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Coffee Sugar Scrub Recipe {homemade gift idea} How to: make homemade sugar scrub. This year for Christmas we’re doing a little less of everything.

how to: make homemade sugar scrub.

A little more homemade, a lot less commercial. My kids are getting a small smattering of presents {and I do mean small} and Viktor and I are keeping the gifts between us pretty basic and practical. I already bought myself the camera I wanted, the only thing left on my list is every available song from the Glee Soundtrack. But I digress. My point was that we’re keeping it simple. I set about trying different ingredients from my kitchen to make a sugar scrub and I think I’ve found just the right combination. So, let’s get started. You need: White Sugar Brown Sugar Olive Oil Vanilla {totally optional, but yummy} Step 1: Find a container for the scrub The sky is the limit, really. Step 2: Measure Some Brown Sugar You want your sugars to be equally mixed, so find out how much the container you’re using will hold and then measure equal amounts of sugars to fill.

The Pinterest Project: Coconut Sugar Scrub. I'm a girl.

The Pinterest Project: Coconut Sugar Scrub

You know, in case you hadn't noticed. I like girly things. Makeup, dresses, pretty shoes, jewelry and spa treatments. Ok, except I am sort of weird about strangers touching me and it's not often that a spa day is in the monthly budget. But in THEORY - I like spa treatments. DIY Beauty. Once you've scrubbed your skin, keep it moisturized and supple with a healing body oil.

DIY Beauty

Grapeseed oil has antioxidant properties, and unlike other oils, which can be heavy or greasy, it's light, easily absorbed, and creates a protective layer to lock in moisture. It is also unscented, and mixes well with other oils and herbs. The easiest way to create your own moisturizer is to add oil to oil. Pick an essential oil with a smell you love (try lavender, rose, or orange), and mix a few drops into grapeseed oil. For a more complex formula, add herbs or citrus -- like lavender, rosemary, orange peel, or rose petals -- that you can easily dry out in a warm oven (fresh herbs and fruit will cause bacteria growth) and let sit for a few days.

Pumpkin Spice Latte Body Scrub. Oh, I have been so excited to share this with you all!

Pumpkin Spice Latte Body Scrub

Several of my favorite blogs have been sharing their excitement with Fall and the fact that it means the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. I, however, don't think it can in any way compare to this Pumpkin Spice Latte body scrub. I don't actually like the taste of coffee. Have I mentioned that? Yeah, I'm weird. This would make a great gift by the way, and smells super delicious! 1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar 2 heaping Tablespoons of your favorite ground coffee (I have been told that instant coffee can also be used, but my husband doesn't go for that stuff) 1-2 Tablespoons of pumpkin pie spice (this is a blend of nutmeg, ginger, cloves and cinnamon.

Start by pouring your sugar into a bowl and breaking it up to get rid of any large chunks. Next, measure in your ground coffee and spices. Finally, measure and add in your oils. Project DIY: Coffee Exfoliant / Ruche Blog. Hi Guys!

Project DIY: Coffee Exfoliant / Ruche Blog

My name is Sorren Isler and I write a personal style blog (classic noise) that also touches on food, my upcoming wedding, design and the occasional DIY. Below is my home beauty post: DIY Coffee Exfoliant. I hope you enjoy the post! :) With winter and cold air knocking at the front door, it's time to start thinking about a new skin regime to beat the season! I first stumbled upon the idea of a DIY coffee exfoliant back in the winter of 2008 with a professional aesthetician. What you'll need: 1 cup coffee groundsThe coarser, the better. 3 Tablespoons OilThe oils job is to act as a moisturizer. DIY Citrus Salt Scrub. It’s that time of year.

DIY Citrus Salt Scrub

Where you need all the exfoliation you can get! Everyone wants fabulous beach-ready skin! And lets be real, if you’re anything like me… exfoliating just didn’t seam important when you’re all covered up in winter clothing. Well, now it’s time to peel of those layers of clothing AND skin! Body scrub recipes - from warm brown sugar to cleansing strawberries. Honey Deep Hair Conditioner Recipe - - 112018. Facial Masks - Homemade Facial Mask Recipe - Egg Yolk and Honey Facial Mask Recipe. Prep time to make facial:Cook time for facial:Total time for facial: Egg yolk is wonderful for facials for dry skin types, but is good for most skin types.

Facial Masks - Homemade Facial Mask Recipe - Egg Yolk and Honey Facial Mask Recipe

Ingredients: 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon whole milk or cream Instructions: Blend all of the ingredients together and apply to your face. If you find it is runny and another teaspoon of honey. Facial Masks - Homemade Facial Mask Recipe - Sugar Cookie Facial Scrub Mask.