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Interactive architecture

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Augmented Reality Technology in Architecture Field. 5 New Architecture Jobs Created By Technology | Archipreneur. The dramatic and fast-paced changes currently taking place in the architectural profession may be unsettling to some, but as with every technological breakthrough and proliferation of new technical solutions, job profiles come and go, reflecting the demands of the market. by Lidija Grozdanic It is the age-old story of technology changing the industry, simultaneously eviscerating old and creating new job profiles. Early CAD systems were extremely expensive and involved the use of cumbersome machines operated by specially trained workers. Designers had to bring their work to the CAD Departments and wait for hours or even days to receive plotted outputs. Blue-collar workers such as painters, plasterers, carpenters and brick masons may become extinct due to automation and new technologies, but according to several studies, computerization jeopardizes desk jobs the most-particularly middle-skilled positions that involve the execution of routinized tasks.

Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. EU projects | EIP - Smart Cities and Communities Market Place. External Reference Architects. Urban Interaction Design: Exploring the Space between People and the … GRAFT BRANDLAB. Programma Didattico - Master Relational Design. Design thinking meets urban planning | User experience design, UX design and usability in South Africa - Flow Interactive. Design thinking meets urban planning By David du Plessis The psychologist Rom Harré wrote that ‘the primary human reality is persons in conversation’. It’s a validating idea for design thinkers and user-centred designers because we do a lot of talking, and listening, to find the emotional touchpoints between people and products. With Harré’s quote in the back of my mind I joined a World Design Capital 2014 co-design workshop, teaming up with members of the community, city officials, and fellow designers to talk about regenerating the Gatesville Central Business District and the Lansdowne Civic Precinct.

The co-design workshop was structured as an end-to-end design thinking process, and for many participants it was their first encounter with design thinking. But the premise of the day was that everyone is a design thinker, and we were encouraged to participate in conversations structured by the primary design thinking stages of: Empathy, context and ideas Creating a vision Next steps. 6 Best Practices for Designing Experiences in Public Spaces. By Darren David, CEO and Nathan Moody, Design Director of Stimulant When asked what Stimulant does, one simple answer is that we design and develop software. But this software powers site-specific installations and experiences for people in physical spaces. We strive to reach people literally where they live, work, play, and visit, rather than online. Site-specific experiences can connect people to ideas, brands, and each other in ways that are impossible online.

The often-unexpected presence of digital experiences in the real world allows the designer to have a greater intellectual and emotional impact on the end user. That’s why it’s incredibly important to understand the nuances of public spaces and the considerations for designing experiences within them. #1: Design For Different Levels of Engagement When designing within a public space, you have to take into consideration that people have various attention spans.

What does engagement mean experientially? #2: Be Spatially Literate. Five Unique Spatial Design Experiences. After graduating in Industrial Design, Chiara Ferrari has developed her professional experience at architecture and design firms such as Future Systems, Heatherwick Studio, Lovegrove Studio, Zaha Hadid Architects, as well as Lissoni Associati in Milan – specialising in Interior and Furniture Design. In 2015 she will sit on the D&AD Professional Awards Spatial Design Jury. To give us an idea of the kind of creative work she expects to see at the awards, we asked her to pick out her favourite examples of retail, exhibitions, interiors and installations from the last year. I believe any successful design project should reflect the intersection between growing technology, client brief and contemporary / local culture. In addition, Spatial Design should also aim to offer a unique experience to its target users, one that involves the senses, integrates technology, or challenges the use of materials.

Nike Kobe 9 Launch Fragrance Lab, Selfridges Cafe KI - Tokyo Saint Laurent Shop - London. UX London 2014: Dan Hill. Dan Hill recently joined the Future Cities Catapult as Executive Director, having moved from Fabrica, a communications research centre and transdisciplinary studio based in Treviso, Italy, and part of the Benetton group. A designer and urbanist, he was previously Strategic Design Lead for Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund, in their Strategic Design Unit in Helsinki, exploring how design might enable positive systemic change throughout society.

Prior to Sitra, Dan was an Associate at Arup in Sydney, where he was Arup’s Foresight and Innovation leader for the Australasian region, as well as being their lead on urban informatics and urban strategy. Dan worked on major urban development and building projects worldwide, from Helsinki to Masdar to Barangaroo. Prior to this, Dan was a key member of the start-up team for the global media brand Monocle, where he was Web & Broadcast Director. Designing how cities happen (after the internet) Slides. Tom Hulme – Urban Design – UX London 2013 | Amanda Salter. Urban design can teach digital a lot. No matter how we design cities, people will take their own paths. Eg Highbury fields with ‘desire paths’ through the grass made by Arsenal fans on the way to a home game. Or Brasilia – designed without pavements – because the designer thought people would no longer walkOur job is to design something but the truth is in how it is used.Many architect concept diagrams don’t show people – imagining it unused.

We have to stop doing that in Photoshop! 1. Don’t be precious. 2. View our digital products as an opportunity to see desire paths.Accept that we will be wrong. 3. Brasilia created a vanity exercise to make city look like an aeroplaneSkuemorphism can be good – eg Trash can for delete. 4. 5. M8 in Glasgow makes city feel splitThink about the interesting bits in the middle that could be open or closed. 6.

St Pancras station was commissioned by railway company. Like this: Like Loading... Chi siamo - IdLab. SERVICES | URBAN DATA + DESIGN. Profile – OFL Architecture /// Official web site of an interdisciplinary practice focused on sinergies between architecture with biology, music and social technologies. Lessons Learned at the Intersection of Architecture and Experiential Design. PSFK and Architizer weigh in on the future of design and its implications for building out new experiences PSFK’s Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Piers Fawkes, and Architizer’s Founder & CEO, Marc Kushner, share their views on the lessons that can be learned from the history and creation of buildings that surround us.

PSFK’s Building Tomorrow report, created in partnership with Architizer, presents an analysis of contemporary architecture with implications for the modern design of ideas and service experiences. As the world continues to change around us at a rapid and exciting rate, we can think of ourselves as architects for great ideas, building out products and services that adapt for an audience or based on our experiences. This idea from Fawkes is the basis of inspiration behind our free report Building Tomorrow: Trends Driving The Future of Design. Building Tomorrow’s analysis includes nine trends driving tomorrow’s design.

Images: Moesgaard Museum, Tongva Park. Leveraging Feedback: An Urban Planner's Journey to UX Design — MotherCoders. One of the main challenges I face in moving into UX is that I need to show new projects in my portfolio that demonstrate those skills, and so far I only have one. A couple of months ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone to participate in Neohack 2014, a hackathon sponsored by Girl Develop It and Macy’s, where I helped my team win the ‘Style Award’. Using Macy's API, I helped our team design an app called “Macy's Events”, which enabled users to shop on Macy's site by searching for products organized by events (e.g., birthday party, Valentine's Day, hackathon etc.) This was particularly thrilling for me because I wire-framed the site, created the page layout, developed a storyboard, designed a new logo for the app, Photoshop-ed images, coded HTML+CSS, and did the final presentation at the end.

Leveraging learnings Recently, I was accepted into General Assembly’s UX Design Immersive program, which will begin in 2015. UrbanIxD towardsCityMaking. L'architettura deve interagire. Molly Wright Steenson, Fred Scharmen L'interaction design mette insieme varie discipline. Perché l'architettura quasi sempre lo trascura? L'interaction design è la disciplina progettuale che riguarda la creazione di rapporti tra gli utenti, gli strumenti e l'ambiente. La Technology Review del MIT afferma che l'interaction design "vuole essere per il mondo virtuale ciò che il disegno industriale è per quello fisico". [1] Invece di realizzare prodotti o spazi si dedica alla progettazione di 'esperienze'.

Il concetto è di Bill Moggridge, cofondatore di IDEO e attuale direttore del Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, e di Bill Verplank della Xerox, di Interval Research, di IDEO e di Stanford. Moggridge ha progettato nel 1979 il GRiD Compass, il primo computer portatile del mondo, ma ha poi scoperto che il fattore di forma degli apparecchi gli interessava meno del modo in cui interagiva con il computer. E tuttavia l'interaction design stenta a migrare nella prassi dell'architettura. 1. INTERACTION DESIGNER | IED Istituto Europeo di Design. Nel corso trasversale di Interactive Design, tenuto dalla docente Tiziana Gemin, hanno collaborato gli studenti dei secondi anni di Interior Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Sound Design. La finalità era quella di progettare delle installazioni interattive in un’ottica multidisciplinare.

Ne sono nati quattro progetti che sondano le possibilità espressive ed esperienziali legate alle nuove tecnologie. “Give it, get it” di Simona Baccanti, Steven Luisotto, Camilla Manardi, Isabella Montan, Diego Nosella, propone uno scambio di segreti fra sconosciuti. All’interno di un’ambientazione balneare suggestiva, l’utente ha la possibilità di spogliarsi di un segreto e di “aprire” virtualmente una bottiglia affidata alle onde, contenente il segreto di un altro fruitore.

Scopri di più. Non-standard and Interactive Architecture (by Hyperbody) Hyperbody’s MSc specialisation in Non-standard & Interactive Architecture (NS&IA) aims to implement innovative architecture with state-of-the-art material and information logistics. In this context, Non-standard Architecture (NA) is defined as an architecture that departs from modernist, repetitive, mass-production principles in order to address complexity, variation, and mass-customization.

Furthermore, interactivity in architecture (IA) is addressed at the level where building components and buildings become dynamic, acting and re-acting in response to environmental and user-specific needs. At MSc 1&2 level students are introduced to the basics of NS&IA, while at MSc 3&4 level they advance their expertise in parametric and scripting-based design for NS&IA. Worldwide renowned guest lecturers and tutors including Hyperbody Alumni are invited to participate in the program for both theoretically inspiring lectures and practical workshops to be hosted in protoSPACE. What you will learn. INVIVIA. Interactive Architecture. Interactive Architecture In the age of knowledge, architecture is the storyteller. The year was 1969. In what he called an “Unwarranted Apology” for the discipline, architectural theorist Reyner Banham argued that while technological advances have often dictated innovation, architecture has often been late to adapt.

His revelation, so obvious today by 21st century standards, was that mechanical engineering and architectural design cannot be separated. Banham sited Frank Lloyd Wright’s Larkin Administration Building as the country’s first example of an hermetically sealed “air-conditioned” building. It successfully created a “well-tempered” environment by collapsing technology and architecture, making it impossible to separate the mechanical operations from its design. Experience Design is the process of creating these interactive spaces. Architecture as media: the evolution The prescribed The model of the prescribed is a film. The responsive The interactive Building architectural anthologies. / en. DONTSTOP architettura. I quattro elementi della progettazione del futuro Che Futuro! Si possono applicare le nuove tecnologie al design?

Non hanno nemmeno avuto il tempo di porsi questo interrogativo. Stavano già realizzando il connubio. L’intesa non mancava. Lo spirito di sfida nemmeno. Sono passati dieci anni da quando hanno costituito il loro studio. Molti di più da quando i loro destini si sono incrociati. Un designer, due architetti e un filosofo. Non è un caso che sia così. Ma la passione per l’interaction design per Fabrizio Pignoloni nasce molto prima. È questo il territorio sul quale Fabrizio e soci si confrontano quotidianamente. “Nuove pratiche di progettazione, questo è un modo per fare innovazione oggi”, così mi dice Fabrizio ripercorrendo il suo percorso professionale ed anticipandomi il prossimo passo che compierà dotdotdot.

Nel design è intrinseco il concetto di sperimentare. Studio KEYART. Architettura interattiva per insetti ed esseri umani: Wunderbugs - Architetti. Per il secondo anno consecutivo uno dei progetti dello studio OFL Architecture, Wunderbugs – Architettura interattiva per insetti ed esseri umani, è vincitore dell’ambito premio A+ Award 2015 indetto dalla piattaforma internazionale Architizer. Wunderbugs, oltre a essere l’unico progetto italiano vincitore, è stato premiato per la categoria “Architettura + Collaborazione” che raccoglie quei progetti che si sono distinti per l’innovativa esperienza collaborativa del suo team, che in questo caso includeva tre architetti, un esperto del suono, un interaction designer, un compositore, un’entomologa e un apicultore.Una giuria di oltre 300 leader del settore, tra cui Iwan Baan, Bjarke Ingels, Sou Fujimoto, e Rem Koolhaas, ha selezionato finalisti e vincitori tra oltre 3.000 partecipanti provenienti da 80 paesi.

Protagonista indiscusso di Wunderbugs è il mondo degli insetti. Wunderbugs Architettura interattiva per insetti ed esseri umani CommittenteMaker Faire Rome Area30 mq Realizzazione2014. Programma Didattico - Master Relational Design.