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Blog. Actualité Sciences - l'actualité scientifique en temps réel. Making Science Visible. Untitled. La recherche professionnelle multidisciplinaire. Chimie 2.0. La biodiversité bactérienne pour une pile à combustible « verte » ?

Chimie 2.0

En immobilisant deux enzymes thermostables sur des réseaux de nanofibres de carbone,les chercheurs ont obtenu des performances qui permettent d’envisager leur utilisation pour l’alimentation électrique de petits appareils portables comme des capteurs environnementaux. 19/03/2014 par Christophe Cartier dit Moulin / énergie électrique, pile à combustible, hydrogène, bactérie Vers des batteries plus durables : la piste des bactéries Une équipe de chercheurs vient d’utiliser des bactéries pour produire des coques d’oxyde de fer utilisables comme matériaux d’électrodes pour batteries Li-ion. 10/12/2013 par Christophe Cartier dit Moulin / lithium, stockage, électrochimie, batterie, énergie électrique, bactérie Activité anticancéreuse spectaculaire pour des nanoparticules allongées 30/01/2014 par Christophe Cartier dit Moulin / nanoscience, santé, médicament, transport, cancer, nanoparticule.

Free reference manager and PDF organizer. Nature Network. Enseigner - Sciences, EE et EDD - Réseau social du Laboratoire de Didactique et d'Epistémologie des Sciences. - Follow research. Science 3.0. SINAPSE - Home page. Posts - Research Blogging. A recently published report from the Cochrane Colloboration suggested that two drugs which are used in the treatment of human Influenza are not as effective as reported in clinical studies, so it is worth to pause a moment and recapitulate how these drugs work and take a closer look at the report before rushing to any judgment. ...

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Read more » Moscona, A. (2005) Neuraminidase Inhibitors for Influenza. New England Journal of Medicine, 353(13), 1363-1373. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra050740 <a href=" Inhibitors for Influenza</a> McKimm-Breschkin JL. (2013) Influenza neuraminidase inhibitors: antiviral action and mechanisms of resistance. <a href=" neuraminidase inhibitors: antiviral action and mechanisms of resistance. Rossman JS, Jing X, Leser GP, Balannik V, Pinto LH, & Lamb RA. (2010) Influenza virus m2 ion channel protein is necessary for filamentous virion formation. <a href=" virus m2 ion channel protein is necessary for filamentous virion formation.

Scientific Microblog. MyExperiment. Home - Scientix. Carnets de recherche en Sciences humaines et sociales. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page. ResearchGate.

Blog » Launch experience, user feedback and next steps. We launched colwiz on 7th of March with a press release on the University of Oxford website.

Blog » Launch experience, user feedback and next steps

The initial launch was aimed at researchers at academic institutions from the US and the UK (signups restricted to .edu and domains). We were humbled by the response from the research community. Within 3 days, researchers from more than 300 institutions signed up and they are increasing each day. Some of the organisations where researchers are using colwiz include: MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Max Planck Institute, CERN, INRIA, GSK, IBM, Astra Zeneca, Samsung, NHS, Royal Society, IEEE, ACM, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Energy and Idaho National Laboratory among many others. We are adding more countries and organisation every day. We are thankful to the research community for their feedback. During the last 3 months, we have improved colwiz based on this user feedback and implemented many of these requested new features.

Colwiz A4 Poster. - Follow research. Carnets 2.