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We’re a team of strategic thinkers and creative doers, focused on crafting innovative ways for our customers to connect and engage with their audience.

Customer Relationship Marketing. How many people have you spoken to today?

Customer Relationship Marketing

How many smiles and ‘good mornings’ did you exchange… on your way into the office? We all crave human connection: even if we don’t realise it, or don’t want to admit it. It’s what leaves a sour taste in our mouth if we walk into a retail store and the shop assistant doesn’t acknowledge us. Or, if a colleague doesn’t make a comment about your new haircut. Even if your business doesn’t possess a physical presence or shop front, it’s still vital to maintain regular connection with your customer base to ensure they have a sense of belonging to your community. This can be through direct mail, EDMs, newsletters, and push notifications to their mobile devices, as well as via social media. Keeping in touch not only makes your customers feel valued and ‘in the loop’, it keeps your brand and image top-of-mind for their future purchases. Simplify How You Manage Bad or Fake Customer Reviews. We all know that unhappy customers make more of a fuss.

Simplify How You Manage Bad or Fake Customer Reviews

A dissatisfied customer may not hesitate to write a bad review, yet happy customers are less likely to praise a business for every positive experience. So how do you quickly and simply manage negative customer reviews? And do you know how to remove fake Google business reviews? If you’re managing your Google business reviews manually, you might feel like you’re being pro-active. And while responding to reviews has been proven to earn businesses 42% more revenue as compared to businesses that don’t respond at all, says a recent Womply study, it is possible to stay one step ahead of bad reviews by automating the review process. Software like the Australian designed and managed Ad On Review connects dissatisfied customers instantly with management, so any negative feedback can be addressed before it’s posted online. Maximise Your Online Opportunities With Reviewing Software. So you’re running out of time managing your hectic work-life balance?

Maximise Your Online Opportunities With Reviewing Software

With COVID-19 further complicating daily life, now is the time to streamline your marketing efforts and harness the potential of reviewing software. From large companies to sole traders, there is one digital marketing tool that every business needs in order to survive and thrive in a competitive online world: Google reviews. And reputation software, such as Ad On Review, helps businesses manage their Google reviews — sending out review requests to customers, as well as alerting management when a low rating has been posted. Turn Customers Into Your Digital Marketing Ninjas With Google Reviews. As our society becomes more reliant on online platforms to communicate and connect than ever before, it’s vital that your business taps into the power of Google reviews.

Turn Customers Into Your Digital Marketing Ninjas With Google Reviews

If you haven’t set up a Google My Business listing and don’t encourage your customers to review, there’s a good chance your business’ online presence is flatlining. Word-of-mouth, I’m sorry to say, is so 2013. So you want to know how to get more Google reviews and how that will increase your online visibility? Google reviews are vital for businesses that want to stand out from their local competitors. In a noisy, overcrowded online space, good reviews — and plenty of them — allow your business to rise in rank on Google, so you have more opportunity to be found by potential customers.

Upgrade Your Mobile Advertising Strategies with Instagram. For those who are a fan of taking photographs and sharing them online, you may have heard about Instagram and have used the app for quite some time now.

Upgrade Your Mobile Advertising Strategies with Instagram

And for enthusiasts who have been using the mobile app since the beginning, you may have an idea that the year 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most widely used social media apps ever created. Over a decade now, Instagram has allowed a full user experience of social media interaction. Famous for its square-cropped images, this visual content-focused app is surprisingly one of the top platforms compared to other best websites, for retailers for their mobile advertising campaigns.

Digital Advertising on Social Media Platforms and Websites. Why Enlist An Animated Video Maker To Help Build Your Brand? An animated video maker plays a significant role in bringing life to a regular brand campaign.

Why Enlist An Animated Video Maker To Help Build Your Brand?

Since most people today prefer and are more entertained by moving pictures, it makes the advertising strategy a profitable investment. With the increasing number of people owning handheld gadgets, it has become easier for businesses to infiltrate their advertising strategies to customers on a personal level. Online Digital Marketing: Excellent Customer Support System. Providing an excellent customer support system is an essential part of online digital marketing.

Online Digital Marketing: Excellent Customer Support System

It allows the company to offer continual communication through a 24/7 after-sale service. It also provides easy access and accurate response to specific queries. A lot of new software has been developed to assess business people in regard to giving a much better solution for their hotline services. And one of the many ingenious approaches is through Ad On Hold messaging software programs.

On Hold Messaging for Online Digital Marketing On-hold messaging or call waiting is not a new trend. According to recent studies, people who get dismissed by a busy phone line, especially during business hours, often end up getting frustrated or come to dislike the company.