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Leadership and the art of plate spinning - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Change Management. I often ask business leaders three simple questions. What are your company’s ten most exciting value-creation opportunities? Who are your ten best people? How many of your ten best people are working on your ten most exciting opportunities? It’s a rough and ready exercise, to be sure. But the answer to the last question—typically, no more than six—is usually expressed with ill-disguised frustration that demonstrates how difficult it is for senior executives to achieve organizational alignment.

What makes this problem particularly challenging is a number of paradoxes, many of them rooted in the eccentricity and unpredictability of human behavior, about how organizations really tick. Appealing as it is to believe that the workplace is economically rational, in reality it is not. Many CEOs instinctively understand the paradox of performance and health, though few have expressed or acted upon it better than John Mackey, founder and CEO of Whole Foods. Change and stability About the author. Sign In.

Leadership by the New Generation - Leadership Training from MindTools. Bridging the Age Gap Different generations, different approaches? © iStockphoto Picture this scenario: the leader of your long-established team has retired, and his replacement is a young manager, straight out of business school. She's anxious to get going in the organization, and you hope that she'll bring some new life and energy into the company. As the weeks go by, however, you begin to see growing discomfort and conflict between the older staff and this new team member. Your older colleagues think "the new kid" is overconfident, pushy, and too anxious to leave at precisely 5:00 p.m. The newcomer finds it hard to get support from her older colleagues. How can you bridge this generation gap?

There's little doubt that the U.S. workforce is at a unique point in history (other countries face similar situations). In the U.S., the drop in birth rate in the post baby boom years means that, by 2010, the number of people in the 35-44 middle management age group had dropped by nearly 20 percent. The Leadership Pipeline Model - Leadership Training from MindTools. Developing Your Organization's Future Leaders Develop a "pipeline" of future leaders for your organization. © iStockphoto/ssuaphoto Imagine that several mid-level managers in your organization are planning to retire in the next few months, and, as a result, you're facing a serious staffing problem. Do you start searching outside your organization, or should you focus on finding people from within the company, so that you can quickly train them for these positions?

Many organizations spend a lot of time searching for good people for their leadership teams. It's often most efficient to promote from within, as internal people are "known quantities," and are already familiar with how the company works. However, many organizations don't have a process in place for "growing their own leaders," so they need to search for outside talent to bring in. In this article, we'll look at the Leadership Pipeline Model, a tool that helps you plan for internal leadership development. About the Model 1. 2. 3. 4. Los tabúes del liderazgo: explorando la credibilidad (Parte 1)

Los líderes hacen cosas que otros muchos no pueden hacer y no pueden entender. Y cada vez que un líder "se sale con la suya”, hay una erosión de credibilidad. Los líderes se encargan de hacer las cosas a través de otros, lo que les permite una gran libertad. Esperamos que nuestros líderes ejerzan el poder, manipulen a la gente y participen en juegos políticos. Somos conscientes de sus ventajas de lujo y beneficios generosos. Por lo tanto, ¿cual es el estilo de liderazgo adecuado para una situación dada? Un buen coach ayudará a los líderes a centrarse en lo que tienen que hacer para avanzar en sus agendas y ayudar a otros a alcanzar su potencial. Es difícil ser objetivo acerca de la personalidad de un líder y ordenar el proceso de liderazgo en sí. En los “Tabúes del Liderazgo”, Anthony D. Los tres espacios del liderazgo Podemos ver el proceso de liderazgo desde tres espacios críticos: 1. Los tabúes de la persuasión 1.

Tabú 1. Tabú 2. El cambio personal La 2 - ¿Podemos cambiar nuestra forma de ser?, con la psicóloga Patricia Ramírez Loeffler, Para todos La 2.


Tres claves para convertir la técnica del liderazgo en el arte del liderazgo. Por Fabián Martínez Hernández. GestioPolis. Una buena parte de la función de los líderes y de las personas que tienen a su cargo a otras, es no sólo alcanzar los objetivos y resultados previstos, en sus prospectivas realizadas tiempo atrás, así como el seguimiento adecuado a los parámetros y estándares utilizados para el cumplimento de los mismos.

El gran reto tiene que ver con la emisión del compromiso y responsabilidad que debe y puede tener el equipo de trabajo y cada uno de los miembros que lo conforman. Y en un escenario mucho más deseable, retroalimentar e interactuar con la alegría y el gusto de ser parte del equipo y de tener la oportunidad de aportar al mismo con el talento y los recursos personales de cada cual. La empresa en nuestro país vive en carne propia la problemática de las deficiencias educativas que arrastramos desde hace algunos decenios. En las que ha sido una educación principalmente memorística y cognitivo-conductual. Clave 1: Estar presente y abierto Clave 3.

Leading in the 21st century - McKinsey Quarterly - Governance - Leadership. It is often said that the principles of great leadership are timeless, or based on immutable truths. But when we meet with the men and women who run the world’s largest organizations, what we hear with increasing frequency is how different everything feels from just a decade ago.

Leaders tell us they are operating in a bewildering new environment in which little is certain, the tempo is quicker, and the dynamics are more complex. They worry that it is impossible for chief executives to stay on top of all the things they need to know to do their job. Some admit they feel overwhelmed. To understand the leadership challenge of our volatile, globalized, hyperconnected age more clearly, we recently initiated a series of structured interviews with the leaders of some of the world’s largest and most vibrant organizations. Excerpts from six of those conversations appear below. After presenting the ideas of these leaders on leadership, we offer a few additional reflections on the topic. 1. 2. Flexible Leader Theory & Firm Performance « Management INK.

“Human Capital, Efficiency, and Innovative Adaptation as Strategic Determinants of Firm Performance” by Rubina Mahsud, Gregory E. Prussia, Seattle University, and Gary Yukl, State University of New York at Albany, was published in Online First in Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. Professor Mahsud graciously expounded upon the article in her responses below. Who is the target audience for this article? This study has important implications for strategy and human resource management scholars as well as business leaders. To be an effective manager in this period of intense global competition requires one to think and act in simultaneous modes of efficiency and flexibility for adapting in to new situations and demands.

Managers must understand the importance of being able to use competitive strategies that combine cost efficiency and innovative adaptation. What inspired you to be interested in this topic? Were there findings that were surprising to you? Like this: Like Loading... Inclusion and Diversity in Work Groups: A Review and Model for Future Research.

Implicacion RRHH

El poder de los 'seguidores activos' El poder de los 'seguidores activos' Jeffrey S. Ashby, ex comandante del transbordador espacial de la Nasa, es un astronauta que encarna a la perfección al héroe típico, ex piloto de élite de la marina, participó en misiones de combate en Oriente Medio y en tres misiones del transbordador espacial. John Kanengieter parece compartir el mismo espíritu de Ashby, pero en tierra. Él es director de liderazgo de la Escuela Nacional de Liderazgo al Aire Libre, Kanengieter escala montañas y lidera expediciones de aventuras. Stephen Girsky es vicepresidente de GM responsable de la estrategia de la empresa, alianzas corporativas, desarrollo de nuevos negocios y áreas diversas, además de presidente del Consejo de Supervisión de Adam Opel AG. Los tres estuvieron en la 16 Conferencia Anual de Liderazgo de Wharton patrocinada por el Centro de Gestión de Liderazgo y de Cambio y por el Centro de Recursos Humanos, ambos de Wharton, cuyo tema fue "Liderar en un mundo en conflicto".

Misión arriesgada.