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Passionsforfashion @ Spotlife. Mandag, 19 september 2011 Her får I den længe ventede DIY guide til at binde en draperet nederdel, som jeg første gang viste i et indlæg fra Kreta.

passionsforfashion @ Spotlife

Jeg har brugt et gammelt tørklæde fra H&M, men har I ikke et tørklæde i den stil, kan man købe et langt stykke jersey stof i en stofbutik meget billigt. Mit tørklæde er 2,5 meter langt og 1,5 meter bredt og så har jeg foldet det på midten, så det kun er 75 cm bredt. Charles David Regiment. Wendy's Lookbook. Nothing Perfume. Medieval Costume Making – the surcoat. I know that this blog gets lots of hits from people looking for medieval info so thought I would post some info about making costume.

Medieval Costume Making – the surcoat

I am not a very good seamstress (just a bit of needlework at school) and have a very experimental approach to making garments but thought I would share some of the process with you. I don’t usually use patterns anymore apart from when making women’s clothing as I need that to fit (not that they really do!) Usually I am making bigger versions (for Jake) or replacing worn out things – with sword cuts in them- so tend to cut round the existing garments. You can find some good basic patterns in general sewing shops in the costume section of the pattern books or websites such as these here .