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Chapel Tree of Life / Cerejeira Fontes Arquitectos. Architects: Cerejeira Fontes Arquitectos Location: Braga, Portugal Design Team: António Jorge Fontes, Asbjörn Andresen, André Fontes Photography: Nelson Garrido The intervention strategy results on the insertion of a Chapel at the Seminary of St. James. It is a volume released into the antechamber of the Seminar which takes for its centrality. The design of this project-”body” wants this to be a unique structure, balanced and visible, making a piece with this exceptional presence within the building.

After outlining the vision of the sacred space that surrounds this body, we look for a proposal to absorb the religious character of the set, creating spaces and environments that promote a spirit of inwardness, reflection and retreat thus maintaining the same language. The design of the new volume is articulated to the pre-existence, creating some openings and new forms of perception of the surrounding area. The space surrounding the new volume is assumed as a time of transition. Architecture In Development - news - The Urban Transformation of Medellin, Colombia. The Urban Transformation of Medellin, Colombia Tuesday 21 August 2012 *contributed by ir. John Drissen Medellin has been involved in a series of economic, social and violence issues caused by drug trafficking and conflicts between communist guerrillas and paramilitaries. Traditionally, urban development projects in Colombia focus on finding specific solutions to physical problems.

Medellin's urban development began with the management of mayors Luis Perez (2000 and 2003), Sergio Fajardo (2003-2007) and Alonso Salazar (2007-2011). Parque Biblioteca La Ladera © Municiaplity of Medellin The administration of Mayor Sergio Fajardo was vital to the city development with his model 'Medellin, the most educated'. The implementation of the city's urban development is in the charge of the "Empresa de Desarrollo Urbano del Municipio de Medellin" EDU 9 (Urban Development Coorporation of the Municipality of Medellin). Metrocable of Medellin © J. Medellin 'Centralidades' Plan © J. 2 Link to the PUI. Illusionary Dalston House.

L’argentin Leandro Erlich revient avec une nouvelle illusion en trois dimensions créée à la demande du Barbican. Située à Dalston, au nord-est de Londres, elle représente la façade d’une maison victorienne, rappel de l’architecture d’antan du quartier. Un projet bluffant à découvrir en images. The Keret House / Jakub Szczesny. Voici l’achèvement de la maison la plus étroite du monde à Varsovie, en Pologne. La maison Keret a d’abord été conçu comme une vision qui semblait impossible de l’architecte polonais Jakub Szczesny , qui dans un premier temps a présenté cette idée comme un concept artistique durant le festival WolaArt en 2009.

Aujourd’hui, trois ans plus tard, le concept est devenu une réalité. JEAN NOUVEL: LOUVRE MUSEUM, ABU DHABI. As mentioned above, the Louvre Museum began as a cluster of palaces that were added successively by French kings and emperors throughout centuries. Later, François Mitterrand proposed a plan to modernize the museum, following the ideas by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei and his famous glass pyramid. Such expansion was very controversial at the time. Today, the Louvre, the most famous museum in the world, has decided to follow the footsteps of the Guggenheim and benefit from its priceless collection of ancient art. "Devoted to exhibiting works and artifacts from the past, the Museum of Classical Art is bound to features both remote and familiar, deriving naturally from the spirit of the place. A huge dome, a common figure in Islamic architecture although flattened here, is located between the Guggenheim Museum and the Performing Arts Center.

The organization of this city-museum however, is not chaotic, but covered by two overlapping rotated gridirons. - Louvre Museum. Buckminster Fuller. Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983) was an architect and designer based in the US. His design philosophy of 'more for less' was applied across a range of projects, from the design of a car, housing, boats, games, to perhaps his most famous design: the geodesic dome. Geodesic domes are lightweight structures that can span large distances without any internal supports; highly cost effective they became popular for military and exhibition use as well as for emergency shelter. They inspired a whole host of architects and designers, including the use and adaptation of the domes at the hippie commune in Colorado, Drop City. This application being important for demonstrating that Fuller's ideas could also be applied in a low-tech manner.

One of the first to recognise the finite nature of natural resources, Fuller was convinced that design and technology could offer solutions to the problems of the management of resources, especially with regard to transportation and building. Other Work J. ConceptMODEL. Église de San Giovanni Battista par Mario Botta. La structure de cette église est d’une forme elliptique aux rayures noires et blanches, avec un toit en pente totalement vitré. Une fois à l’intérieur, on est pris dans le tourbillon d’un damier vertigineux dû à l’utilisation de couches de marbre et de granit. Sans fenêtre, la seule entrée de lumière se fait par le toit et agit comme un puit de lumière, divin ! Devenue un monument emblématique de la région et même au-delà, cette église résolument contemporaine à de quoi impressionner ! Un beau travail que l’on doit à l’architecte Mario Botta. Pour en savoir plus sur Mario Botta, cliquez ici.

Pin It Pin It source. Troll Wall Restaurant by Reiulf Ramstad Architects. The jagged glass edges of this restaurant by Norwegian studio Reiulf Ramstad Architects point up towards a sheer cliff face. Named the Troll Wall Restaurant, the building is located at the foot of the tallest vertical rock face in Europe, in Norway’s Romsdal Valley. Full-height glazing gives diners a view of the landscape, behind a criss-crossing pattern of structural beams.

Charred timber clads the elevations at the rear of the building, where additional rooms provide a local service and information centre. Reiulf Ramstad Architects also completed a timber-clad nursery in Oslo this year - see our earlier story here. Photography is by the architects. Here's some more text from Reiulf Ramstad Architects: Trollwall Restaurant It’s a new cursor at the foot of the Troll Wall; The architecture of the new visitors`center next to E139 is an outcome of the sites` close connection to the impressive mountain wall, Europe's tallest vertical, overhanging rock face in The Romsdal Valley. Optical Glass House by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP. A tree-filled courtyard is glimpsed through the shimmering glass-brick facade of this house in Hiroshima, designed by Japanese architect Hiroshi Nakamura (+ movie).

Optical Glass House was constructed beside a busy road, so Hiroshi Nakamura and his studio NAP wanted to create a private oasis where residents could still make out the movements of people and traffic beyond the walls. "The serene soundless scenery of the passing cars and trams imparts richness to life in the house," said the architect. The garden is raised up to first floor level to make room for a garage below and the architects used 6,000 specially made glass blocks to build a two-storey-high wall in front of it.

The wall was too tall to support itself, so the blocks had to be bolted together. As light filters through the glass it creates dancing patterns across the walls and over a group of maple, ash and holly trees. Residents are faced with the staircase upon first entering the house. Optical Glass House Waterfall. OSAKIDETZA - Le prisme architectural basque de Bilbao - popavenue - Happy French Pop Blog. OSAKIDETZA - Basque Health Department Headquarters - Bilbao, Espagne Architects: Coll-Barreu Arquitectos - Juan Coll-Barreu & Daniel Gutiérrez Zarza Photographs: Aleix Bagué En 10 ans, le musée Guggenheim, conçu par l'Américain Frank Gehry, a transformé Bilbao. Bilbao a été sinistrée par la crise sidérurgique des années 70-80 : disparition de la métallurgie, fermeture des chantiers navals, un quart de la population au chômage.

"Il nous fallait alors enclencher un processus de régénération urbaine par une décision audacieuse". Preuve en est, 10 ans après, avec OSAKIDETZA, le Département de la Santé du Pays Basque, prisme architectural créé par Juan Coll-Barreu & Daniel Gutiérrez Zarza. Double peau, ouverte sur la ville, à la forme inédite et spectaculaire, sculpture qui embellit et met en valeur les autres façades à l'architecture plus ancienne.

Ses multiples facettes se révèlent à la lumière des différentes heures du jour et de la nuit. The Sage Gateshead | Projects. The Sage Gateshead is a regional music centre of international standing, with approximately half a million visitors each year. It fills a 'gap on the map' for music venues in the North-East and has helped to consolidate Tyneside's position as an arts destination. The building forms the heart of an ambitious project to regenerate Gateshead's river frontage and lies alongside the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art and the Tyne Bridge with its great arch, which is echoed in the form of the Sage's roof. Home to Northern Sinfonia and a base for and Folkworks, which promotes folk, jazz and blues performances, The Sage Gateshead provides three auditoria and accommodation for the Regional Music School The largest of the three main performance spaces is an acoustically state-of-the-art concert hall that can seat up to 1,650 people.

The second hall can be arranged to suit folk, jazz and chamber performances and seats up to 400.