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American Dream

The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality - 20 Facts About U.S. Inequality that Everyone Should Know. Why the Rich Are Getting Richer. The U.S. economy appears to be coming apart at the seams.

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer

Unemployment remains at nearly ten percent, the highest level in almost 30 years; foreclosures have forced millions of Americans out of their homes; and real incomes have fallen faster and further than at any time since the Great Depression. Many of those laid off fear that the jobs they have lost -- the secure, often unionized, industrial jobs that provided wealth, security, and opportunity -- will never return. They are probably right. And yet a curious thing has happened in the midst of all this misery. Executive pay: the high cost of market failure. Taking it to the streets ... a protester holds a sign during an "Occupy Wall Street" rally in New York's Washington Square at the weekend.

Executive pay: the high cost of market failure

Photo: Reuters When it comes to executive pay, the market is broken. Taxing the wealthy: Diving into the rich pool. 0.5D2 (490×419)