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Font Generator - Make Your Own Handwriting Font With Your Fonts. 5 Excellent Sources To Download Free Text Fonts. When I was a little innocent computer newbie, still finding my way around a keyboard and gasping with delight at the internet (“WOW! HOTMAIL!”) , I made a few really bad mistakes while learning. One of them (which I still cringe about to this day) was back in 2000 when I installed 9000 fonts on Microsoft Word and then wondered why it took forever for the damn thing to start up! (“Dear Mr Gates, I’d like to complain about your Word product and its slow startup speed….”) Even though I have learnt my lesson from that day, I still love fonts and I am always trying out new ones. Art and graphic design were my best subjects at school and calligraphy has always been a big interest of mine as well. So I am always collecting new free online sources for fonts. Here are the five best ones in my opinion : What The Font?! Do you really like a particular poster design or a particular style of font and you would like to duplicate it?

It seems to be very accurate and fast. DDFont Some nice fonts here. Free famous fonts. Free Font Download - Cool Fonts | PR Astro Font. Agathodaimon Font. Moon Phases Font. 1001 Free Fonts - Download Free Fonts for Windows and Macintosh.