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Thesaurus construction tools & software

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Controlled Vocabulary: your site for information on Keyword, Hierarchical Classification, Thesauri, Taxonomy and Subject Heading systems used to describe images in databases (Thesaurus, facet classification, hierarchy) Constructing Controlled Vocabularies: TOC. ==> Curriculum Vitae | Short Bio search and find from: Google Scholar Textbook: Zeng, Marcia Lei & Jian Qin. 2008.6.

Constructing Controlled Vocabularies: TOC

Metadata. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman. Updates (recent activities): A New Similarity Measure for Subject Hierarchical Structures. Modeling Classification Systems in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts. Navigating the Intersection of Library Bibliographic Data and Linked Music Information Sources: A Study in the Identification of Useful Metadata Elements for Interlinking. Exploring Methods To Improve Access to Music Resources by Aligning Library Data With Linked Data: A Report of Methodologies and Preliminary Findings. From modeling to visualization of topic relationships in classification schemes. Educational Background Ph.D. 1992.

Major Research Interests Current courses: Current Workshop: Metadata for Digital Collections (outline and lecture notes) Professional Affiliations and Active Working Groups. Standards. - Home. Tems Product: Cognatrix. Jan 1, 2014: Please note that purchase of LGOSystems products is temporarily disabled while the products are undergoing redevelopment.

We apologise for any inconvenience. Cognatrix is a native Mac OS X (“Cocoa/Aqua”) application for thesaurus construction. cog·nate Related in nature, character or function ma·trix A situation within which something else originates, develops or is contained cog·na·trix A computer application for originating, developing and containing monolingual thesauri [Invented: cogna-, cognate + trix, matrix] Cognatrix is a “universal binary” and runs on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and later. It is installed via simple drag-and-drop straight into your Applications folder. Cognatrix provides two views of your thesaurus: Tree View Tree view shows the hierarchical arrangement of your thesaurus tree. List view shows a sorted view of all of the terms in your thesaurus. Items Cognatrix uses the word item to describe the things that can be stored in your thesaurus. Documents.

Thinkmap visualization software facilitates communication, learning, and discovery. Software for building and editing thesauri. This page is rather out of date and is not being actively maintained.

Software for building and editing thesauri

It is retained here because some of the information is still valid, but users should check with suppliers of software packages for current information. We are discussing the transfer of this page to someone else who will maintain it, and when that happens a link to the new site will be given here. - Leonard Will. What is a thesaurus? This is a list of software for the development and editing of information retrieval thesauri. These are primarily thesauri which are used to standardise the terms used when indexing and searching for items in a database. Software packages included in this list will be assumed to support the basic pairs of relationships: and to maintain consistency by ensuring that when one of these relationships is created or deleted between two terms the reciprocal relationship is also created or deleted.

Taxonomies and ontologies Stand-alone software or modules of database packages Status of this list. About WordNet - WordNet - About WordNet.