Compelling Reasons to Take the Right Supplements. Been hearing a lot about the supplementation hype?
If you’re still thinking about taking nutritional supplements, this short guide might be of help. We’ll walk you through the compelling reasons to visit a pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas, and ask an expert about the best products for you. Hybrid foods have lower nutrient content. What You Need to Know About Antihistamines. Prescribing Antibiotics: What Pharmacists Can Do. What Should You Do If You Have a Migraine Attack? Tips When Giving Medicine to Your Little Children.
Just like regular adults, children also suffer from a variety of ailments.
They may also need either prescription or OTC meds from a local pharmacy in Texas. But you have to remember that their bodies are different from older ones. So, here are important tips to note when giving meds to your young ones. Following these tips will help ensure their safety and recovery. Follow the pediatrician’s orders.The pediatrician knows what is right for your children. What Causes Excessive Daytime Sleepiness? According to Vishesh Kapur, MD, founder of the UW Medicine Sleep Medicine Clinic in Seattle, the number one cause of excessive daytime sleepiness is not an underlying condition, but rather the lack of adequate sleep.
He says that adults should try to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35% of adults in America average less than 7 hours. Some of the basic factors may be: Diagnosed sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Excessive stress due to life, work, and others. Alcohol, prescription medication, and recreational drug use. Hard Time Staying Up in the Morning? Might Be Excessive Daytime Sleepiness.
Feeling sleepy and sluggish occasionally isn’t unusual.
However, if these symptoms continue to occur over long periods, and seem to interfere with work, school, and your relationships, you may be dealing with something called excessive daytime sleepiness. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has found that as many as 20% of people experience excessive daytime sleepiness, making it the number one complaint of those who go to sleep clinics to receive treatment. Daytime sleepiness isn’t a disorder in and of itself, but it can be a symptom of conditions that may be much more dire, such as obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy.
Diagnosing Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Your doctor may conduct one of the following physical exams, on top of asking you a few questions about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing if he suspects that you may have GERD.
Heart Health this Heart Month. February has been dubbed American Heart Month and staying faithful to the name, AcuScript Pharmacy a trusted pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas, is here to offer clients insight on ways and techniques on how to improve their overall heart health.
Here are the things you have to do. Eat more fiber. You should aim to consume at least 30g per day.Cut down on saturated fat. Eating foods that are high on saturated fat can increase cholesterol in the blood, raising the chances of heart disease. Eat fish – at least twice a week. Who Shouldn’t Get the Flu Vaccine? Like all medication, there are some people who are just not allowed to take them.
It may be due to several complications. Here are a few reasons why a person cannot receive the flu vaccine from their Local Pharmacy in Texas. The patient is younger than 6 months, which is too young to receive the vaccineThe patient has a severe, life-threatening allergy to flu vaccine or other ingredients included in the vaccine (e.g., gelatin, antibiotics, etc.) Who Should Receive the Flu Vaccine? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that every single person over the age of 6 months should receive the seasonal flu vaccine.
This may be available in a Local Pharmacy in Texas, to make it easier for patients to gain access to it. While every single person should get a vaccination, it is particularly important for some groups to receive the protection that they can benefit from vaccines to prevent them from spreading acquired sickness. For people who are at high risk of developing serious conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease, getting vaccinated should be a priority.
The same goes for pregnant women and adults who are over the age of 65. Is Childhood Obesity Related to Physical Inactivity. Obesity rates have tripled during the past 25 years, turning it into a public health concern, especially for youths in Canada.
According to Statistics Canada, 26 percent of children and teens aged 2 to 17 are either overweight or severely obese. Research conducted by multiple independent pharmacy shows that physical inactivity conversely related to increased chances of developing obesity. Therefore, increasing physical activity should decrease its symptoms, right? Trans Fats, Bad for the Heart and Mind. According to The New York Times, trans fatty acids — notorious for elevating a person’s likelihood of developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes — has now been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Trans fats are substances added to processed food in the form of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and can increase levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or more commonly known as “bad cholesterol.” When your body develops too much LDL, it can build up on your blood vessel walls — called plaque — narrowing its passageway and derailing blood flow to the brain and the rest of the body. Researchers evaluated the blood levels of elaidic acid (the most common trans fat) in 1, 628 men and women aged 60 and older who were free of dementia. Improve that 15-Minute Wait at the Pharmacy. If you are reading this, the odds are you have tried waiting in line for your medication to be filled at your local pharmacy in Texas and to be completely honest that is not any patient’s favorite task to do.
Patients experiencing certain conditions might find it unproductive and discouraging to hang out at the pharmacy for a much longer time than they need. Improve that 15-minute or so wait at the pharmacy by engaging your patients in meaningful and information-driven conversations e.g. their medication, the proper dosages, etc. A pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas will find that this is an effective solution to customer dissatisfaction. What steps can you take to engage patients in conversation? AcuScript Pharmacy offers several ideas: Educate Tell your patients about new medications, about its side-effects, and its possible drug interactions. The Case of the Missed Dose. Patients sometimes forget to take their medication at normal times, which may cause problems due to the reason that missing a dose lessens the efficacy of the medicine and taking doses too close together may increase the risk of side effects.
Patient Engagement: Informed Patients Make Safer Choices. Independent pharmacies are encouraged to apply patient engagement strategies at work and for several reasons. Patient engagement has three primary benefits that can improve both patient experience and healthcare business success: Enhanced patient satisfactionImproved treatment outcomesImproved financial and operational efficiency. Pharmacies Ready to Take on Diabetes Care. Drug Overdose: Know the Signs and Ways to Avoid It. Compelling Reasons Why You Should Consult a Pharmacist. Your family’s health shouldn’t be taken for granted! Pharmacist Consultation: How to Maximize the Service. Buying Supplements? Here’s How to Choose the Best One. Supplementation is a great way to treat or prevent nutrient deficiency, especially if you can’t access healthy foods easily. But don’t just grab any supplements.