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Huge designer portfolio created entirely in Instagram. An online portfolio is a great way to showcase skills and experience to potential clients.

Huge designer portfolio created entirely in Instagram

But how do you make yours stand out from the crowd? We've already explored how to craft the perfect portfolio, but Jose Navajas' Instagram account demonstrates how designers can take creative portfolios to a whole new level. Subscription offer With 400 million monthly users all over the world, Instagram is the perfect place to create a portfolio and attract attention. And Madrid-based designer Navajas has done just that, building his painstaking portfolio out of 515 images and 21 Instagram accounts. The result is a creative spin on the traditional website, as users click on pictures with a yellow tab to learn more rather than just scrolling through pages of text.

Liked this? Words: Dom Carter Dom Carter is one of the staff writers at Creative Bloq. 5 tips for founding your own design business. Previously Head of Creative for Tesco's in-house creative team – which included over 60 graphic designers, art-directors, stylists, photographers, copywriters and creative managers – Sunita is co-founder & creative director at SSHY Creative.

5 tips for founding your own design business

Here the Brand Impact Awards judge shares the benefits of her experience of setting up her own business for those wishing to follow in her footsteps... 01. Adapt to survive Everyone's dream of their own branding agency is different. If you are going to make a success of it, be really sure what you want and keep striving for it, but be prepared to modify your plans. Subscription offer 02. For me, I wanted to be very hands on and definitely didn't want to delegate all the exciting projects to a big team. 03. Most importantly I knew that I needed to offer a graphic design approach that was different from the competition. The other thing is write it down – anyway you like – I do mind-maps in felt tip pens and keep referring back to them. 04.

Eigene Arbeiten. How to become a designer without going to design school. I got my job as a designer without going to design school.

How to become a designer without going to design school

I had hacked together my own design education in 6 months while working a full-time job. I didn’t think I was ready but started applying for jobs anyway – and got a job at a great startup, Exec. To be clear, I’m nowhere near as good as those design prodigies that come out of a 4-year education at an elite school like RISD. But I’m definitely good enough to do my job well. I’m the only designer at Exec, so I do a pretty wide range of things – visual and interaction design, print, web, and mobile app design.

Maybe you want to change careers and become a designer full-time. This is a guide to teach yourself design. Update: I first published this blog post over a year ago. Step 1. First, learn how to draw. You don’t have to sit in a room with a bunch of other artists trying to draw a naked woman.You don’t even have to get that good at drawing. Learn graphic design theory Start with the book Picture This. Learn how to write Step 2. Quando il packaging diventa geniale! Oramai, è terminato il tempo in cui i prodotti venivano semplicemente imballati in un involucro meramente materiale per proteggerli dall’esterno.

Quando il packaging diventa geniale!

Oggi, invece, il concetto assume un’accezione molto più ampia, allontanandosi dalla fredda materialità dell’imballaggio. A tal proposito, si è soliti rifarsi al termine inglese packaging che – in una dimensione più aperta – comprende anche e soprattutto aspetti immateriali riguardanti prettamente la dimensione estetica. Va da sé che oggi gli imballaggi siano molto creativi, con l’obiettivo di catturare l’attenzione e l’interesse del consumatore per convincerlo ad acquistare il prodotto. Di conseguenza, capita sempre con maggior frequenza che persone meno attente scelgano prodotti più scadenti ma dal packaging più accattivante, spingendo le aziende a spendere più risorse per il design anziché per la qualità intrinseca delle merci. Ecco alcuni degli esempi di packaging che abbiamo trovato particolarmente geniali: Sketch 3: 10 Trucchi Insoliti per Designers — Design + Sketch App. Qualche giorno fa i ragazzi di Bohemian Coding hanno rilasciato la versione 3.3 di Sketch sul Mac App Store, introducendo diverse novità degne di nota capaci di migliorare l’esperienza d’uso dell’applicazione.

Sketch 3: 10 Trucchi Insoliti per Designers — Design + Sketch App

Voglio condividere con voi 10 trucchi per Sketch 3 che ad oggi hanno migliorato il mio flusso di lavoro riducendo gli sprechi di tempo. Occupandomi di Visual Design, Sketch 3 è diventato il compagno insostituibile per la progettazione di interfacce web, mobile e wearable da più di 2 anni. “Sketch è stato studiato per creareesclusivamente interfacce utente.” Gran parte del tempo impiegato nella costruzione di un mockup è spesa di frequente nel disegno, nel posizionamento e nell’allineamento dei componenti dell’interfaccia. Come ho già descritto nel mio articolo precedente, Sketch 3 è stato studiato per progettare esclusivamente interfacce utente, di qualsiasi genere, fornendo degli strumenti appositi per lo scopo.

120 tips for being a successful graphic designer.

Billboards & Advertising

Restaurant identity. App design. Typography. Corporate identity. Logos & illustrations. Portfolio miscellaneous. Photos & photomontages. Video. Free Resources. Print/serigraphy. Varias. Libri.