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What do I do if my Twitter account is hacked? Many Naked Security readers email our tips email account every day asking for help when their online accounts are compromised.

What do I do if my Twitter account is hacked?

I thought it might be a good idea to provide a step-by-step guide to recover from some common attacks people fall victim to, beginning with Twitter. There are two primary methods for your Twitter account to become compromised. Either you authorized a malicious application to connect to your account, or your password was guessed/stolen. The first thing to do as soon as you notice a problem is to scan your system with an up to date anti-virus product to be sure your machine isn't infected and doesn't have a keylogger installed.

Next you need to set a new password. If mixing numbers, letters, punctuation and case is too complicated (because you aren't using a password manager) then the most important thing to remember is that size *does* matter. Then you should review the applications you have granted access to your Twitter account. Long URL. ADB44. The really, really simple guide to using Twitter. There’s a lot of absolute bollocks written about Twitter, usually by self-styled social media evangelists, clueless hacks on rubbish newspapers or self-important ‘communicators’.

The really, really simple guide to using Twitter

In addition, I’ve noticed a lot of friends I’ve recommended Twitter to use it for a few days and then drift away, clearly non-plussed. I don’t blame them, it took me a couple of goes to get Twitter, and I’ve lost interest in a few other social media sites before getting to grips with them, but Twitter really is worthwhile.

So, I thought I’d compose my own guide to Twitter that isn’t filled with self-promoting nonsense. It won’t make you rich, get you a better job or guarantee you 1,000 followers, but you’ll gain a valuable and interesting tool to play with when you’re supposed to be working. I’m sure there are other, much better guides out there, but hopefully any old dunce can understand this one. • Decide why you want to use Twitter. . • Do not, under any circumstances, protect your updates. 10 best Twitter Tips for Power Users. The real power users on Twitter are celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Britney Spears and Kim Kardasian to name a few.

10 best Twitter Tips for Power Users

Well, if you are to make somewhere near Robert Scoble - make every tweet a magic, you need to go an extra mile. There’s a host of things to explore on Twitter. If you wanna be a power user to make the most of Twitter, there are several cool tips and tricks to take your experience beyond the typical Twitter usage. We sorted out 10 best Twitter tips for power users just for you. 1.

Even if you have a few hundred or a few thousands, you can manage them with Socialoomph. 2. You need to propagate your Twitter posts on various social networks to get followers. 3. Most of you must be having a blog. Well, you might ask how does it count? 4. Are you using the same Twitter account for your personal or business life. 5.

On Twitter you must be looking for people with the same interest as you. 6. 7. This is a handy Firefox plugin for any power users on Twitter. Twitter. Twitlonger., a simple url shortener.