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Virus hiding in our genome protects early human embryos - life - 20 April 2015. We may owe our survival and complexity to a stowaway virus that springs to life in the very first cells of human embryos.

Virus hiding in our genome protects early human embryos - life - 20 April 2015

Not only does the virus seem to protect embryos from other viruses, but it also assists genes when the groundwork is under way for the body plan of a new human. The finding backs the controversial idea that viruses which took up residence in our DNA millions of years ago may be playing the role of puppet master, quietly influencing our existence and evolution. "We are creatures controlled by viruses," says Luis Villarreal of the University of California at Irvine. Retroviruses insert their genetic material into the cells of their human or animal host. At first, this causes disease and death. Silent protector About 9 per cent of our genome is thought to have come about this way. Biological dark matter Tantalisingly, the stowaway virus might even provide clues to what makes us different from chimpanzees and other non-human primates.


Rabies. Healthy humans make nice homes for viruses. The same viruses that make us sick can take up residence in and on the human body without provoking a sneeze, cough or other troublesome symptom, according to new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St.

Healthy humans make nice homes for viruses

Louis. On average, healthy individuals carry about five types of viruses on their bodies, the researchers report online in BioMed Central Biology. The study is the first comprehensive analysis to describe the diversity of viruses in healthy people. The research was conducted as part of the Human Microbiome Project, a major initiative funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that largely has focused on cataloging the body's bacterial ecosystems. "Most everyone is familiar with the idea that a normal bacterial flora exists in the body," said study co-author Gregory Storch, MD, a virologist and chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. At least one virus was detected in 92 percent of the people sampled, and some individuals harbored 10 to 15 viruses.


¿Que son los virus? Ten Things You Really Should Know About Ebola. The current outbreak of Ebola virus disease has been all over the news lately, and of course, many rumors and much misinformation has been spread.

Ten Things You Really Should Know About Ebola

Here are ten questions regarding the outbreak that will set the record straight about what is going on in West Africa: What is Ebola virus disease? Ebola virus disease (EVD) is an acute viral illness that used to be known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. It is caused by three of the five species within the Ebolavirus genus. Two species are capable of infecting humans, but do not seem to cause illness - so you can catch it, but you won't notice it. Where did EVD originate? It is not entirely clear where the virus originated, though it is thought that bats might harbor the virus in their intestinal tract.

What are the symptoms? Once a person has contracted the Ebola virus, it can take up to 21 days to become symptomatic.

Hepatitis B

Ebola. MicroBIO: Hay que estar preparados para el Chikungunya. No es un nuevo baile latino.

microBIO: Hay que estar preparados para el Chikungunya

Es una enfermedad causada por un virus y transmitida por mosquitos. En término Chikungunya deriva de la lengua bantú de la frontera entre Tanzania y Mozambique y significa “caminar doblado”, porque se refiere al modo de andar encorvado de los enfermos por el dolor articular que provoca. El virus se describió por primera vez en 1950, durante una epidemia de dengue. Los mismo que el dengue y la fiebre amarilla, el virus Chikungunya se transmite por picaduras de las hembras del mosquito Aedes aegypti, que pican normalmente durante el día. MicroBIO: ¿Puede el coronavirus saudí MERS-CoV causar una pandemia? Lo que sabemos del MERS-CoV Según datos de la OMS (del 9 de mayo de 2014), desde abril de 2012 cuando se notificó el primer caso, se han confirmado 536 casos de infección humana por el coronavirus del Síndrome Respiratorio del Oriente Medio (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, MERS-CoV), de los cuales 145 han fallecido.

microBIO: ¿Puede el coronavirus saudí MERS-CoV causar una pandemia?

De momento, esta proporción supone una mortalidad del 27%. Pandemias: nuevas infecciones virales - Ud6: Conclusión: ¿Por qué surgen nuevas infecciones virales?

Hepatitis C

Pandemias: nuevas infecciones virales - Ud6: Conclusión: ¿Por qué surgen nuevas infecciones virales? HIV. H1N1. Screening for emerging viral diseases. (Medical Xpress)—A microbe detection array technology developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists could provide a new rapid method for public health authorities to conduct surveillance for emerging viral diseases.

Screening for emerging viral diseases

This possible use of the Lawrence Livermore Microbial Detection Array (LLMDA) was studied by an international team of researchers from eight nations in a paper published late last month in the PLOS ONE scientific journal. "The disease symptoms for emerging viruses are often similar to those of other more common viruses, posing a diagnostic challenge to clinicians unfamiliar with the novel organism," the authors wrote. "In the case of emerging viruses, it is crucial for patient treatment and for containment of a potential epidemic to quickly identify the correct virus. " The paper's lead author is a researcher from the Copenhagen-based Statens Serum Institut, Denmark's equivalent of the United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).