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Altimeter Report: The 8 Success Criteria For Facebook Page Marketing. Report Snapshot (full report embedded below)Altimeter Group conducted research, and gleaned input from 34 vendors, agencies, and experts, to determine success criteria and develop a roadmap for Facebook page best practices. We found Eight Success Criteria for Facebook page marketing, and then tested the maturity of 30 top brands across six industries.

Our heuristic evaluation revealed that brands fell short – nearly half of the brands we reviewed (14 out of 30) did not fully leveraged social features to activate word of mouth, the hallmark behavior of social networks. Within this immature landscape, a few brands were on the right track to successfully harnessing Facebook page marketing. Brands like Pampers, Macy’s, Kohl’s, and AXE increased engagement and activated word of mouth through advocacy and peer-to-peer interactions, or solicited business call to actions that result in transactions. How should brands approach their Facebook page marketing?

We asked the experts. Related Links. Altimeter Report: The 8 Success Criteria For Facebook Page Marketing. Connecting Social Media Marketing with Buyer Behavior. In 2010 The Base One Agency of London sponsored some of the most important research I’ve seen in our field. And they have followed it up with another great report for 2011! Their Buyersphere Report provided statistically-valid data connecting inbound marketing activities with buyer behavior. In a social media world filled with questionable research and lightweight infographics, this is research we can really use. I’m proud to be able to provide an advance summary of this report to the {grow} community. Here is the report summary of data from more than 1,000 European B2B purchasing agents.

What are your main take-aways from this research? The dominance of ‘traditional’ online Despite the rising popularity of social media, “traditional online” channels of supplier websites, search and emails are those most used by buyers. 68% of buyers said they consulted supplier websites, while 65% used search engines to find the information they needed to support their purchase decision. The youth factor. 10 Essential Social Media Tips for Ecommerce Sites. Social media is impacting how we do business online in new and exciting ways.

Customers are sharing more and more data about what they’re doing online and the things they like. Getting people to share your products on social networks is a great way to bring in traffic and find new customers. But ecommerce sites are stuck in a hard place because the number one goal of an ecommerce site isn’t sharing, it’s selling. Take the “King” of ecommerce sites,, as an example. They have sharing tools on their product pages, but it’s not quite what you’d think: While the sharing links are above the fold, they’re in the bottom-right corner of the screen. It’s hard to know how to promote your products and brand on social networks, without sacrificing potential sales. Basic Social Media Optimization for Ecommerce Sites 1. First things first: You need to figure out where your site visitors are sharing your products.

But that data isn’t specific to your site. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Altimeter Report: The 8 Success Criteria For Facebook Page Marketing. 5 Ecommerce Social Media Marketing Tips. If you run an ecommerce business, chances are your customers – regardless of their age, gender or economic status – are active on social networks and social media sharing sites. Just consider the statistics from social media monitoring site Pingdom: Males and females almost equally use social sites (47% vs. 53%)61% of Facebook users are middle aged or older, with the average age being 3718- to 24-year-olds don’t dominate any particular social networking site; they’re spread out all over The bottom line: If you aren’t discovering which in social networking channels your customers spend time and include them in your ecommerce marketing mix, you’re probably missing out on building relationships, community and increasing new customer acquisition through online word of mouth.

Leverage these five social media marketing tips for ecommerce to either get started with more social digital marketing or take your current social strategy to the next level: 1. Asking them. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grow Your Business: Social Media Tips and Tools | Confession: I'm a budget conscious consumer. In fact, some might label me as the proverbial penny pincher.

As a customer, I choose where I shop very carefully, usually based on whoever has the best available deal. But there are some exceptions to this money saving rule! Businesses that provide exceptional customer service and connect with me in meaningful ways are somehow able to convince me to shop with them, even if another store has a better deal. And I'm not alone in this reaction. According to RightNow's 2010 Customer Experience Impact Report, 85% of consumers said they would be willing to pay more over the standard price in order to ensure a superior customer experience. And that is precisely where social media comes in to play. For a small business, good social media practices create a personal connection with the customer. Build Your Fan Base. Facebook Tool: As a small business owner, you are by definition short on time. Give Voice to the Customers. Go Local. The Business Guide to Facebook Part 2: From E-Commerce to F-Commerce. Facebook Founder and Chief Executive Office Mark Zuckerberg describes Facebook as a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, families and coworkers.

Indeed, Facebook is so much more than a social network. As a social utility, it changes the dynamics of relationships, how we communicate with one another, and how we discover, share and learn. Facebook and Social Media re redesigning the information super highway, forever altering how information travels and how people connect. The world is literally becoming a much smaller place and as a result, businesses are forced to compete for attention where its focused. Otherwise, the concepts of Digital Darwinism and the need to Engage or Die most certainly becomes reality – out of sight, out of mind. If Facebook is a social utility then we can use it to engage, to foster a thriving community where its denizens expect information to find them.

From E-Commerce to F-Commerce 1. 2. 3. 4. Three Ways Brands Can Reward Fan Engagement Through Social Media. With more and more brands now looking to align their social media activities with their overall PR and marketing campaigns, it’s no surprise that many of them are utilising the opportunities presented via Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to increase consumer engagement and brand awareness.

Of course, it is often the brands that do something innovative, fresh and interactive with their fans through social media that stand-out amongst all the Likes and Tweets. Additionally, those brands that are able to effectively integrate rewards for fan engagement and present their fans with ‘something different’ will ultimately see the most success from their social media campaigns. In light of this, below are three examples of how brands are utilising social media to give something back to their fans and followers. 1.

Do something unique – As we saw recently with Porsche, doing something unique via social media to reward fans can often be hugely successful for a brand’s profile. 2. 3. Connect: