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Tutorial Blog - Design Articles and Tutorials. - Photoshop Tutorials and Free Photoshop Goodies. 77 Resources to Simplify Your Life as a Web Designer << Van. As a web designer, achieving efficiency in your workflow will have a significant impact on your success. Fortunately, there are a number of great resources that have been created with the intent of making your life easier and your work quicker and more effective.

Color Tools Choosing the right color combination can be a difficult task. 26 Professional Photoshop Retouching Tutorials. Adobe Photoshop is the go-to tool for digital artists when it comes to professionally retouching images.

26 Professional Photoshop Retouching Tutorials

Enhancing and retouching photos in Photoshop is an effective way to "work with what you’ve got". There are many tips, tricks, and techniques for improving things like skin tone and imperfections, and enhancing the photo subject’s features. This article shares a huge variety of photo retouching tutorials for Photoshop users with brief descriptions of each.