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Submerged. CloudForge and CloudFoundry Accelerate Application Development Great news for cloud developers!


CloudForge joins Pivotal CloudFoundry PaaS Ecosystem. Have you heard of Pivotal’s CloudFoundry? In a short amount of time, Cloud Foundry has become a leader among all the open source platform as a service (PaaS) initiatives. Cloud Foundry is an open platform-as-a-service, providing a choice of clouds, developer frameworks and application services. Generating an SSL Certificate with Apache+mod_ssl. Introduction This document is intended to be a quick guide to generating and installing an SSL certificate on an Apache web server with the mod_ssl module. While this is not an overly difficult process, it does involve running several long commands with numerous options. This document should be all that you need to walk you through the process of generating the certificate and installing it in your web server. This document does not attempt to discuss compiling or installing Apache and mod_ssl.