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Packing Lists

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Dorm Packing List. Here’s the Official Welcome To College Dorm Packing List! Print it out and head to Target and stock up! Items marked with a * are items you need, while items without a * are nice to have but aren’t essential. There’s a lot of things in a dorm room, so we’ll be adding new things later tonight, but feel free to add anything in the comments section and we’ll add it to the list! Also, need to stock up on dorm essentials? Check out this neat website that has everything you need in once place: 93. 18 Overlooked Things Everyone Should Bring to College. When it comes to bringing things for college, a lot of people make the mistake of packing stuff they don’t need, or forgetting to pack stuff they will need.

18 Overlooked Things Everyone Should Bring to College

Everyone knows that you need to take clothes, sheets, a micro-fridge, and a computer. However, I recently came across an article that listed some overlooked items students should bring to college. I’ve come up with my own, expanded list of less-common, often forgotten, items that you should take to college. So if any of these items aren’t on your college supply list, they should be. They will certainly prove to be quite useful. 1. 2. 3. 4. College Packing List - Your College Checklist.

Acatnamedollie: What to Bring to College and College Advice. College List Okay.

acatnamedollie: What to Bring to College and College Advice

Here is my list for packing for college. Please leave comments if you want to see things added, like explanations or whatever. So a bunch of you are now going off to college in the fall. What will you pack? How will you survive your first semester? What to Bring (In this section: Clothing, For the Bathroom//Hygiene, Cleaning Supplies, Electronics, For Your Desk//School Supplies, Storage, First Aid Kit, Toolbox, Food Items and Such, Craft Items, Miscellaneous, Items to Pick up in the Campus Vicinity, Items NOT to Bring) Clothing We’re all from New England, we all know how to deal with the weather (for those of you who don’t: layer). 1. Tip: Don't bring your winter clothing in August. For the Bathroom//Hygiene Don’t leave your things in the bathroom, because people will steal it. 1.

This is very important for different reasons. 10. Cleaning Supplies OMG CLEANING IS SO IMPORTANT. 1. Electronics. TheUltimateDorm8_16.png (1615×2108) Dorm Spot - Dorm Supplies at Prices You Can Afford! Tim "The Founder" As the brains behind the company and a true entrepreneur at heart, Tim first came up with Dormspot frosh year at Westfield State in MA.

Dorm Spot - Dorm Supplies at Prices You Can Afford!

Lindsay "The Shopper" With an engineering degree from Cornell, you'd think she'd be building bridges instead of picking out funnels, but Hey... it's fun. Kyle "The Coder" While studying Lighting Design at BU, Kyle found he also had a knack for building websites. List Builder This feature allows you soon-to-be-freshmen to easily create your own dorm shopping list from tons of suggested items. Dorm Shopping All of Dormspot’s shipping is coordinated by Amazon, so you know your information is safe and secure. Textbook Search Noone likes blowing up to $1000 a semester at the school store on books you hardly ever open. What To Bring To College: Things You Might Forget. The third and final post in our college checklist series on what to bring to college focuses on the really important stuff – the stuff you were probably going to forget.

What To Bring To College: Things You Might Forget

Don’t spend your first few weeks running from store to store. Read this checklist, pack accordingly, and let the party begin. Formal outfits – a suit for job interviews, dress pants and shirts You might think you will spend all your time in shorts, flip-flops, and your signature COLLEGE t-shirt (yeah, nobody has that one, you’re hilarious), but you might be wrong. If you plan on trying to get a “real job” you will probably be going to a couple interviews.

Also, lots of campuses have formal dances where your aviators and trucker hat just won’t cut it. What to Bring to College - CollegePrep-101 - Home of all Your College Preparation Needs. Take to College. College Packing List – What to Bring to College.