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Cheating as learning

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Redefining "Cheating" #rhizo14 by Natasa Bozic Grojic on Prezi. Redefining "Cheating" #rhizo14 by Natasa Bozic Grojic on Prezi. #rhizo14 on cheating as learning | My MOOC experiences. Just started Dave Cormier’s Rhizomataic Learning: The Content is the Community on the P2PU platform. Week 1 Challenge – Use cheating as a weapon. How can you use the idea of cheating as a tool to take apart the structures that you work in? What does it say about learning? About power? My rhizomes were all connected in my head and then with this cheating – I felt a push that made them all spill over the floor like noodles all over crawling in different directions.

Image source: wikipedia I am still uncomfortable with the word “cheating” in the context of learning. I read a lot many blogs, comments, tweets and still can’t get my head around the idea of cheating as learning. All unconnected thoughts going haywire. For some reason the idea of cheating then led me to recall the fable of The Blind man and the Lame. Image source: Wikimedia By rendering their services to each other, they cheated on their disability and achieved what could have been impossible individually.

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