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El alma de la creatividad. Dominó Serious Play. Dominó Serious Play es una técnica creativa de aplicación muy sencilla.

Dominó Serious Play

El uso del Dominó nos permite jugar sin explicar las reglas del juego. Todo el mundo sabe jugar al dominó y en el lejano caso de que no sepa las reglas son muy sencillas. El término Serious Play es para reforzar el concepto de que se está realizando algo serio, estamos intentando dar soluciones y nuevos enfoques a proyectos y cuestiones a través de compartir conocimiento, experiencia y know-how de cada uno de los “jugadores” Esta técnica ha sido diseñada por la Fundación CTIC Hacen falta entre 4 y 6 personas para jugar.

Tiene una gran aplicación en empresas y en dinámicas con personas a las que les cuesta encontrar o sumegirse en el “flow”. Esta técnica la puedes emplear para mejorar tu proyecto, empresa o idea, puedes ofrecer participar a clientes potenciales, usuarios, colaboradores, amigos, otros proyectos o empresas. Fuente: @dt_espinar. Thinking. Our research shows that companies with strong innovation track records manage their innovation efforts as parts of a highly interrelated whole—an approach we call “total innovation.”


In general, effective innovators take a balanced portfolio approach, splitting their investments 70/20/10 between incremental, adjacent and transformational innovations. We have developed a framework to help you strike and maintain a similar balance across your innovation initiatives. Initially, we help you identify and articulate a clear innovation ambition. Then, we help you put in place the tools and infrastructure you need to manage each part of this integrated system, which helps keep you focused on playing both the long and the short game. In doing so, we also help you develop a powerful internal innovation management system to identify and accelerate your most promising ideas, kill those with little potential, and effectively improve the overall return on your innovation investments. Creativity Quiz - Creativity Tools from MindTools. Test your workplace creativity skills!

Creativity Quiz - Creativity Tools from MindTools

© iStockphoto/fpm If the idea of being creative at work makes you think of artistic talent, don't worry! Business creativity is all about finding fresh and innovative solutions to problems, and identifying opportunities to improve the way that we do things. As such, anyone can be creative, just as long as they have the right mindset and use the right tools. This test helps you to think about how creative you are right now. How Creative Are You? Instructions: For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you.

Score Interpretation Boosting Your Creativity Ability In his well-respected book, "Creativity," Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says that an effective creative process usually consists of five steps. Preparation – becoming immersed in problems and issues that are interesting and that arouse curiosity. We've mapped these five steps onto the process below. 1. (Questions 6, 9, 11, 14, 15) 2. (Questions 2, 5) 3. (Question 3, 7, 12) 4. 5. Starbursting - Brainstorming Techniques from MindTools. Understanding New Ideas by Brainstorming Questions © iStockphoto/PapaBear When a colleague suggests a new product or idea, and you're trying to understand it and how it works, a typical response is to bombard the other person with questions.

Starbursting - Brainstorming Techniques from MindTools

What features would it have? How much would it cost? Where would we market it? Who would buy it? Asking questions like these is a valuable way of understanding the new idea, and of challenging it to ensure that all of the relevant aspects of it have been considered before any work begins on implementing it. That's why it’s worth going through a comprehensive, systematic questioning exercise every time you explore a new idea. Starbursting is a form of brainstorming that focuses on generating questions rather than answers. Tip: If you want to explore a really significant proposal, make sure you also use techniques like Risk Analysis and Impact Analysis to explore the questions you should ask.