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Colorín Colorado: A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners. Homepage. Just Words-An accelerated study of word structure. Reading Comprehension & Language Arts Teaching Strategies for Kids. Reading Fluency Strategies. Jump to our Reading Fluency Activities Page The following strategies and activities are designed to achieve two primary goals: 1.

To help children read words accurately and effortlessly. 2. Readers become fluent from: Explicit instruction, feedback & guidance ANDPracticing with appropriate textsFor detailed knowledge on reading fluency itself we recommend the following information: Click here to download Fluency Tasks, Texts, and Teaching Reading Fluency Strategies Repeated Reading Repeated reading means that students read the same reading passages or texts repeatedly until a desired level of reading fluency is achieved.

A version of the method of repeated reading we often use is as follows: An adult chooses a passage to read that is slightly above the child’s instructional level but still one that will promote student success. Click here to download a First Grade Words Correct Per Minute Graph Click here to download a Second Grade Words Correct Per Minute Graph Repeated Reading Homework Log. The Reading Lady. Reading Comprehension & Language Arts Teaching Strategies for Kids. Learning Page :: Professionally produced lesson plans, books, worksheets, and much more!