Egyptian burial tombs.

How to make Egyptian paste?

Egyptian Paste is a self-glazing, low-firing clay body that was probably discovered by accident back in those days. The typical 'turquoise' color of some Egyptian jewellery might remind you of Egyptian paste.I did this to step out of my comfort zone and it was merely an experiment. I took some pictures while making the paste and I will share 2 recipes.I have to warn you about the end result though, it is not what I thought it would be. But it's my own mistake as I fired the pieces too high. Silly me... Weigh all the ingredients. Put 'em in a plastic bag. Add water. Kneed the mixture. Put the mixture on a plaster plaque. Move it about to get the excess water awayuntil the body was a bit more solid to work with.

I made some beads and placed them on stilts. Egyptianpaste. Articles. Egyptian Paste gyptian Paste was used, as the name implies, by the ancient Egyptians, as far back as 7,000 years ago.


Ornaments made from this material have been found in most Egyptian burial tombs. Egyptian Paste is a self-glazing, low-firing clay body that was probably discovered by accident when a mixture of sand, clay, potash feldspar and soda ash were fired. The Egyptian Paste body contains soluble salts that rise to the surface while the work is drying. This layer of salt acts as a flux, glazing the surface and also helping the clay body itself to vitrify at low temperatures. Because Egyptian Paste glazes all-over, including the underside, work needs to be fired on stilts, or very well bat washed kiln shelves. Egyptian Paste Recipe 1 Base Glaze Cone 010 - 06 Comment: Add up to 3% oxides or carbonates as a colorant. Ame-Amulette. Daniel Bellow.