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Pbenco NXT Site | Just another Lego Mindstorms fan site. Lego Mindstorms Nxt Robot Blog. : SABRE. Projects for NXT 1.0. RoboGals win 2011 Lego MindStorms NXT robots Yaya Lu has built. 2011 - Exploring... Maze Solver Robots I wanted to try building a robot to solve a maze. There were not enough maze pieces for DrGraeme's maze 12 that I wanted to build, so I made some more maze pieces. 我想尝试建立一个机器人走迷宫。 DrGraeme有迷宫12件,还不够,所以我要再做些配件。 My mentor has weird tastes in music... and assembled maze 12 from DrGraeme's web site. 组装的 DrGraeme 的迷宫12图。 When touch and ultrasonic sensors were added to my Lego NXT ClareBot, I could test my very first maze solving Robot. 当触摸和超声波传感器被添加到 ClareBot,我有机会测试用我的机器人走迷宫。 It had problems turning tight corners and following walls smoothly, but it DID solve the maze!

它转直角或U角时比较困难,但它确实走完了迷宫! However the gear wheels on the touch sensor caught in cracks in the maze wall, so I tried adding a flexible ( dFlex ) sensor from Dexter Industries to my ClareBot. 然而, 装在 齿轮 上的 触摸传感器 经常卡在 迷宫 的 墙缝 中 ,所以我尝试了一个灵活的(dFlex)传感器 ,它 由德克斯特工 公司制造 , 使用NXT- G: Using the dFlex sensor with RobotC to go around the maze: 使用RobotC的dFlex传感器走迷宫: Doing a Wheelie... Balancing on two wheels... Dr. Free Lego MindStorms NXT tutorials. LEGOstudio Homepage. The NXT STEP - LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT Blog. Robots and other creations - Rob-otics. Aula Robótica. Advancing Robots Blog » Blog Archive » ROBOSUMO I (basic game) At Advancing Robots, we love doing ROBOSUMO! It’s one of those activities everyone enjoys, from beginners through advanced students. It makes a great finale for a class or camp, and a great one-time event as well!

Here’s how we set it up and run it. ROOM SET UP: The floor needs to be fairly smooth (since we use the Ultrasonic Sensor). THE MATCH: The ‘bots are placed on opposing corners of the arena, facing along the right side of the arena. The Program (NXT): For a basic SUMO program, we (or the students) program the ‘bots to move 2 rotations forward (100%), then turn at 75% (unlimited) until the Ultrasonic sensor measures an object closer than 30 inches (77 cm). THE EVENT: We don’t usually run a formal tournament, since that would involve a lot of waiting and we want as many attempts and revisions as time will allow.

Next Posting: RobotSumo II, Basic Strategies Tags: Battlebots, LEGO Robotics, Mindstorms, NXT, RoboSumo, Robot, Robotics, Sumo.