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Cifras interesantes de Marketing en dispositivos móviles. Introducing the New Page Insights. Infographics: 10 Beautiful Social Media Data Visualizations. What's happening in the world of social media?

Infographics: 10 Beautiful Social Media Data Visualizations

That's not a simple question to answer, as this space is quickly becoming one of the busiest, most interesting aspects of our digital lives. However, if we had to choose the best way to present the wealth of recent information on social media — how companies are using it to improve their business, how individuals are interacting with its many facets and how it's affecting our lives — the simplest way would probably be to showcase the best social media infographics from the last few months, and that's exactly what we did.

We've gathered 10 amazing infographics, which are still quite fresh and contain very relevant info. We hope you enjoy them! WebGo!