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Riots / Non-violence

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In Support of Baltimore: Or; Smashing Police Cars Is Logical Political Strategy | RADICAL FAGGOT. Rioters near Camden Yards in Baltimore smashing the windows and windshields of police cars. As a nation, we fail to comprehend Black political strategy in much the same way we fail to recognize the value of Black life. We see ghettos and crime and absent parents where we should see communities actively struggling against mental health crises and premeditated economic exploitation. And when we see police cars being smashed and corporate property being destroyed, we should see reasonable responses to generations of extreme state violence, and logical decisions about what kind of actions yield the desired political results. I’m overwhelmed by the pervasive slandering of protesters in Baltimore this weekend for not remaining peaceful.

The bad-apple rhetoric would have us believe that most Baltimore protesters are demonstrating the right way—as is their constitutional right—and only a few are disrupting the peace, giving the movement a bad name. But there is an even bigger problem. Like this: