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Resume Writing | Student Services at Regent University. The sections most common on resumés are: Please click on the links below to learn more about each of these sections. Enlarge Resumé Image Contact Information What is a Contact Information section? This section provides the essential information a prospective employer would need to contact you. Your name Your mailing address The telephone number where you wish to be contacted You may also include: Your email address Your web address/URL Alternate phone/ fax numbers An alternate address with dates of usage, if you expect to be away from the main address for more than a month This information has become more optional with the increase of electronic applications and resumé submission.

Where should I place the Contact Information section? Contact information should be clearly visible at the top of your resumé. How do I build this section? Provide the contact information listed above, making sure it will remain correct for the period of time the resumé is in circulation. Samples Objective Summary Other. Resumé Writing Guide | North Central University. Types of Resumes There are three main types of resumes: Potential employers receive hundreds of applications and resumes every time they post a new position within their organization. With this in mind, one must choose a resume that is going to promote him or her in the most favorable light. It is advised that a person take some time to think and plan out what skills and experience they have to offer before drafting his or her resume. Knowing where to place education verse experience; using an objective or a summary; listing dates or omitting them; are all very important questions one must answer if they desire to be competitive for employment.

Chronological Resume The Chronological Resume is perhaps the most widely used resume style, especially by college graduates. The example listed breaks away from the standard layout by including an expansion of the education section. Linear Resume The Linear Resume format is rapidly growing in both use and popularity. Functional Resume Cover Letters. University | Student Affairs | Career Center | Resume Guide. University: CRC. Harvard Written Goal Study - Fact Or Fiction? Did It Happen? I recently published a post about Why 3% of Harvard MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% Combined. In that post, I discuss a Harvard study concerning the effects of goal setting, and specifically written goals, on future financial success. A few readers informed me that the study was a myth, and I decided to do some due diligence and follow up on the information you, my readers, provided.

Update: Now available free, a necessary part of any personal development library, The Little Book of Big Motivational Quotes. Download it today. Just Like Hiring My Own Research Staff – Google Book Search As I mentioned in that past article, the study is sourced from the book What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School, by Mark McCormack. I remembered seeing the study mentioned in other books, and when I searched for harvard written goals on Google Book Search, I came across over a thousand references. It Isn’t True Just Because The Internet Said So – Or Books Either, Apparently. Résumé Workshop. Education sections vary tremendously on résumés—sometimes they are only a couple lines while other times they span half a page. What's the best way for you to approach yours? The resource below contains a number of options.

What is an education section? An education section highlights your relevant schooling and academic training. The education section usually includes information about: Schools you have attended such as universities and 4-year colleges, junior and community colleges, as well as professional and technical schools (rarely high schools, unless somehow relevant)Location of schoolsDate of graduation, actual or anticipatedDegree(s) earned Grade point average (GPA) if over 3.0. Why write an education section? To persuade employers your educational background will help you do your job more effectively To provide evidence of your qualificationsTo foreground your areas of expertise Where should you place this section?

How to build your education section Samples Special projects Funding.