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Vitamin HB | My Favorite New Coffee Scrub!!! « huda beauty. Vitamin HB | My Favorite New Coffee Scrub!!! Sun, 13 Nov 2011 DAILY DOSE | BODYBy Huda Heidi Kattan I know I loooove coffee scrubs (remember my HudaBeauty party with the little coffee scrub giveaways), but this one kind of takes the cake when it comes to pure awesomeness! I just the love the way it cleans my skin and leaves it super healthy with a glow! Ingredients 1 Orange, Peeled 2 Cups Yogurt 2 Tablespoons Coffee Grounds 2 Tablespoons Honey Blend the yogurt, orange and honey together in a blender.

Sense of Fashion - The Marketplace for Fashion - Shop, share & sell designer items, vintage, boutiques, street fashion. Tops - Nectar Clothing. Dress Coding: Casual Work Attire. For those of you who are lucky enough to enjoy a casual work environment thank your lucky stars! Generally speaking, casual dress code can be symbolic of a company’s attitude toward its employees. In a way, it’s a sign of respect and trust. Apple, Google, and Nike all have very casual, laidback dress codes. Formal dress doesn’t always mean success. That is not to say, dressing like a slob is sanctioned casual work attire. The best thing about a casual dress code is almost anything goes (unless it conflicts with The Commandments, of course).

Below are a few outfit ideas for all you casual work wear ladies to consider… 1. Jaeger Circular Hem Sweater, 7 For All Mankind Roxanne Jeans, Butter London nail polish in British Racing Green, LC Lauren Conrad Bow Ring, H&M Cap Toe Flats, See by Chloe Loki Bag 2. Miss Selfridge Ochre Dress, Topshop Crop Jacket, Deborah Lippmann nail polish in Naked, Madewell Caravan Bag, H&M Platform Heels 3. 4. 5. The bottom line? XO Lauren P.S. Cómo hacer tu propio exfoliante corporal. Ya sabemos lo importante que es la exfoliación, sobre todo ahora de cara al veranito, para preparar la piel antes del sol o el autobronceador. Las células muertas desaparecerán de la superficie de tu piel y además la circulación mejorará al aplicar este tipo de exfoliantes tipo salt rubs, como ya hablamos anteriormente en Arrebatadora.

Si os apetece probar a hacer un exfoliante corporal en casa, natural cien por cien, hoy os proponemos un exfoliante de azúcar. Estos son los ingredientes: -Dos tazas de azúcar morena -Una taza de miel -3 cucharadas de zumo de limón -Si queréis y podéis obtenerlo, podéis añadir dos cucharaditas de jengibre Poner los ingredientes en un bol, añadiendo el jengibre rallado si lo vais a poner en la mezcla.

Mezclarlo bien y aplicarlo abundantemente en la ducha, masajeando a la vez, para después aclarar convenientemente.