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Arbatel: The Magic of the Ancients – An Occult Grimoire with a Positive Message. The Arbatel de magia veterum (Arbatel: Of the Magic of the Ancients) is a Renaissance-period grimoire – a textbook of magic – and one of the most influential works of its kind. Unlike some other occult manuscripts that contain dark magic and malicious spells, the Arbatel contains spiritual advice and guidance on how to live an honest and honorable life. The Arbatel is claimed to have been written in 1575 AD.

This date is supported through textual references dating from 1536 through 1583. It is believed that the final editor of the Arbatel was Swiss physician Theodor Zwinger, and that it was published by Italian printer Pietro Perna. Portrait of Paracelsus (Philippus von Hohenheim), Father of Toxicology and Occultist. The focus of the Arbatel is on nature, and the natural relationships between humanity and a celestial hierarchy. Orthodox icon of nine orders of angels, forming a Celestial Hierarchy.

The Arbatel was an extremely influential work for its time. Sources By M R Reese. South Asia Development News. The Sun Hive: experimental Natural Beekeeping. The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare. She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldn't take it anymore. "It was like watching an old lady get mugged on the street," she says. "I thought, 'I can't sit by any longer.'" Fleischmann is a tall, thin, quick-witted securities lawyer in her late thirties, with long blond hair, pale-blue eyes and an infectious sense of humor that has survived some very tough times.

She's had to struggle to find work despite some striking skills and qualifications, a common symptom of a not-so-common condition called being a whistle-blower. Featured News From Fleischmann is the central witness in one of the biggest cases of white-collar crime in American history, possessing secrets that JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon late last year paid $9 billion (not $13 billion as regularly reported – more on that later) to keep the public from hearing. Thanks to a confidentiality agreement, she's kept her mouth shut since then. Never assume you know anyone but yourself.. Its a false illusion. Many have seen more than they tell and many tell more than they see.. Lets meet in the middle and let the truth fall where it may.

+Elijah- and The Band of Light - I Love Being Here. VirtaLocal | VirtaProjects. The Idea of VirtaLocal is to raise the awareness of VirtaCoin to as many people as possible, hence to create more demand for VirtaCoin in the Market. In the World of Trade “When demand is more than Supply, prices rise, and when Supply is more than demand, prices fall”. Obviously, this is what happens on a daily basis in any market. Let’s say we can convince about one million people to buy at least 21,000 VTA which, as I write, is extremely inexpensive: about $0.17 total as of 9-24-2014!

Then the total number of VirtaCoins would be at a 1:1 ratio between how many are available and how many are owned: ALL 21 billion. That’s when VirtaCoin (VTA) value could certainly soar. VirtaLocal is a good way of introducing our coin to more and more people face-to-face, even in more remote areas of the world. These people can also learn about saving their VirtaCoins in an online wallet ( LOCAL OFFICE LOCATION: Obviously, a good location is paramount. Project Requirements : Inside the New York Fed: Secret Recordings and a Culture Clash. Update: Senators react, Goldman changes conflicts of interest policy. Barely a year removed from the devastation of the 2008 financial crisis, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York faced a crossroads. Congress had set its sights on reform. The biggest banks in the nation had shown that their failure could threaten the entire financial system. Lawmakers wanted new safeguards. The Federal Reserve, and, by dint of its location off Wall Street, the New York Fed, was the logical choice to head the effort.

New York Fed President William Dudley had to answer two questions quickly: Why had his institution blown it, and how could it do better? After interviews with dozens of New York Fed employees, Beim learned something that surprised even him. The report didn't only highlight problems. A year later, Congress gave the Federal Reserve even more oversight authority.

One of the expert examiners it chose was Carmen Segarra. Segarra appeared to be exactly what Beim ordered. John Dragonetti : The Internet's Own Boy (Original Soundtrack) Red Flags of the Ego Part One: - Be. Hear. Now. 3D Printer for building a Magnetic Motor by Craig Lewis. Good day my fellow world Citizens :) Power will soon be in the hands of the People! With your gracious donations, we can make this Real! The reasons for setting up this funding campaign:1. To raise funds for the purchase of a 3D printer, so I can build a 3D Magnetic Motor. 2.To share with the world, that we are only steps away, from creating an open source magnetic motor, that anyone can build, for powering their own home. In the picture below you will see the prototype and working unit of Wasif Kahloon from Pakistan. Through, I hired a Drafting Engineer, and he created these drawing from pictures and videos of the Wasif Magnetic Motor.

Now that we have completed the CAD drawing and have permission from Wasif, we can create a 3D printed version of the Magnetic Motor. This unit has 12 different filament cartridges. $28 each Once we have, printed, build, tested and have a fully working motor, all info, drawing will be open source. PS. 5 tricks to nurture new and innovative ideas. The Sorcerers Stone. Prince Ea. The Fifth Agreement Miguel Ángel Ruiz Audiobook Full. WE are ris... Secret Spells of the English Language.

The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or... - Lord Acton at BrainyQuote. Gaza in Plain Language. Facebook is about to get so, so creepy. Clarification 15 July 2014: Facebook will not hand personal data directly to advertising companies, but it will monitor users' browsing on sites across the internet and allow paying advertisers to use that data to target advertising at users like us.

It's a significant and alarming expansion of the data Facebook will gather on its 1 billion plus users, to utilize and monetize for advertising. How Does Capitalism Make You Feel? | The End of Capitalism. Today I’m happy to repost a highly thought-provoking article called “We Are All Very Anxious.” The genius of the piece is that it centers the emotional reality that most of us experience while living under the capitalist system, and attempts to catalogue this emotional reality historically. Of course, what misery, boredom, and anxiety have in common is that they are all forms of powerlessness, because ultimately like any system of power, capitalism rules through convincing the vast majority of its subjects that there is no possible way to overthrow it.

It’s therefore important how this article highlights the emotionally liberating content of social movements, and questions our strategies for emotionally connecting with the anxious public. How do we create spaces and actions where people can most past fear and helplessness and feel genuine hope for a radically different future? The discussion of the emotional “affects” of capitalism also brings to thinking about care. [alex] Footnotes 1. Hacked & Burned: tech news. GIF OF THE WEEK: Giant botnet network Last time out we reported on the audacious mapping of the internet through a gigantic botnet.

I hope you'll be pleased to know that this brazen piece of hacking also produced this spangly GIF that illustrates precisely when and where people logged onto the Internet over a 24-hour period all over the world. WETWARE OF THE WEEK: Transistors for Living Machines Synthetic biologists are hard at work transforming microbes into living computers. This week they reached a landmark in their quest. CYBERCRIME OF THE WEEK: Chinese malware on android Chinese hackers regard all computers as fair game. TUMBLR OF THE WEEK: I'm Google Tumblrs infinite scroll leads itself to woozy digital derives. INTERNET EXPLORER OF THE WEEK: DO be Evil The Underhanded C Contest dangles a $200 prize to the hacker who create the most innocuos AND malicious piece of code.

Digital Archaeology: The internet is in fact a series of tubes PRO TIP OF THE WEEK: Bitcoin infographic It's a tie! Activating Your Soul Star. The Soul Star Chakra, located at approximately six inches above the head, as an etheric star of Light that hovers over every person's head. It is the first of the Transpersonal Chakras and an important doorway for working with direct energies from the Spirit. The brightness of this star very much depends on the Soul’s evolution of the Soul Extension on earth.

The Soul Star is not the Soul, but rather an instrument through which the Soul does its work. The Soul Star is an extension of the Soul. It is the Soul Star that becomes activated upon doing the Soul Mantra. Humanity Healing is sharing a Free eBook to teach a simple method for Activation of the Soul Star. This eBook is offered to all, but you must register prior to downloading. To download the free eBook, please first register, then sign in and then click: Animatech 101 - Activation of the Soul Star Copyright 2012 Humanity Healing Network Incoming search terms: Pinterest. Help make it happen for Un Named Coin. UPDATE - We are now called Rimbit Its been over 12 months!

In the past 12 months, we have taken your contributions and delivered Rimbit to the community, with updates and new products carried out within the time. We have also maintained our policy of Rimbit being a community project by not allowing mining to enter into our ecosystem, which if you look at Bitcoin and its mining solution, has created for itself a very monopolized system that we knew would eventually collapse. We have had our doubters that it couldn't be done and we have also received amazing support from people who understand what we are doing and have helped us take much needed steps to make Rimbit even better!

So what now? Self Contained Hardware Wallet - Coming soon As part of our continued development, there will soon be a wallet available that is hardware based and initially only available to forum members during the first run. So how do I contribute? We have wallets built and ready to go for: Why Register on the forum? Pinterest. 10 Perfect Things to Make Glamping More Cushy : DNews. There’s a place for minimalist camping, the kind where you break off your toothbrush handle to save weight and use an emergency reflective blanket as your sleeping bag. But now that summer’s over and life is moving along at mach speed again, it’s time to say goodbye to month-long epics into the wild. These are the days of shorter trips and cushier campsites, where maximizing fun trumps fast-and-light focus. With that in mind, we present 10 new things that will delight maximalist campers, and make more glamping more fun. 1.

You might be able to forego caffeine when its just you and your pack, but car camping enables a fresh cuppa, so why suffer through anything but an excellent brew? 2. Never slave over a camp stove again: Now you can go gourmet in sleek style. 3. Forego night freeze and indulge in a few extra ounces (and Zzzs) with this 100-percent silk sheet that’s buttery soft, but also treated to repel mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, fleas, chiggers, and midges. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Unified Field Corporation. Militias Are On Route: Is the 2nd American Revolution Starting in Bunkerville, Nevada? | The... Kimberly Paxton April 10th, 2014 513 views An area just outside of the little town of Bunkerville, Nevada, with a population of around a thousand people, may go down in history. This little spot in the desert may be compared with Concord, Massachusetts, the site of the “shot heard round the world” – the first shot fired in the American Revolution. Because it looks like the second American Revolution may start there…and soon.

Yesterday, The Daily Sheeple reported that tensions were running high outside of Bunkerville. It seems that the US government, in all of their infinite wisdom, has declared war on a cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy. In a stand-off that has been likened to Ruby Ridge and Waco, the federal government has now deployed armed agents in a case of what the U.S. Armed federal officers have arrived to steal Bundy’s cattle and close down the land he is using. It looks like tensions will rise even further because Americans have had enough. Acoustic Guitar Meditation Music - SPA Music Dreaming Version by Best Relaxing SPA Music. Sign the petition - Tell McDonald's: Stop stealing from workers' paychecks. My name is Amanda Weninghoff and I work at McDonald’s in Kansas City, MO.

You probably know that McDonald’s and other fast food chains don’t pay us enough to make ends meet. You know what’s worse? When they STEAL from us on top of that. They call it wage theft but I call it getting robbed on the job when we are forced to work off the clock or denied breaks during long shifts. When I was living out of my car in the parking lot of the very McDonald's where I worked, I was also a victim of wage theft. A new poll reports that 89% of fast food workers say it happens to them. If we stole $20 from the cash register, we’d be fired and our employers would not hesitate to call the cops. That’s why workers in New York, California, and Michigan brought lawsuits against McDonald’s – charging they have been forced to work hours off the clock and been refused overtime.

Two brave whistleblowers have come forward to tell the truth about wage theft at McDonald’s. Sources: Zen Meditation by Asian Zen Meditation. The SECRET for Undetectable Mind Control. Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling elite who do understand it. “Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, because they don't want their illusions destroyed.” -Friedrich Nietzsche Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That's what the ruling elite have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is not only one world government. Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd dimension for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything they desire. You are part of their manifestation. The Universal Law of Attraction What do you think about? “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Related Posts. The Do-Be-Do Dance of Self-Mastery | Hummingbird Community. As Ami Spangler works in Dancing Colors, the studio-home at Hummingbird she shares with her Partner, Michael Elliott, we might think there is simply an artist—a female artist—plying her trade. Starting from that perspective, there would be a great deal more, a broader and deeper sense of spiritual research and expression into which we might delve with Ami.

Ami’s aura of freedom and the sunlight through the windows and skylight are as much the media she employs as are the acrylics and the three linen panels she stretched in December 2014 to begin her current project. The triptych, whose center panel measures 72 x 44 inches, and each of two side panels 72 x 34 inches, respectively, rise as a rush of color and life into the octagonal ceiling of Dancing Colors Studio—designed, built and painted by Ami and Michael shortly after they arrived to Hummingbird. What are the contextual facets of this gem, this woman artist in a field that, to this day, is still heavily populated by men? Amazing by One Eskimo. Abraham Hicks Rampage of Invincibility...GOOSEBUMPS!

Morning Phase by Beck. Edition 145 – Dr Steven Greer « The Unexplained Paranormal Podcast with Howard Hughes. A Stone of truth and rarity, Given freely with sincerity, Few believe or understand, For evidence they do demand; So here it is, as you ask, Truth for you I do unmask; Nature's simple, certain way, Gives life and Hope out of decay; For those who hear Natu. 10 Suppressed Inventions. Aeon PI Phlo. Helpers, Guides & Allies by Byron Metcalf. Free Online Permaculture Design Course with Larry Korn. Reimagining Investment for the Whole Human. The Cinematic Orchestra Arrival of the Birds & Transformation.