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5 Signs You’ve Matured as a Trader. Posted by Joe Fahmy on September 15th, 2011 1) When you don’t need to rely on anyone else’s opinion and you stop asking others: “What do you think of the market?”

5 Signs You’ve Matured as a Trader

Have conviction in your ideas and don’t be easily influenced by others. You shouldn’t have to rely on other opinions because YOU should know yourself. 2) When you stop feeling the need to pound your chest every time you make 30 cents on a stock. “Act like you’ve been there before!” Trading the S&P500. Bespoke Investment Group - Think BIG. Carl Futia. Briefing Room : Investment Strategy by Jeffrey Saut. “The Russians Are Coming”April 7, 2014 The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming is a 1966 American comedy film directed by Norman Jewison and based on Nathaniel Benchley’s book The Off-Islanders.

Investment Strategy by Jeffrey Saut

The movie tells the Cold War story of the comedic chaos that happens when a Soviet submarine runs aground closely offshore a small island town near New England and the crew is forced to come ashore. At the time I saw the movie I was summering at my family’s home on Nantucket Island, which really brought home the ambiance of the movie since the landscape looked remarkably similar to places on Nantucket. Last Friday, however, rumors that the “Russians are coming” swirled down the canyons of Wall Street, causing a late Friday Fade that left the S&P 500 (SPX/1865.09) down an eye-popping 24 points.

The Big Picture. Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal.