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Drinks! How to Grow a Pineapple Top Indoors. Once roots appear, plant the pineapple in a fast draining potting soil such as a Bromeliad or Cactus Potting Soil mixed with a third perlite.

How to Grow a Pineapple Top Indoors

An eight-inch porous clay pot with bottom drainage is ideal. Layer about two inches of stones in the bottom of the pot prior to putting in the soil/perlite mix. The picture to the left illustrates the materials needed (the two pottery shards in the front are to put over the drainage holes; these came from an extra clay saucer that I broke up).

The first step is to cover the drainage hole with the pottery shard. Second, put in a layer of stones followed by the soil and perlite mix. In terms of watering, the soil should always be slightly moist; not wet (which will promote rot) and not dry. After about two months, the pineapple should be supporting itself as a new plant. At this point you should notice that the original leaves of the pineapple will begin to die and turn brown, with new leaves beginning to grow at the center. Brand Identity + Graphic Design. Since we moved up North, Zander and I have been doing quite a bit of weekend traveling.

Brand Identity + Graphic Design

I really wanted a special way to keep track of the places we have been together (and our bedroom walls were bare) so I decided to make this travel map cork board! It was pretty easy once I figured out the logistics… so now I’m going to share the how-to with you! Paper // printer // tape // frame // cork roll // spray paint // exacto knife // spray glue // map tacksThese links are what I used but feel free to be creative! 1. Decide what size your map needs to be to fit in the center of your chosen frame. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. The measurements above are what I used for my frame, but make sure to measure yourself, as frames will differ. Tree House For Adults. Architecture As a kid we dream of building an amazing tree house.

Tree House For Adults

The American couple Tereasa and David never forgot their childhood dreams. METALLICA Master of Puppets Slap Bass Cover. Mind-Blowing Story: “Talking to God…” I met god the other day.

Mind-Blowing Story: “Talking to God…”

I know what you’re thinking. How the hell did you know it was god? Well, I’ll explain as we go along, but basically he convinced me by having all, and I do mean ALL, the answers. Every question I flung at him he batted back with a plausible and satisfactory answer. In the end, it was easier to accept that he was god than otherwise. Which is odd, because I’m still an atheist and we even agree on that! It all started on the 8.20 back from Paddington. What did he look like? Well not what you might have expected that’s for sure.

‘Anyone sitting here?’ Acidmiasma. Acidmiasma on Blogger. AcidMia. Mia McCool.