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The Lazy Man’s WordPress Photo Gallery with Dropbox. I keep my photos on Dropbox, but I want to post them for everyone to see. Managing online photo galleries like Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, and friends is really tedious – and I don’t like how hard it is to get those photos back from those services. I could send people to the Dropbox pages, but that wouldn’t have the look and feel of my website. What I really want is to dump a bunch of photos into a Dropbox folder and be done with it. So obviously, I have to do this myself. I found the Lazyest Gallery plugin for WordPress, which is really great. You dump a bunch of photos into a directory on your server, and it does the rest. Phase I: Set up Lazyest Gallery Install Lazyest Gallery.Lazyest Gallery will ask you to choose a directory where your photos will live.

Now, copy one of your photo directories from Dropbox to that Gallery Folder with FTP or SCP or whatever.Spend about 7 hours tinkering with options to make the Lazyest Gallery pages behave how you want. Phase II: Dropbox Setup Google+ Dralis Tiled Gallery - Wordpress Plugin - MOJO Code. Migrate your WordPress database - WP Migrate DB Pro - Delicious Brains.

WordPress Serialized PHP Search Replace Tool | Interconnect IT - WordPress Consultants, Web Development and Web Design. Search Replace DB version 3.0.0 (currently a BETA version) allows you to carry out database wide search/replace actions that don’t damage PHP serialized strings or objects with a user friendly interface and experience. Installation & Use Now acts like a web app! To use the script, download the zip file from below, extract the folder called secret-name-please, renaming it to something secret of your choosing, then navigate to that folder in your browser. The script will automatically attempt to find and populate the database field but you must check that the details are correct and that it is for the database you wish to carry out a search/replace operation on. To see how you can use this tool to aid migrations, check out our article on WordPress migrations or visit the WP Tuts+ article that mentions this script.

If you are in any doubt whatsoever about how to use this standalone script, then please consider getting an expert in. Download v 3.0.0 BETA Problems? Changelog: To Be Done Donations. WP-Quick-Pages. WordPress plugin that lets you quickly create blank pages with hierarchies. Useful if you use WordPress as a CMS for simple sites that make use of pages. This plugin will add a submenu item called "WP Quick Pages" underneath "Pages" section of your admin area. On this age you can quickly enter pages, one per line, like this: About the Plugin FAQ Links Examples Contact When you're finished click the Create these pages button.

The cool part is you can quickly show hierarchies as well: About the Plugin - Donate - Open Source -- Github -- Help Develop FAQ Links Examples - Example one -Example two Contact The example is probably pretty obvious, but the parent of the page is dictated by the number of hyphens in front of the title. If you find yourself working on sites where the structure gets decided upon before the content is necessarily ready (ahem) then you may find this useful. WordPress Plugin Framework | View the repository on GitHub or download the source. This is an OOP framework for developing WordPress plugins. The main class uses the Singleton pattern to make sure that only one instance of the plugin is ever created. I have included blank methods for activation, deactivation, and registering scripts and styles. The base class sets up the text domain for internationalization and localization. Just drop your i18n and l10n files into the lang directory.

I have included a blank uninstall file that is setup to make sure it can only be called from the WordPress dashboard. All custom plugin functionality should be started in the run_plugin() method. Instantiating Objects When instantiating an object such as Custom_Post_Type or Taxonomy save it to the proper array property on the main class. $this->custom_post_types[ 'new_custom_post_type' ] = Custom_Post_Type( $plural_post_type_name, $capabilities, $support, $menu_icon ) Custom Post Types Taxonomies Terms $new_taxonomy->add_terms( $terms ); Pages View. WordPress-Gear. 10 Useful WordPress Loop Hacks. The loop is a very important aspect of WordPress blogs. In fact, the loop is what allows you to get posts from your WordPress database and print them on the screen.

A set of useful and user-friendly functions, the loop is incredibly powerful. With it, you can get a single post, a list of posts ordered by date, title or category, a list of posts written by a specific author and much more. In this article, we’ll show you 10 useful things you can do with the WordPress loop to make your blog even more powerful than it is right now. You may be interested in the following related posts: 1. Get Posts Published Between Two Dates Image source: Shutterstock The problem. The solution. <? Code explanation. As a result, the “WHERE” clause contained in the filter_where() function is added to the end of the SQL query contained in the post_where() function, which means that the loop will return posts published only between the two dates specified in the filter_where() function.

Source 2. The problem. 3. <? 4.

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