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Acupuncture Mama

Acupuncture Mama offers highly specialized acupuncture treatments in Santa Rosa. To book an appointment with our Acupuncture Therapist call (707) 755-7148 or email us at

Acupuncture Mama Awarded Best Of Sonoma County For 2021. We are excited and to announce that the Press Democrat has conferred Best of Sonoma County award to Acupuncture Mama for 2021!

Acupuncture Mama Awarded Best Of Sonoma County For 2021

The Best of Sonoma County award celebrates the achievements and contributions of local businesses to their community within their category. Every year, the Press Democrat invites its readers to vote for their favorite people, businesses, places, and things to do in Sonoma County. After a nomination period, voting consists of the top 3-5 businesses in each category ranging from ‘Real Life’ to ‘Business’. We are truly honored to receive such an award from our community, friends, and patients. With this new title, we feel a great sense of responsibility and take this opportunity to reiterate our commitment to compassionate, quality patient care. Acupuncturist Santa Rosa. Acupuncture For Pain Sonoma County. Acupuncture For Pain Sonoma County. Acupuncture For Pain Santa Rosa. Acupuncture Sonoma County. Acupuncture Sonoma County.

How Can Acupuncture Help with Stress? Stress is a major concern in many countries around the world, thanks to a myriad of impacts and issues.

How Can Acupuncture Help with Stress?

Stress is a silent killer. It can play havoc on the mind and body, and impact both personal and professional relationships. Untreated stress can develop into anxiety or depression that can result in energy blockages and may affect digestion, blood pressure, and ability to sleep. Aches and pains are some of the most common complaints that result from increased levels of stress. Many stress medications available on the market have side effects or are extremely addictive. Acupuncture is used for a variety of conditions, not just stress. Acupuncture improves blood circulation which improves throughout the body, tissues start receiving ample oxygen. Acupuncture does not have any serious side effects. Studies have found that acupuncture may prevent or decrease the activation of the stress response. Acupuncture For Pain Sonoma County. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years to enhance and restore fertility in both men and women.

Acupuncture For Pain Sonoma County

Current research demonstrates the effectiveness of using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of infertility and other reproductive disorders. Whether you are trying to get pregnant naturally or undergoing assisted reproductive procedures (ART), such as inseminations (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF), the proper application of acupuncture, herbs and nutrition will greatly increase your odds of a successful pregnancy and birth. A few of the conditions that can be treated include: Unexplained Infertility, Advanced Maternal Age, Immunologic Infertility, Poor Egg Quality, Male Factor, Endometriosis, Anovulation, Prolactinemia, High FSH, Recurrent Miscarriage, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, and Luteal Phase Defect. At Acupuncture Mama, our goal is to increase your chances of having a healthy baby. Acupuncture Therapist in Santa Rosa. If you suffer from chronic constipation, and regular doctors have been unable to find a cause, an acupuncture therapist in Santa Rosa could have the alternative treatment you need!

Acupuncture Therapist in Santa Rosa

Constipation happens to everyone from time to time, and usually, will pass on its own after a day or two. However, when the constipation becomes chronic, it can create a huge impact on your day-to-day life – making every movement a discomfort and sapping your ability to enjoy life. Acupuncture Clinic Santa Rosa, CA. Acupuncture For Menopause Santa Rosa. Acupuncture For Pain Santa Rosa. The Role of a Sonoma County Acupuncture Therapist in Mental Health. Mental health treatment is evolving rapidly to ensure treatments have access to a full range of treatment options for various conditions.

The Role of a Sonoma County Acupuncture Therapist in Mental Health

Our team at Acupuncture Mama has experience as a local acupuncture therapist in Sonoma County and within our latest post, we’re highlighting the role of the therapist in mental health treatment. Treatment for anxiety Millions across the United States experience anxiety on a daily basis. This anxiety can often prevent a person from enjoying time with friends and family, and from holding down a job. So, finding treatment for their anxiety is usually a leading objective. How Acupuncture Treatment in Santa Rosa Can Help with Depression.

Depression is one of the true “silent killers” in our world today, with an estimated 350 million people worldwide suffering from moderate to severe depression.

How Acupuncture Treatment in Santa Rosa Can Help with Depression

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests that nearly 7% of the American population suffers from depression – that’s over 16 million Americans! Unfortunately, traditional medical science is not well-suited for treating depression. All too often, those suffering from depression are simply handed “feel good” pills, in hopes of making the symptoms go away. Not only does that not address the more underlying issues, but it can often result in the patient getting hooked on their pills! Cosmetic Acupuncture — Natural Beauty and Better Health! Aging is a natural phenomenon.

Cosmetic Acupuncture — Natural Beauty and Better Health!

As we grow older, our skin undergoes several changes. It becomes rough and starts sagging. Many people get cosmetic fillers or undergo cosmetic procedures to slow skin aging. Skin tightening treatments and other cosmetic procedures, however, are all about external packaging. Youthfulness is a state of mind. Beauty and health are interlinked. Many people who want to age gracefully turn to Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. TCM practitioners use facial analysis as a diagnostic method to read the state of their patients’ health. Suffering from seasonal allergies? Acupuncture can help! It’s been a crazy year for allergy sufferers here in Sonoma County.

Suffering from seasonal allergies? Acupuncture can help!

We had so much rain that things seem to be in constant bloom. I know this because my car has been covered in a thick layer of pollen for the last three weeks. What are people to do though if they don’t want to take over the counter medications? Fall is here: simple tips to help you stay healthy. From an Chinese Medicine perspective, Fall is time to pare down, to let go of the excesses we allowed ourselves in Summer and focus on what’s necessary for Winter.

Fall is here: simple tips to help you stay healthy

The transition into Fall is when we move from the more active seasons to the more passive. This directly impacts how we feel, and how we prevent and treat illness. Each season is linked with a natural element, organ and emotion. The element, organ and emotion of Fall are, respectively, Metal, Lung and grief. These three things guide us into how to feel the best we can. Acupuncture For Menopause Sonoma County. Acupuncture For Pain Santa Rosa. Acupuncture Treatment Santa Rosa. Can an Acupuncture Therapist in Sonoma County Help Your Shoulder Pain? Shoulder injuries are unfortunately common across all walks of life.

Can an Acupuncture Therapist in Sonoma County Help Your Shoulder Pain?

Whether due to an accident, sports injury, or simple mishap when lifting a heavy object, millions of Americans live with shoulder pain. Often, this pain can be linked to neck or back pain as well, making it extremely difficult to diagnose or treat. Problems with the neck and back can create pain almost anywhere on the upper body. How an Acupuncture Therapist in Santa Rosa Can Treat Your Constipation. Acupuncture Clinic Santa Rosa, CA. Acupuncture Santa Rosa. Acupuncture Points: Unlocking the Secrets to Neck Pain Relief. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique. It involves inserting paper-thin needles into different points in the skin. This is done to restore the natural flow of energy in the body.

There are several benefits of acupuncture. In various studies, acupuncture has been found to be both safe and effective. Acupuncture can treat many disorders including disorders of the eye, gastrointestinal disorders, mental and emotional disorders, and neurological disorders. Gallbladder 20. PMS got you down? Despite the fact many women experience PMS symptoms during their “time of the month,” Traditional Chinese Medicine would argue this should not be viewed as “normal.” A woman’s journey through the menstrual cycle should be free of any emotional changes and physical discomfort. The symptoms of PMS are signs that the woman’s body is out of balance. Here are some natural and effective ways to eliminate PMS from your life. I realize that some of these things might be hard to do and make you feel deprived of all that’s good in life (wink, wink)… but I encourage you to give it a try for one month to see how it can improve the way you feel before and during your cycle.

Stop eating refined flour, sugar, and processed foods.Cut out caffeine and stop drinking alcohol. Acupuncture For Pain Sonoma County. Acupuncture has continued to gain acceptance in Western medical practices, and for a good reason. It is a proven means of diminishing pain through the realignment of bodily energies. There is no reason to believe that a practice such as acupuncture that originated from an ancient culture isn’t valid. Many Western practitioners are quickly finding they’ve undervalued their Eastern forefathers. Acupuncture For Pain Santa Rosa. Acupuncturist Methods for Treating Common Illnesses. During these days, it feels like diseases have become more common than ever. Though many diseases that were once considered untreatable can now be treated, there are several side effects of western medicine treatments and procedures.

To steer clear of debilitating side effects, many people with different health conditions opt for acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice involves the use of thin needles to correct energy disruption in the body. Important Factors to Consider When Choosing an Acupuncture Therapist in Santa Rosa. As the popularity of acupuncture increases, more people are making a career as an Acupuncture Therapist in Santa Rosa, providing you with more provider options than ever before. However, no two practices are the same and you want to be sure to find the best one for your needs.

Here are a few things you should consider when finding your ideal Acupuncture Therapist. What are Your Goals? Chinese Herbal Medicine – Ancient Cures for Modern Problems. You probably know about acupuncture. What was once a mysterious alternative treatment has become a mainstream choice for healthcare, but here are some fascinating things that you may not know. How to Choose an Acupuncturist in Today's Healthcare Setting.

Medical science has come a long way. Thanks to scientific advancements that revolutionized the clinical and biomedical landscape, we now have cure for diseases that were once considered incurable. Many modern medicines and treatments, however, have side effects. Why You Need an Acupuncturist in Santa Rosa, CA. Acupuncture Mama Encourages Couples to Try Acupuncture for Infertility. 7 Pressure Points to Improve Eyesight. Chinese Herbal Medicine Sonoma County. Acupuncture for Pregnancy in Santa Rosa. Acupuncture Clinic Santa Rosa. How to Treat Inflammation with Acupuncture. Endometriosis – How to Identify and Treat with Acupuncture. Endometriosis is a painful uterus condition where the tissue inside the uterus grows outside.

It can spread over most of the reproductive organs. Endometriosis causes the tissues to grow outside the uterus, and still behave as normal endometrial tissue. As a result, every month it gets thickened, breaks down, and bleeds like normal menstruation. The issue here is that the broken down tissues do not have a way to leave the body, causing complications and internal bleeding when the blood accumulates. What Conditions Can Be Treated with Acupuncture? Acupuncture has been used in China for more than two thousand years to promote general well-being, and treat myriad illnesses. Acupuncturists believe that good health results from the free flow of chi in the body, and illnesses are attributed to blockages in the flow of this vital form of energy. This can be relieved by the insertion of thin needles at various points in the body.