African Grey Parrots
African Grey Parrots,
Fly Babies Aviary – NURTURING OUR BIRDS TO BECOME YOURS. Fly Babies Aviary – NURTURING OUR BIRDS TO BECOME YOURS. Fly Babies Aviary – NURTURING OUR BIRDS TO BECOME YOURS. Fly Babies Aviary – NURTURING OUR BIRDS TO BECOME YOURS. The Meaning of Feathers – Ornithology. What do feathers mean?
In many cultures, feathers represent a connection to spiritual realms. Coming from birds, feathers symbolize freedom, both mental and physical, from the bounds of the earth. In Native American cultures, feathers have always been significant parts of ceremonies, often used for clothing, decorations, tools, weapons and “dreamcatchers.” The Iroquois have a Great Feather Dance to thank the gods for all their blessings – food, water, the sun, the moon. In many Native American cultures the central hollow shaft of a feather was seen as a way to send prayers to gods and receive messages from them.
Sound Escapes 2 - Inviting You to Listen. BirdNote® Sound Escapes 2 - Inviting You to Listen Written by Mark Bramhill, Featuring Gordon Hempton MB: This is BirdNote.
All of us on the BirdNote team know the restorative power of nature, and, during this pandemic, when we’re minimizing our time outside our homes, we all miss it. Life on the Beach with Wilson's Plovers. BirdNote® Life on the Beach with Wilson’s Plovers Written by Bob Sundstrom This is BirdNote.
[introductory beach birds ambient with occasional Wilson’s Plover calls, especially 0.20-.34]Along the Gulf of Mexico, just above the high tide line, you’ll find undeveloped sandy flats and shallow lagoons. Grassland Meander. In summer, the grasslands of southern Saskatchewan resound with bird song.
This Bobolink is among the birds that combine their voices in a rich, ringing chorus. Through these grasslands flows the Frenchman River, twisting and looping — the epitome of a meandering river. The southern reaches of the river lie within Grasslands National Park, Canada’s premier park devoted to preserving this unique ecosystem. As the river meanders, it blends its music with that of the birds.
The soundscape featured in today’s show was recorded by Gordon Hempton and provided courtesy of The Crow and the Gull. BirdNote® The Crow and the Gull –A Listener’s Story.
Shorebirds Watch Their Feet. Greater Yellowlegs — not surprisingly — have bright yellow legs and feet.
And why? While foraging through shallow water, a yellowlegs (like this one) can keep track of its legs by the color, which contrasts with the sometimes dark and irregular bottom. A Sanderling, on the other hand, has black legs and feet. Its black toes really stand out against the pale sand. And the brilliant orange legs of Ruddy Turnstones? Mother Nature is good with the fine details! BirdNote® Shorebirds Watch Their Feet. Night Voices of Summer. BirdNote® Night Voices of Summer Written by Bob Sundstrom.
Male Mallards Disappear. Message About the CNC - Birds Calgary. Matthew Wallace, who has done such a great job of organizing the Calgary City Nature Challenge for the past two years, would like to encourage everyone with an interest in nature to participate.
Matthew says that this is “a great opportunity to get people focused on nature, science, conservation, and stewardship.” He continues: In early March when the scope of COVID-19 became a reality, it was difficult for me to grasp that months of work might be reduced to an event cancellation notice. Bird Savers – Ornithology. is a fairly popular website and ranks high on Google, so I receive regular emails from people who want to write articles for me.
What they really want to do is pitch a product or service via a link in their article. Free advertising, so to speak. If it is bird-related, interesting and useful, I’ll consider it, but more often than not they are selling financial services or krill oil or something like that. I want my website to be objective and informative and not full of irrelevant ads like so many other websites. But I’m going to make an exception here, not because I’m making money, I’m not, but because this appears to be a great product that claims to save birds’ lives. Here’s the email I received: Prevent birds from flying into windows... 18 Owl Species That Live in the United States! (2020) - Bird Watching HQ. “What types of owls can you see in the United States?”
The above question is common, so I thought I’d help by making a list of all the individual owl species that live in the United States. The temptation to intersperse this entire article with puns is almost overwhelming. 18 Owl Species That Live in the United States! (2020) - Bird Watching HQ. Birding and the City Nature Challenge - Birds Calgary. I mentioned before that a smartphone is the best tool for taking photos of insects and getting close-ups of plants, but not great for birds since they are usually too far away.
But many of you birders carry cameras these days, and you can submit your bird photos for the City Nature Challenge. They can easily be uploaded to the iNaturalist website on your desktop computer. So if you are out this weekend (anytime until Monday at midnight), take lots of bird photos to upload later. Sounds like….. – Ornithology. OK, what bird makes this call: honk, honk, tweeeeet, twitter twitter, buzzzzzz. Don’t know? Stay-At-Home Birding: Some Backyard Birds - Birds Calgary. Stay-At-Home Birding: Some Backyard Birds - Birds Calgary. Janet Turner, Bird Artist – Ornithology.
The following is from my latest book, The Art of the Bird: The History of Ornithological Art through Forty Artists. Janet Turner was one of the artists I discussed and special to me because I knew her personally. She borrowed bird specimens from the natural history museum I supervised, allowed me to visit her in her art studio, and even gifted me with one of her prints. She was a very special person and a wonderful artist. Calgary City Nature Challenge Results - Birds Calgary. Posted by Bob Lefebvre Back in April, Calgarians participated for the second time in the City Nature Challenge.
This year, with better weather and the addition of participants in Cochrane, Airdie, Okotoks, and Chestermere, we exceeded all of the 2019 results. This was despite the inability, due to Covid-19, of having organized field trips with many observers. Participants were more or less on their own, but nevetheless 248 observers submitted 5,557 observations, from which 759 species have so far been identified. You can view the Project Page on iNaturalist to see all the local observations. You can explore all of the bird reports here. Rehabilitation – Ornithology. About once a week I get contacted through my website regarding a baby bird.
Green-tailed Towhee - Birds Calgary. Posted by Bob Lefebvre. All photos by Steve Dyke. There have been quite a number of unusual birds seen in the Calgary area this year. Bird Blogs – Ornithology. BirdYYC2020 Challenge - Back In Business - Birds Calgary. Eponymous and Other Bird Names – Ornithology. In 1851, John P. Online Film - Avian Summer - Birds Calgary.
The First Bird Guides – Ornithology. It wasn’t until my junior year in college when I took ornithology and started watching birds. Another Negative Eclectus Breeder Experience - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community. So... the first Aviary that I was planning on purchasing from, the bird ingested some bedding which got compacted in the crop and he passed away. Small Birds Mob Big Ones. Soaring with Redtails. A Trip to the Field Museum. Flammulated Owl. Shifts in Habitat = Shifts in Species. Working Turnstones Turn Stones. Woodpeckers as Keystone Species. Breeding ringneck help please - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community. What can I Hand-Feed my Cockatiels? - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community. Preparing to receive a 4-5 month old Macaw - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community.
A Drive Along on a Bar Ditch. A Plover's Journey. Poorwills at Night. Birds Have No External Ears. Wilson's Phalarope. Peregrine-Shorebird Interaction. Indigo Bunting - Bird of the Ecotone. The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Hummingbird Feeders! (2020) - Bird Watching HQ. HELP! Baby budgie is vomiting. - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community. Moxi Parrots - Breeder? - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community. Great Horned Owl Family in Summer. Kestrels Love Nest Boxes. A Little Bird Told Me. An Evening in Sapsucker Woods - With A.A. Allen. Two Phoebes Share the West. Tony Angell on the Raven. Birds as Pollinators. African Grey Parrots.