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10 awe-inspiring short films every movie lover should watch. What exactly is a short film? These days, the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences in the US define a short film as a movie less than 40 minutes in length. The British Academy of Film, on the other hand, reckon they can’t be longer than half an hour, but back in the early days of the moving picture, all the films were short. While the advent of the features film has changed all that, these flash fictions of cinema can still pack a pocket-sized punch.

To see for yourself check out ten shorts long on drama, suspense and oh-my-word awesomeness. 1. Although featuring a stunning futuristic Moscow, much of it was not actually filmed in the city – but incorporated clever CGI. 2. Burton’s expressive take on loneliness and isolation, would later characterise much of his work. 3. Alvarez took two years to make this £180 YouTube-tailored short. 4. Apparently this is shown in film schools as a ‘perfect short film.’ 5. 6. At the age of 20, Blomkamp had known he wanted to be a film director. 8. 9. The gate. Sometimes abstract, sometimes surreal. The (Terrible) Occupations Of The Future.

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